Marvel's Avengers Reviews

Marvel's Avengers is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2020

There can still be fun gained from playing Marvel’s Avengers, but it may give you a headache — existential or otherwise — long before you reach that point.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 1, 2020

I’m keen to see how Avengers continues to evolve and change in future updates and after implementing player feedback. Right now it’s hard to recommend the game based on the multiplayer component alone, but the full single player campaign was a welcome surprise, and if you’re a comic book fan and want to come along for the ride to see what Avengers will evolve into as updates roll out it’s certainly worth checking out to see if it’s for you.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2020

A solid third person action title that could use a little bump in high quality content.

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90 / 100
Sep 12, 2020

The newest Marvel game allows players to embody many of their favorite heroes, with more on the way from future DLC. However, the game is very slow and often glitches on the PlayStation 4, as the game is more demanding than previous titles.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 6, 2021

For a free upgrade, the next-gen patch is a real blessing here and it is certainly a great step for the game to take in its attempts to gain a second chance at becoming a new regular in your play cycles. Your engagement with the endgame aspects of Avengers is going to be solely down to your preferences and your tolerance for an intense, grinding style of game as seen with the emergence of the “live service” game, with even my short dip into the online field matching me up with players who out-ranked my power level a substantial amount. However, I have no desire to search for loot, to make my characters as powerful as possible, or even grind for some cosmetic skins, as ultimately the core hook just isn’t enough to keep me coming back. What is here is mechanically solid, but it never manages to be gratifying enough to keep me invested past an hour or so—and with the grind the game requires, that is just not enough time to get engrossed with the elements at play here.

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8.2 / 10.0
Apr 9, 2021

Sure, the game itself is still a little rough around the edges but it is a fantastic adventure that we think every Marvel fan will enjoy. It fills an Avengers-sized hole in the gaming market which could easily keep growing exponentially into the future. From A-Day to a Future Imperfect, to Wakanda and beyond… Marvel’s Avengers offers up endless hours of action-packed fun that deserves your time.

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4.2 / 5.0
Sep 27, 2020

Marvel’s Avengers is fun to play with all the heroes. Each has a different skill, unique abilities. MCU characters here are less showed that connects them with the comic.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2020

Marvel's Avengers is at odds with itself every step of the way. Thanks to a great story that spotlights Kamala Khan as the heart and soul of this game there is enough to justify its existence. The multiplayer, however, is riddled with bugs, bad level design, and a lack of diverse content that needs to be fixed sooner rather than later.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2021

All in all, I was surprised that I had as much fun with Marvel’s Avengers as I did. I still dislike the loot system and the microtransactions keeping me away from the best costumes but there is a good Marvel game beneath these elements.

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Sep 22, 2020

While the prospect of a multiplayer Avengers game is ripe with potential, Marvel’s Avengers is an experience stuck between two worlds. While its campaign is worth experiencing if you’re a fan, it’s hard to deny that the combat, gearing system, and presentation values are underbaked, leaving the core experience uninteresting and flat.

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5 / 10.0
Sep 18, 2020

Marvel’s Avengers feels like it has stolen ideas from other games only to implement them unsuccessfully. Level design is ordinary, and the missions are forgettable. The customisation saves the game, but with overpriced cosmetics, it is hard to justify the point of grinding. The gameplay is filled with glitches and bugs, making it hard for you to find any rhythm. Overall, Marvel’s Avengers is an average experience that you can find better elsewhere.

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2.7 / 5.0
Sep 10, 2020

Marvel's Avengers is a little disappointing. There are some excellent moments in the campaign, but they get bogged down by the technical (and social) ambitions of the game.

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Lee Mehr
Top Critic
4.5 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2021

In almost every respect, Marvel's Avengers is a confused title with a grinding structure that takes an Infinity War to reach its true Endgame.

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7.9 / 10.0
Sep 24, 2020

Despite its criticalities, Marvel's Avengers is a game that managed to involve me and have a lot of fun, giving me many hours in the company of friends and my dear superheroes. For anyone who is a fan of the Avengers like myself, this is a game not to be missed, especially considering that over time, being one of those titles followed by the developers for at least two years after their release, numerous other heroes with related missions will be added. We leave each other in the hope that this project interwoven between Crystal Dynamics and Marvel can evolve and improve itself to the best of its possibilities, especially considering the mistakes made in this, although still very enjoyable, first introductory chapter.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 7, 2020

Despite it having its fair share of issues, Marvel's Avengers is the licensed Destiny clone that is more than just that.

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6.3 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2020

Marvel’s Avengers doesn’t appear like any other Game as a Service. Crystal Dynamics did a great job on single player, but the multiplayer mode feels boring and repetitive. There are a lot of useless and irrelevant activities and the quality of the endgame is so cheap.

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8.3 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2020

The avengers bring unique gameplay for each of it’s 6 heroes in this action adventure looter, while it looks great and plays good enough, the coop does standout specially with friends, although some parts become a chore specially with the repetitive scenarios and enemies.

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Worth your time
Sep 7, 2020

Marvel's Avengers is an adventure with these beloved heroes that we have never witnessed before in a video game of that massive scale. With a grappling story and interesting narrative angles, it gets the job done for about 15 hours, if you decide to go at it without stopping for a side quest. But, borrowing different elements from genre defining games to create a base for your story is not cutting it to the extend the developers intended, because everything looks like a medicore mass up of God of War gameplay with a Destiny-like inventory and loot system, that also ticks the cinematic

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Václav Šourek
6 / 10
Sep 25, 2020

Avengers is a highly inconsistent title with great narrative and gameplay. On the other hand, uninteresting content and noticeable repetitiousness can pretty quickly discourage you from playing the game. Similarly, there's another big issue with the technical side of the title, which makes it almost impossible to play the game smoothly. However, we do believe that in time, the developers will eliminate such problems by new content and patches.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2020

Marvel’s Avengers suffers from an identity crisis. It tries to do too many things at once and that leaves you with an experience that's torn between two points. It has a single-player campaign that does a fantastic job of harnessing the Marvel universe into an exciting and action-packed set of events.

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