A Knight's Quest Reviews
Possessing a strong sense of adventure, many nods to the Zelda series and some other titles, and reasonably open world to explore and discover things in A Knight's Quest has a fair amount working in its favor...
A Knight’s Quest doesn’t hide its inspiration, but in spite of some flaws and odd pacing issues, it is certainly a journey worth taking.
In A Knight's Quest we start from a good idea but it does not seem that anyone has measured the times you walk or if giving so many swipes to a single worm is fun.
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I was surprised by A Knight's Quest: I didn't expect the game to be so big. The world is a bit static at the beginning but later on it convinced me with big areas, enough to do and a good design. The protagonist learns step by step and you unlock more to do as you go. There are some technical flaws, bugs and not every quest delivers a clear indication about what to do. The storytelling is also very simple - however, I enjoyed Rusty's journey.
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"Rusty armor."
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Overall, A Knight’s Quest is a great throwback to the first days of 3D adventuring upon the PC and both Nintendo and Sony’s platforms for the time. Even if there’s an issue with the speed in which you can travel around the lands, there’s a great balance of gameplay and combat elements alongside the nostalgia that it imbues as Rusty tries to save the lands from the issues that he set into motion.
Aside from some minor visual glitches and pop-in and some finnicky platforming, A Knight’s Quest is not at a bad time but it’s not an experience that will stick with you, either. Its focus on humor instead of drama or pathos will be a selling point for players weary of self-important heroes and dark themes but on the flip side, humor is very subjective. From its title to its overall mechanics, A Knight’s Tale seems like a safely familiar variation on a popular but over-played theme, appealing for its recognizable form but less satisfying for its lack of creative ambition.
While the game’s structure feels immediately familiar, A Knight’s Quest does manage to set itself noticeably apart in several key areas, usually in a favorable way, though not without some flubs that are of major consequence.
A Knight's Quest is a fun, colorful, Zelda-like with some interesting dungeons and a great sense of humor that is weighed down by weak combat and the occasional bug.
Is this the Breath of the Wild fresh air you’ve been waiting for or is it a Link to the Past PS2 era adventure games? Is this worth your rupees? Can I think of any other Zelda based puns? Probably but that will annoy the hell out of you and only keep me mildly amused… Anyway, I award A Knight’s Quest the Thumb Culture Silver Award! It’s a fun adventure game that will keep you entertained but is plagued by some technical issues.
After playing the game, I can feel the creative team's love and passion for the game. You can appreciate the homage to the Legend of Zelda series. You'll enjoy about 30 hrs of gameplay overall. I think this title will surprise gamers new and old alike. It's the perfect mix for a gaming experience.
A Knight’s Quest is an alright light style RPG that is linear in nature with an overall quest that hits well for the younger audience out there.
A Knight’s Quest has a solid foundation to be a great game. But it suffers from to many problems to break itself away fro the pack of Zelda-Like games.
There is a good game under the surface here and you can tell a lot of hard work went into creating this game. It's just unfortunate the technical issues and odd design choices put a damper on the experience quite the way it does. With a very crowded 2019 Q4 and 2020 Q1, I can't see A Knight's Quest taking up much of your gaming time with what is being offered.
A Knight’s Quest is still an enjoyable adventure, but the bland magic and item system along with the abundance of technical issues makes me hesitant to recommend the game. I found the game’s core gameplay of combat, platforming, and puzzle-solving to be quite well done and the inclusion of the interesting grinding mechanic still makes A Knight’s Quest worth trying out. The story’s humor is mostly enjoyable, but at times comes across like the game’s trying too hard. If you can look past these issues and focus on the core gameplay you’ll most likely find some enjoyment with this title, but don’t go in expecting a perfect adventure.
A Knights Quest started off a bit rough for me and I thought perhaps my expectations were set a bit too high after having watched the trailers. Luckily over time, the best elements of its world, exploration, and it stellar music won me over. The combat is so close to feeling good, but just can’t quite get there. Overall I’d still recommend fans of this genre to check it out. A Knight’s Quest has a great adventure in store, only missing the mark just barely.