Detective Gallo Reviews

Detective Gallo is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Oct 8, 2018

Detective Gallo is a graphic adventure born with a crowfunding for lovers of the genre, which has managed to realize itself in a superb way in every aspect. Gallo is an excellently characterized character, full of charisma that never ceases to entertain with his rules and acumen of a 50s detective.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2018

A cartoonish adventure inspired by the Disney cartoons of the 90s and by the old point and click games. Good riddles and a lot of laughs!

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8 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2018

Much like its title character, Detective Gallo is a game that manages to grow on you and is a pretty easy purchase for genre fans.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 20, 2017

Overall, Detective Gallo is a great point and click game with little to dislike. It brings a solid story, some very likable and dislikable characters, and it does the point and click genre justice. The difficulty might be a bit too much for some, but the payoff is worth it.

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Sep 10, 2018

While Detective Gallo does have some noire themes, it's a light-hearted and colorful point and click adventure release. The game is entertaining and is of a reasonable length, since you'll be spending around 5-6 hours playing this adventure from start to finish.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 20, 2018

Detective Gallo has most of the telltale signs that this would be a great point-and-click adventure—on paper, anyway. The cartoonish art style, the dark sarcasm, (most of) the puzzles, and the unpredictable story all heavily suggest this game has the makings of a hit. It's unfortunate that a few bad eggs spoil the experience a smidge.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 28, 2018

In the end, Detective Gallo is a fun adventure game for those starting to get their feet wet in the genre. The environments are limited, but that also takes away the frustration of getting lost. The puzzles can be a little obtuse but not to the point of being nonsensical. The constant backtracking can be annoying at times, but that's all mitigated by the previously mentioned elements. It is a funny game, though, and humor always serves as a good gateway for those wanting to get into a new genre. It isn't the best the genre can offer, but it's good enough for those who aren't already entrenched in the genre's more difficult offerings.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 24, 2018

With an abundance of adventure options available on the Switch what Detective Gallo has that helps set it apart is the noir theme mixed with the often deadpan humor delivered by the main character. At a minimum the game is easy on the eyes and the voice acting, while perhaps not always perfect, at least generally maintains a consistent level of quality. If you like your protagonists a bit hard-boiled and your humor a bit silly Detective Gallo is a fun choice.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
6 / 10
Oct 9, 2018

Although quite rough around the edges, the sheer amount of love and care present in Detective Gallo warrants at least one playthrough. With a surprisingly strong voice cast, coupled with an appropriately moody atmosphere, with a jazzy soundtrack and cartoony visuals, the point-and-click adventure is able to craft an identity all of its own, even if it isn't particularly unique in regards to its genre. The adventure does fall on the short side with puzzles that are not always particularly engaging, but Detective Gallo nonetheless makes for an interesting playthrough even if it does ultimately fail to live up to its potential.

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Sep 5, 2018

In the end, if you're looking for a modern take on classic games like Monkey Island, Sam & Max, or Broken Sword then Detective Gallo will certainly do the trick but it definitely doesn't bring many new and exciting elements to the table.

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5 / 10
Nov 14, 2018

Detective Gallo is a point and click game that brings some interesting character interactions and plot, as well as a talented work of voice acting. This effort is only halfway there, though, as the control system is not ideally suited to the Nintendo Switch and the game's puzzles often make little sense, which contributes to make this a game that is not fully successful at its goals.

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Brad L.
Top Critic
Sep 13, 2018

I began Detective Gallo feeling quite peckish for some good point-and-click action. Unfortunately, though, the game has me migrating elsewhere, as Detective Gallo's cockiness as a character was very grating, and I found myself beginning to moult as a result.

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