Winds of Change Reviews

Winds of Change is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nintendo Life
Stuart Gipp
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jun 14, 2021

This is thoroughly absorbing piece of fiction that manages to justify being a video game by virtue of skillfully integrated choices and missable content, making multiple playthroughs a potentially appealing prospect. The voice acting throughout is extremely impressively performed, the UI and controls are nearly perfect and the art is beautifully drawn, though we felt the characters could use a few more poses/expressions at times. Anyone interested in a ripping virtual novel yarn -. and who isn't tediously prejudiced against any and all 'furry' content - will find a lot to love in Winds of Change.

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80 / 100
Jul 21, 2021

As furry visual novels go, Winds of Change is in the upper echelon. Leaps and bounds from its predecessor, this follow-up boasts a charming cast of characters, wonderful character models, and some great storytelling. If you want a fantasy tail… erm, tale to sink your teeth into, this is one you should check out.

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Aug 21, 2019

Winds of Change is an interesting visual novel that tells a well-crafted fantasy tale, but that gets bogged down in inter-character relationships.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2021

In the visual novel adventure Winds of Change, you play as a hero who is meant to save your land. Throughout the game, you must make difficult decisions, explore your surroundings, discover secrets, and build relationships with those around you. With an interesting story with lots to interact with, this game is definitely one to play.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Sep 5, 2019

Overall Winds of Change is a great game especially for those who love Visual Novels and or enjoy a story/dating sim set in an LGBTQIA+ friendly furry world.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 21, 2021

Winds of Change really is a fantastically written story, that, despite its surface level niche target audience, is a must try for any visual novel fans, or high-fantasy story fans. I'm sure you'll get something out of it, and for any members of the furry fanbase, if you haven't tried this game out and chosen a character to "stan," I have but two questions: Why haven't you, and why isn't it Valessa?

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Sep 2, 2019

Pacing is a bit slow and the work lacks the power that other masterpieces we like have, but this is surprisingly a very good visual novel with a story that is put together very well.It has a Bioware-like structure, its world is detailed and characters are varied each with their own backgrounds and motivations.Winds of Change won't let you down.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 3, 2021

While interactive fiction doesn’t tend to suit my tastes most of the time there are instances where I can at least step back and acknowledge when something a bit more special comes along in the space...

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Jul 7, 2021

For those curious about this furry visual novel, Winds of Change is a tale about how not everything is black and white when it comes to life.

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4 / 5.0
Jun 11, 2021

Overall, I honestly loved Winds of Change. Stellar writing, great voice acting, branching choices, and gorgeous artwork make for an impressive visual novel. I definitely encourage you to look past what you think you know about certain online communities and not judge this book by its cover. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in this one.

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10 / 10
Jun 10, 2021

While it’s true the target audience is a bit niche, at its core Winds of Change is a thrilling fantasy visual novel about the oppressed and downtrodden finding hope and doing everything they can to change their world for the better, a story everyone can enjoy.

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May 31, 2021

Winds of Change is a lengthy visual novel with hours upon hours of playtime. At times I did feel that it was maybe a bit too long, though I think that will depend on how well you gel with the storyline. While the story is enjoyable and quite interesting, I felt that too much time is spent on managing minor friendships in the game, which feels like a filler to me. If adventure, visual novels with furries are your jam, then you will more than likely find what you are looking for in Winds of Change.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2019

Aside from a few gripes I had with this, Winds Of Change is a wonderful little visual novel. While the story does feel a little expository-heavy at the start and the latter periods feel very plot-driven rather than orientated by your characters' natural choices, this charming PC game has enough going for it to make it worth checking out. I love games like this and the world building, lore and general characterisation are good enough to keep you invested for the long haul. There are options to go back and replay with different choices but if I'm honest, I felt no desire to once I finished the game. Winds Of Change is a nice surprise and while it could certainly be better, the game itself is solid enough to recommend, especially given it's relatively cheap asking price.

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