Just Cause 4 Reviews
Even ignoring the massive technical faults, Just Cause 4 just isn’t fun to play.
We finish this 2018 in style with the last triple A of the year. Rico returns to the top in a title full of action that will not disappoint fans of the saga and that will delight users looking for a sandbox full of explosions and shootings.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Just Cause 4 delivers on the explosions, wild action and fun you expect from this franchise.
At times Just Cause 4 excels at being a playground for destruction, a welcome bit of silly entertainment that lets you ride on top of a car over the edge of a cliff before jumping off, opening your chute, pulling out a rocket launcher and raining down hell.
Recommending Just Cause 4 to both old fans of the series and new players is a hard task. if you are a fan of this series you might be easily disappointed because the game hasn't changed much compared to the previous games. and if you're new to the series, you might fell in the trap to compare it to other open world games out there and therefore not enjoy it much. there are many issues in the basis of its gameplay that can't be resolved even with huge updates.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Should you join Rico in his newest mission? The answer lies in the kinds of game you enjoy. If you had fun with the prior titles, then Just Cause 4 delivers enough improvements to make it worth a playthrough.
Overall, Just Cause 4 is a worthy sequel, and improves many problems I had with 3. A shallow story and bland open world don’t hinder the excitement and insanity the tool set Rico is given to cause damage with.
Just Cause is always known for its action aspect. And the fact is not changed with Just Cause 4. But with almost last gen visual and countless of bugs and issues, it feels like a rushed game.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
Just Cause 4 doesn’t make a lot of changes to the core gameplay of the series, but then again it doesn’t have to. It does make some welcome tweaks and additions, most notably to the grappling hook. The fourth installment in the series may not be as visually appealing as other titles in 2018, but it’s just as explosive and entertaining as ever.
There are times when Just Cause 4 is amazing, but the final result is a game that loses parts of what made Just Cause great in the first place. The new mission structure repetitive and causes the series' staple destruction to take a backseat. The tether customization is top notch and the new weapons are a winner, but things like throwable C4 are gone. And the extreme weather, which is exciting when it appears, doesn't make its presence felt during most of the game. I had fun with Just Cause 4, but it's a game I want to love more than I actually do. Temper your expectations.
Overall this is thoroughly enjoyable destruction along with an entertaining storyline and I really enjoyed my time with it.
Just Cause 4‘s villains never have enough screen-time to warrant their position of power or revenge, but this game is the equivalent of a popcorn flick for video games. It’s as ridiculous as the series gets, where the bad guys are trying to control the weather (the weather!), and Rico is the perfect person to remove them from power. Just Cause 4 is at its best when it isn’t too serious, and focuses on the fun and silly – which this game has in spades. Just Cause 4 is a great ride from start to finish.
Just Cause 4 offers the most diverse and beautiful Playground of the Series so far and finally optimized some parts from Just Cause 3 like the generic enemies and repeated order of missions. The Apex Engine delivers an amazing performance (PC Version) and we can recommend this game even with its unfinished cutscenes and a lot of arduous NPC accompanying missions.
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