Just Cause 4 Reviews

Just Cause 4 is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2018

Just Cause 4 is a really engrossing game that makes you want to goof around. The amount of new toys will decide about the longevity of this game – players can unlock A LOT of them during their progress with the main storyline. Unfortunately, it also means that gamers have to complete a dozen of repetitive tasks. Despite that, it’s still worth it.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2018

Just Cause 4 is a title that is worth experiencing for anyone who just wants to have a good time watching explosions and flying around a beautiful world.

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Luke Lawrie
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2018

If you enjoyed the last game in the series then Just Cause 4 will give you a lot of fun creating explosions across the world, it just doesn’t push the series in any meaningful direction.

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4.1 / 5.0
Dec 21, 2018

A new entry in the Just Cause saga spells hours of fun for gamers if not anything really new for fans of the series.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2018

Just Cause 4 is fun when you're unloading lead, dancing around lightning, and blowing things up but it lacks significantly elsewhere. Avalanche has released a very unpolished open world experience that feels outdated visually and mechanically. To add insult to injury, the story feels bland and continues to make Rico one of gaming's most uninteresting protagonists despite his wide array of skills and gadgets. Just Cause 4 isn't a really bad game, it just has a lot of shortcomings and issues that hold it back from being something more than average at best and really mediocre at its worst.

Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2018

Just Cause 4 has so many good systems in place, but it seems to have lost sight of what to do with them. While it's a relatively decent game in its own right, it continues the series' decline.

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6.8 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2018

But is that at all bad?.

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Dec 3, 2018

I plan to chip away at Just Cause 4 over the next week or two and hopefully write a definitive review at some point. Between the technical issues, the drab story, and the baffling mission structure though I’m feeling pretty disappointed so far.

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6.5 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2018

On one side, we can’t deny we had a lot of fun dipping in and out of Just Cause 4. It’s an exciting, crazy sandbox with some wonderful tools and pretty non-stop action. The downside is - Just Cause 3 did most of this stuff a lot better.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2018

While it misses some of the best features from its predecessors, Just Cause 4 is a captivatingly fun experience, with enough new mechanics to be a staple for action fans.

3.5 / 5.0
Dec 5, 2018

Other than laughter and the occasional satisfaction of seeing a crazy plan come together, Just Cause 4 doesn’t illicit much of an emotional response. It’s ugly, monotone, and almost feels incomplete. Even some of the character animations look lazy, as though the characters themselves are saving their energy for something. The game isn’t without its charm, certainly, but that charm doesn’t amount to much when it is marred by a plethora of other issues. Just Cause 4 approaches its potential, but doesn’t quite seize it. Considering how well the game performs at its peak, that is a real shame.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2018

Just Cause 4 is a wild and outrageous open-world game, and there are a lot of goofy and funny moments that worth cherish. But compared with its prequel, Just Cause 4 barely changed in terms of gameplay.

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6.8 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2018

Just Cause 4 succeeds in being a chaotic open world in which ammunition tricks and vehicles are always on.

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8.1 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2018

If you love open world games that let you loose to just play with things and see what kind of mayhem you can create, there's no better series than Just Cause 4. And while this holiday season is filled to the brim with new games, I would strongly advise against sleeping on Rico's latest adventure. It's one you'll be guaranteed to have dozens of hours of fun with. Recommended.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2018

Buy Just Cause 4 if you want to set off epic explosions and simply have fun playing the fool. Don’t buy it if you expect to do that while working your way through its story, because you’ll be sorely disappointed.

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Dec 4, 2018

Despite a few inconsistencies and missed opportunities, Just Cause 4 is still insanely fun and worth your time.

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6.5 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2018

Just Cause 4 suffers from having little to no meat on its bones and a very poor graphical presentation. The complete freedom of movement is exhilarating but ultimately not enough to keep your attention for more than a couple sessions.

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4 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2018

In a year where Square Enix also released The Quiet Man, I’d be hard pressed to decide which of these games is worse. Just Cause 4 may have a slightly higher score, but I think I’d prefer playing The Quiet Man. At least that title is short.

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8 / 10
Dec 3, 2018

In spite of trotting out a premise that's been done to death, Just Cause 4 remains fresh thanks to its creative gameplay features and varied missions. With explosions aplenty and stunning visuals, there's little amiss with this over the top entry in the series

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Dec 12, 2018

Overall, Just Cause 4 feels every bit the game that Just Cause 3 did, yet it pales in comparison due to its lacklustre presentation, stilted design and derivative story

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