Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate Reviews
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate takes a great musou game and expands it.
Warriors Orochi 4 was a solid, if uninspired, Musou game and this 'Ultimate' edition fleshes things out with some new characters and modes, significantly beefs up the story and tweaks the central gameplay here and there. However, the additions that have been made sometimes feel like the least amount of effort that was possible.
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate is a good mix of content especially the new playable characters, however many of the base game problems haven't been fixed and ultimately it feels more of the same but with a hefty price and a lot of time it feels like a paid update.
Review in Arabic | Read full review
It’s an easy sell for brand new players, but I think only the most hardcore of Warriors fans will feel like the price-tag of the DLC update is worth it for Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate.
Be warned, Musou fans: if you try Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate your time will be sucked into an endless pit: more characters, a new ending, and more modes, weapons, magic and challenges, but with all the known problems: it's very similar to WO4 and it tends to be a little bit repetitive soon.
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For newcomers, Warriors Orochi 4 now gets a recommendation. For existing fans, you'll have to weigh up whether the additions are enough to pull you back in.
Warriors Orochi IV Ultimate is so big and messy that I would never recommend it as an introduction to Mosou-style gaming. If, however, you beat Fire Emblem Warriors or Hyrule Warriors and thought, "Wait…that can't be it," you will not draw the same conclusion here. Not by a longshot.
In the end, Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate corrects the issue a number of fans had with the original, in one of the worst ways possible.
Loud, colourful, and chaotic. Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate is a more than worthy addition to the long-running, entertaining franchise.
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate is the best and most complete version of the latest Koei crossover series incarnation.
Review in Italian | Read full review
If anything, Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate has opened my mind to musou games and I am really looking forward to going back to Dragon Quest Heroes, taking my first stab at Hyrule Warriors, and keeping a close eye on Persona 5 Scramble.
Reaching the climax in entertainment has been one of the main goals of the development team, and the team has reached this goal very well in this title. If you are a fan of the series, you will easily get along with the weaknesses of this game. Even if you are new to the series, do not worry about the negative points of the game and enjoy its action
Review in Persian |
Players who had previously purchased the base game could upgrade to the Ultimate edition through DLC for a price. Newcomers, on the other hand, will now only be available to purchase the game as Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate. For those getting into the series, the Ultimate edition is easily the definitive way to experience the game. To those who already owned the base game however, your money is best spent elsewhere.
Despite the high price tag, Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate brings a good amount of content with great additions to a game that was already pretty good by itself, being even more recommended for newcomers.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
At this point, you are most likely either in or out when it comes to the series. Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate is a fun Warriors game, but won't change your mind on the genre.
I'm in a difficult spot with Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate. On the one hand, the base game itself is so good, and the extra stuff doesn't mess with that. On the other hand, the extra stuff doesn't do much for the overall experience.
In the end, Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate is a mediocre Musou title. The action of wiping out giant hordes of enemies is exhilarating at first and the gameplay is rather polished but unfortunately, that's all there is to it and there's no feeling of escalation.
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate new content and expanded story take what was originally a fine crossover brawler and take it a notch higher but this bit of new content may not be worth the upgrade for those who already cleared the base game.
The gameplay feels a bit old-school, but it keeps the exclusive aspect of a 'mass scale' action genre which will occupy your precisions in control.
Review in Korean | Read full review
Yes, Warrior's Orochi 4 Ultimate sticks to its principles. You shred your way through masses of enemy hordes and get an increasingly strong troop. The game principle is clear and simple. The total package brings a lot of features that were necessary. Especially the aspect that you can now exchange the holy treasures is something I wanted. The story around Gaia and Hades brings new life into the otherwise boring plot. If you haven't bought Warrior's Orochi 4 yet and you have a preference for the genre, you can confidently go for the Ultimate version.
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