Rage 2 Reviews

Rage 2 is ranked in the 44th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6.5 / 10.0
May 21, 2019

More Mad Max than Doom, Rage 2 is well made, but doesn’t have a lasting impact.

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May 16, 2019

Simply put, RAGE 2 is a strange beast. Perhaps that was inevitable as the follow-up to a middling first effort developed across two very different studios. Perhaps that shared production is also the reason for the lack of unity. Whatever the reason, RAGE 2 is clearly best suited to a particular kind of player. The game offers an often-beautiful environment combined with easy, enjoyable traversal mechanics. Comprising the bulk of the experience is some of the finest and most diverse gunplay combat to be found gaming today. However, these charms are let down somewhat by the lacking story and structure and a general feeling of a tonal mismatch between the bland protagonist and the madcap world.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 20, 2019

Despite the story and method of progression being a bit naff, RAGE 2 is one of the most satisfying FPS games I’ve played in a long time. With its multitude of skill trees, funded by both cash and secondary pick-ups, there’s a lot to try and unlock which will enhance your experience as you mercilessly cut off the heads and spill the guts of your foes. The vehicles are heavy and control perfectly, with the exception of the one which would have made my life so much easier, and the combination of weapons and abilities keeps the action diverse and interesting from beginning to end. My main complaint about RAGE 2 is that it’s a little too big for its own good. A more compressed map and fewer skill trees may have made it a more refined experience, but at least there’s plenty to do and see in this post-apocalyptic world. I can’t wait for the DLC expansions to arrive for the game as It’ll give me a reason to play on, post-completing the game, and gear myself up for the upcoming content. RAGE 2 isn’t a narrative-focused adventure, it’s a superb shooter encased within a beautiful world which is held together by a loose narrative.

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60 / 100
May 20, 2019

Rage 2 could be amazing, but it fails on wrong game design, short story and lack of character.

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6 / 10.0
May 15, 2019

Rage 2 was one of the most anticipated games of 2019 but unfortunately didn't manage to fulfill our expectations as much as we wanted. Just like other titles from Avalanche and ID Software, combat is enjoyable and satisfying while story is very stereotype and void of any charm. Besides that, it doesn't take long before gameplay becomes boring because of inappropriate structure of objectives and empty world of the game. Maybe if Rage 2 wasn't an open-world game and ID Software developed the game on its own, the results would've been much better. In any case, if you want to keep yourself entertained until the release of other major first-person shooters, you can give Rage 2 a try.

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6 / 10
May 19, 2019

On paper, the alliance between cult developer id-Software and the still quite young open-world enthusiast Avalanche Studios should actually work out brilliantly, the digital reality unfortunately now shows us a different picture. While id-Software masters its paradediscipline in the shooter segment not surprisingly with the unerring mixture of known retro charm and modern action fireworks, the open game world with its lack of motivation and fatal unkindness limps ahead. The repetitive quests paired with the monotonous, imposed jaunts and the flat, emotionless story, skilfully help RAGE 2 to gamble away tons of potential. If you are looking for entertaining entertainment with outstanding gunplay and can accept various weaknesses and an abundance of repetitions, you should take a closer look at RAGE 2.

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May 18, 2019

If narratively shallow yet entertaining movies are popcorn flicks, Rage 2 is the ultimate popcorn game, and that’s okay.

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6 / 10
May 17, 2019

Rage 2 is certainly colorful, frenetic, chaotic and plays extremely well. Unfortunately, everything else feels and looks uninspired, in a game with an uneven tone between parody and something unnecessarily serious and generic.

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May 16, 2019

For all Rage 2‘s shortcomings, it’s worth stating again that whenever you find enemies, you find some of the best combat encounters in any modern shooter. It’s so good it makes the duller parts close to irrelevant. Would Rage 2 have been better off as a more linear shooter? Maybe, but I’d rather have seen a bit more refinement and polish to the open-world, and its driving, because by trying to be a bit of everything and not creating each aspect equally, Avalanche and Id has diluted a hi-octane shooter’s venomous sting with a beige paste of open-world busywork.

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7.2 / 10.0
May 16, 2019

Rage 2 is an adrenaline filled joy ride filled with carnage and essentially non-stop action.

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80 / 100
May 16, 2019

The original Rage didn't live up to expectations. Marketed as an extensive narrative-driven FPS experience the game was negatively criticized for having a short and lukewarm campaign but had strong gameplay mechanics. Rage 2 is an improvement from the first game, focusing on high intense gameplay with a moderate improvement in its narrative. However, the oversaturation of optional tasks dominates the core campaign's meager offerings. With the game overrun with tedious busy work until the next part of the campaign is triggered. Rage 2 has its ups and downs but overall it's a solid FPS that is a step up from the previous entry.

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May 14, 2019

RAGE 2 is doused in neon, bright colors, and blood. This post-apocalyptic punk-wave world is an absolute blast thanks to the co-development of id Software and Avalanche Studios blending styles and ideas. I wish there were more main missions as they are often the most exciting part of the game, but this is a game where you make your own fun. It has a better and satisfying ending over the previous, and has a fully-realized open-world with things to do that doesn’t ever waste your time. RAGE 2 has been worth the wait. When combat is in full swing, its kinetic energy and momentum is the most stupid fun you can have.

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Adam Bárta
8 / 10
May 12, 2019

Rage 2 took the definition of fast shooter to a brand new level and despite its problems, title is able to keep you entertained thanks to its great movement & fighting system. It is just a pity of some unused potential, Rage 2 has aspects that can be seen as a clear extension of the otherwise totally worn-out FPS genre.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 5, 2019

Rage 2 is a great single player open world FPS game with plenty of action and enemies to kill, but the lackluster plot holds the game back.

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8 / 10
Jun 20, 2019

Would I recommend this game? Yes, purely because it is so much fun to play, it's random, over the top and bat shit crazy. I guess that is one thing that sets it apart from other open worlds, I don't think there is much if anything that is as crazy in the open world genre as this is. Rage 2 will more than likely consume a lot of hours of your time with all the different things there are to do within the world, but it's so much fun that you probably won't even notice. Just one more mission?

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May 13, 2019

In Rage 2, you move fast and kill faster. It's the synthesis between id Software's 2016 reboot of Doom and Avalanche Studios' Mad Max, bringing together some of the best ideas from both. Moment-to-moment play on foot is fantastic with each weapon and ability just opening up your options for destruction. Driving could be improved and it's a little on the shorter side, but Rage 2 is a damned good time.