Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Reviews

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Jul 11, 2018

Nintendo's continued run of Wii U ports has to have a finite end, but while Switch players are getting games like Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker then its best just to bask in it. Gloriously cheerful, charming and enthralling, it's only diminishing features are its slightly short length and lack of difficulty for seasoned players.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2018

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is one of the best options in Switch's catalogue. The combination of a huge amount of funny puzzles along multiple additions to this version make it feel like an interesting purchase.

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80 / 100
Jul 11, 2018

Captain Toad returns with his first adventure starring alone for Wii U with a version for 3DS that, although graphically suffer remarkably, proves that it's still a fantastic platforms and puzzles proposal.

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85 / 100
Jul 11, 2018

This is the same game we enjoyed four years ago in Wii U. A perfect mix between puzzles and platforms, which includes four new Super Mario Odyssey inspired levels and a new (pretty basic) coop mode.

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9 / 10
Dec 1, 2014

Top to bottom, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a delightful little treat of a game. It shows a purity of puzzle design that few studios can match, and it wraps it all in a sugary-sweet presentation that only the most jaded could refuse. With a game this good, Captain Toad may just be Nintendo's next breakout star.

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8 / 10
Jul 17, 2018

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is every bit as charming on Switch as it was on Wii U.

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Alex Donaldson
Top Critic
Jul 11, 2018

Quote not yet available

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IGN Italy
Luca Fabbri
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2018

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker is a smart, fascinating puzzle game. A must have for Switch and 3DS owners.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2018

A sweet and relaxing experience based on the Super Mario universe with Toad as our main character. Each level is a puzzle by itself and it needs tons of patience and to be able to play with prospective.

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4.5 / 5.0
Dec 9, 2014

The beauty of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is that it never fails to be cute, clever and ever so slightly challenging all at once. It's absolutely clinical in its design from start to finish, boasting some of the most creative levels Nintendo has ever produced.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jul 25, 2018

Just like his grand adventure, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is simply a delight to experience in the unique and puzzling world he explores.

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Dec 9, 2014

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a great expansion on the concept of the mini-games from Super Mario 3D World. Unfortunately, despite a lower starting price it never offers enough new elements to become truly great. You'll still enjoy every second you spend in this bright and colorful world though.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2014

The usual high quality Nintendo level design and charm makes up for the lack of challenge and longevity.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2018

Strap on your spelunking light and head into adventure with Captain Toad, you won't regret it.

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8 / 10
Nov 30, 2014

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a rare case of a game that feels truly designed — from the ground up — with the Wii U in mind. The GamePad is utilised just enough to be worthwhile without being a nuisance, and the only mis-step is that the difficulty later in the game can't be eased by assistance from a friend, parent or game-savvy son or daughter. That aside, it's relentlessly charming and joyous, and is another example of Nintendo's developers flexing their creative muscles along with game-making skill. There's nothing else like this on Wii U, and it's a welcome addition to the system's growing library.

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8 / 10
Jul 11, 2018

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a hidden gem from the Wii U era that's been given a new lease of life on the Nintendo Switch, and rightly so. New levels and fresh multiplayer are welcome inclusions but it's a bit of a shame that we've lost four levels as a result – and for no apparent reason. Still, all being said, this is a wonderful and gorgeous puzzler fit for all ages, and one which you should definitely experience if you're yet to.

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8 / 10
Jul 11, 2018

If you own a Switch then there's no real decision to be made here: Captain Toad is still far and away better on Nintendo's latest system. That's not to say the 3DS version is a write-off, though, because that's far from the case. As seemingly one of the final few big-name releases for the system, Captain Toad pushes it to its limits to produce easily one of the best-looking 3DS games ever made. The 3DS may be preparing for retirement, but games like this are ensuring it's going out in a blaze of glory.

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7 / 10
Nov 30, 2014

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker isn't the most taxing puzzle game in the world, but it's well-paced and enjoyable all the same.

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7 / 10
Jul 11, 2018

While this Switch re-release doesn't add as much as some may hope, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is still a delight.

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Top Critic
85 / 100
Nov 30, 2014

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker most reminds me of the old Game Boy version of Donkey Kong (often called Donkey Kong '94). Both are spinoffs of other games that focus on small stages where you need to get to the end while collecting tough-to-get items.

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