Action Arcade Wrestling Reviews
Action Arcade Wrestling successfully achieves its prime purpose of being fun. With a ton of customization options, you can create matches that only existed in your wildest dreams. Although the power-ups and spots may put off purists, the love and admiration for the sport are evident throughout the game.
There's a lot of potential still waiting to be tapped in Chikara Action Arcade Wrestling, and considering how the game is in a constant state of evolution, it won't be long before it makes the jump from the mid-card to the main event spotlight.
Action Arcade Wrestling is a beautiful and smooth game that's very attractively priced. Easy to pick up and play, it boasts a deep (but separate) creator's tool with plenty of community-created wrestlers to download. What it does, it does well. But it's missing features to make it a great game, specifically a career or federation mode. The framework is there, so hopefully, we will see that in the future.
Chikara Action Arcade Wrestling is a game you pick up and play for a few hours in short bursts that you have fun with but spend hours if not days fine tuning your custom creations. The game really wants you to just have fun with it and not take it too seriously. In that aspect I think it's safe to say they succeeded.
And then comes the realization that this dutiful throwback to wrestling arcade mashers past can only create a brief spark with its current offerings. Here's hoping they find a way to light an eternal flame.
It won't hold your attention for too long. Still, with the massive pool of customizability and readily available downloads from the AAW community, there is enough here to wet a wrestling fans' appetite. If only it had the same depth with its available modes, it would have gone from a good game to a great one.
Action Arcade Wrestling is a fun title that manages to deliver a pretty cool gameplay, but that can only really be enjoyed with other players. The complete lack of single-player game modes or an online mode limits its audience, which is a shame given the vast potential that the title has.
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Though it still has a ways to go, Chikara: Action Arcade Wrestling is a worthwhile pick-up for wrestling fans. Matches are raucously entertaining, and there's enough variety to keep fans occupied for hours upon hours. The CAW feature is brilliantly implemented. Once you get the hang of it, the potential is boundless. Some issues, particularly the AI, still need to be sorted out, but the developer is really keen on delivering consistent updates and fixes.
It’s an arcade game made to be accessible to anyone, wrestling fan or not. This is evident in its design and stylization. The lack of game modes may be a detriment for many and really hurts the longevity of such a game, but the controls are solid and the game runs beautifully. There’s not much more one can ask for in an arcade experience.
A definite for wrestling fans
While I’ve never been too much of a fan of wrestling itself as a sport, I’ll admit that at times I’ve dabbled in them in game form...
Action Arcade Wrestling may look like small game, but easily is one of the most fluid and innovative wrestling titles to release across platforms in years.
At this moment in time, Action Arcade Wrestling is a great-looking and fun title that feels like it’s still very much in early access. The lack of content for solo players is painfully obvious from the get-go and the fact the creation tools require a totally different format and separate download is a puzzling choice. As mentioned before, the bones of a great wrestling game are here, just currently that’s all it is. It’s a quick and fun time without substance and doesn’t really offer much that other wrestling titles such as Retromania Wrestling or Wrestling Empire haven’t already recently covered.
Chikara: Action Arcade Wrestling is a lot of fun, especially playing with friends. New modes are being added all the time, but playing along may grow stale after a little bit. Kudos to VICO Game Studio for keeping on the updates and keeping the game moving forward. With a starting price point of $15, wrestling fans would enjoy hours of gameplay.
CHIKARA: Action Arcade Wrestling IS the wrestling game I have been waiting for after the slew of WWE games that really hasn’t been great. Sure, Fire Pro Wrestling World is good but its a bit hardcore for those that are looking for some quick-fire wrestling action. With its button bashing simplicity but allowing you to do some amazing moves along with fighting with your makes. I hope the Online play gets busy as this game will be doing some high flying manoeuvers off the top ropes. For this, I’m going to give CHIKARA: Action Arcade Wrestling a Thumb Culture Gold Award