Metal Wolf Chaos XD Reviews
Metal Wolf Chaos XD has moments of entertaining mayhem, but they are hidden beneath layers of dated gameplay, nonsensical story, and gated behind a high asking price. Instead of being able to potentially discover a lost classic, mech fans get a rusted out blast from the past.
As much as people may look at this game as a meme and a novelty, Metal Wolf Chaos XD is more of a gem in the rough, a severely underappreciated title in FromSoftware's excellent library of mech games. The exaggerated patriotism, over-the-top dialog and impressive parody of popular culture is only a mask for its true facade - a surprisingly tight and very well-made mech game that's sure to please any fan and non-fan of the genre. The memes are only the tip of the iceberg.
It’s clumsy and filled with flaws, but it’s precisely these imperfections that make it so interesting.
Even if you suffer from bone spurs, going to war as the kickass President Michael Wilson in Metal Wolf Chaos XD is supremely enjoyable.
Metal Wolf Chaos XD, born from Microsoft's efforts to gain a foothold in Japan, offers a chance to explore a lesser-known aspect of From Software. While not as complex as Armored Core, its action-packed gameplay and affordable price make it worth exploring for those interested in unique gaming experiences.
Review in Italian | Read full review
In today’s gaming age, it is really difficult to recommend Metal Chaos Wolf XD to anyone else besides FromSoftware’s diehard fans. The game itself hasn’t really aged well and due to some outdated mechanics, it will turn off a lot of gamers.
Metal Wolf Chaos XD is a remake of 15-years-old game for Xbox One. It was released to convince Japanese to buy original Xboxes. While it failed back then, now the whole world receives game so Japanese that it hurst. Fast, arcade shooting, guns too big to be useful and Americans as patriotic as found only in other Japanese games.
Review in Polish | Read full review
I am glad Metal Wolf Chaos has a modern release. I just wish it didn’t have the problems it does. I’d also argue that it’s perhaps best remembered from a distance. While the cutscenes and dialogue have a wonderful charm about them, the gameplay itself is not nearly as remarkable. The game is currently $25, and it’ll last you at least 10 hours, or more if you like it enough to try to get high scores. With the visual aspect of this game just not being up to par with the original, if you have the means to play the original, or own it already, I can’t see this remaster being a compelling purchase. For anyone that’s just curious, or wants to experience more of From Software’s library, I’d at least recommend trying to pick it up when it’s on sale and going in with tempered expectations.
It’s definitely a novelty to own, but the word “relic” comes to mind while playing this game. While you can experience other title’s in similar fashion to Metal Wolf Chaos XD, It’s cheesy lines, it’s quirky nature, and it’s unbelievable plot sell the title, but it’s gameplay and pacing will ultimately question it’s current worth.
A solid remaster of an underrated cult classic. Although there are a few problems, it shouldn't be enough to turn you off from this game. It's a fun callback to old B-movies especially with its self aware tone.
The forgotten From Software game Metal Wolf Chaos is finally coming to the west thanks to Devolver Digital and General Arcade. Let’s take a look at the PC version of the port.
Metal Wolf Chaos XD is definitely a game that shows its age, but with everything intact from 15 years ago, it's a unique remaster of a cult classic.
As a remaster of a 2004 release, Metal Wolf Chaos XD definitely shows its age. If you're willing to reduce your expectations and just go back to a simpler time, though, there is a lot of fun to be had with it.
I had some pretty violent mood swings while playing Metal Wolf Chaos XD. I laughed, I smiled, I grimaced, and I yelled in frustration. At the end of the day, a lot of this comes down to simply playing a 15 year old game. Few of them age well and most of them coast on nostalgia.
Clunky controls, terrible on-screen litter and the slow pace just kill any semblance of enjoyment for me. Even the nonsensical plot and voice acting don’t make me want to play this again.
Metal Wolf Chaos XD isn't some grand revolution of the third person action genre. It's a 15 year old game where a president in a mech suit fights giant tanks, and that's fine by us.
Metal Wolf Chaos finds new life on PC, PS4, and Xbox One with Metal Wolf Chaos XD. And while it’s not a full remaster, it does more than enough to become accessible for the first time in its existence. The work done to bring this to modern systems and give people a chance to finally play it by removing the complications of obtaining the original Japanese game and hardware, is so appreciated. Metal Wolf Chaos XD is bonkers from start to finish, only getting crazier by game’s end. It very much feels like an unearthed time capsule, but Metal Wolf Chaos XD offers much in the way of replayability and absurdity that I couldn’t help but love its zaniness.