Fallout 76 Reviews

Fallout 76 is ranked in the 8th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5.5 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2018

If I had to describe Fallout 76, I will say it is a flawed idea that never works well. It is simply broken and feels boring but offers a redeeming factor with the open world exploration in some well-crafted environments. The buggy nature of the game is its biggest hurdle and some quality of life changes will go a long way in molding it into something enjoyable in the future.

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2 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2018

I really hope Fallout 76 is turned around, I really do. I have a lot of respect for Bethesda for publishing quality single player releases such as The Evil Within 2, but Fallout 76 is just dire. It shouldn’t have seen the light of day, and you shouldn’t buy it

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7 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2018

New Fallout is atypical game in series but online survival is not bad at all. Just full of bugs and technical issues.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Top Critic
5 / 10
Nov 21, 2018

Fallout 76 feels like an early access title and should have been labeled as such. The game was not ready for launch, and even hardcore Fallout fans will have a hard time ignoring its problems.

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Oyungezer Online
Emir Ataç
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2018

Different, confused but still a Fallout game in its essence. I really hope updates will help Fallout 76 to reach its potential one day.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2018

With some more time and more inspired gameplay design, it could have been a much better experience. Right now, unfortunately, its great world feels like a missed opportunity that's mostly not fun, only in very few scenarios and for very few people. Bethesda proved with The Elder Scrolls Online that it can turn things around but 76 may require some sweeping changes until it's ready to be recommended to others.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2018

While Fallout 76 has had a bit of a rough launch and certainly has some glaring issues, I have enjoyed my time with the game. There is the framework here for something really solid. Many of the game’s issues can be addressed and patched, with Bethesda already starting to do so. The core game underneath here is really fun so hopefully Bethesda keep working on it and continue to evolve what Fallout 76 is so that it can eventually become the online Fallout experience everyone wanted.

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5.5 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2018

Although there's fun to be had in Fallout 76, the game itself feels like it has an identity crisis. Besides that, it definitely feels like an unfinished game. Even for former Fallout standards it has an abundance of bugs.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 29, 2018

Fallout 76 can be a great time thanks to its satisfying combat, gameplay loop, and handling of perks but the removal of NPCs and therefore any real impact the player can have on the story, systems that are currently glitched or in need of rebalancing, and way too many bugs to count make your time in Appalachia one where the fun times can truly shine only to quickly fade the next time a glitch or annoying system rears its head.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2018

Fallout 76 might sound good on paper and in some ways it works for players with very specific gaming requirements. With friends, the multiplayer aspects are sure to be fantastic and filled with joyous moments. However, for those who play alone or don’t have friends willing to join the adventure, making new ones here is a tough campaign. Fallout 76 isn’t a bad game per se, far from it. But a little more refinement in its systems would help provide it a better footing in the grand scheme. What remains for what we assume for the majority of players is a solitary experience, devoid of any redeeming qualities after extended hours playtime that hands gamers a by the numbers card. This approach ultimately feels lifeless and lacking in memorable charm. A shame then, as the core game is commendable and fun to play in smaller doses.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2018

A vast game that invites players to explore it, preferably in company. Some design and technical problem are hard to ignore.

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5 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2019

Fallout 76 is a disappointing game. The existence of the Fallout name on it and, of course, the relatively large propaganda it launched for Bethesda had many hoping for a well-designed multiplayer game, but the end product is now unplayable. What I'm sure about is that we are with a Publisher that faced this crisis a few years ago when it came to The Elder Scrolls Online and was able to contain it well. Nobody can recommend buying Fallout 76 at the moment, but maybe another year, the game will become the same fan-favorite for Fallout fans.

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Dec 10, 2018

Love it or hate it, Fallout 76 is an experience with some interesting ideas that definitely don't work as well as you imagine. The bugs and the repetitive quests can be forgiven, but the empty Appalachian world makes us want to take the country roads and go back home.

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8.3 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2019

As of the end of 2019 Fallout 76 is everything Fallout fan can expect from online Fallout experience. Plenty of walking, collecting scrap, and killing everything that still lives. Only thing is that now you can explore with other players, mostly friendly folk.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2018

While Fallout 76 has some things it does right, it is too buggy and has much too low of a player base to truly enjoy. While it will scratch that Fallout itch, it's not worth it at its current price. Wait for a sale.

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Ondřej Rys
3 / 10
May 31, 2019

Although we were waiting half of the year after its release. All in all, a lot of bugs and lags, an empty sad and ugly-drawn world that likes to crash every moment, nothing new has been added besides the possibility of pulling its camp on its back. These are the main reasons why the new Fallout 76 will only take such a low score by us. It is also warning to everyone who would still consider buying it - don't do it.

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4.8 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2018

Bethesda has to improve her Creation Engine. You can't make an exclusive multiplayer game using an engine based on a single player game. In addition, the number of bugs and the optimization of the title is unacceptable.

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Nov 28, 2018

Although Fallout 76 offers the fans the opportunity to explore the wastelands of West Virginia, sadly it's only online. I say sadly, because the online elements don't really fit well with the established Fallout gameplay. The game also feels a bit aimless. If you enjoy exploring post-apocalyptic worlds, you should probably stick with Fallout 4.

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Nov 19, 2018

Whether you play with friends or by yourself, Fallout 76 is the beginning of a fascinating direction for the series. Having Fallout be an open world online game makes lots of sense, for the core element of the series is that of exploration in a post-apocalyptic world. I think in time, as Bethesda continues to build upon the game, we will see Fallout 76 become a stronger entry in the series, as well as a worthy online role-playing adventure.

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5 / 10
Nov 20, 2018

Fallout 76 is the answer to a question that now would be great if unanswered: “What if Fallout but with multiplayer?” Unfortunately, this experience is a broken mess, full of technical problems, lack of direction, boring and repetitive quests, and some archaic design choices that don’t work very well in a shared environment.

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