Star Horizon Reviews
Star Horizon is a forgettable rail space shooter that fails to live up to the legacy set by other titles in the genre on Nintendo systems. I would honestly avoid this and play Star Fox through a Nintendo Switch Online membership; it's cheaper, it plays better and you're less likely to find yourself frustrated.
Star Horizon simply has too many issues to warrant playing. Poor graphics, voices and variety make for a dull experience, and one level is broken to the point of unbeatable. If you want to blast some enemy ships, just play Starfox again.
Star Horizon is a port of an on-rails space shooter mobile game that unfortunately misses the mark. The gameplay is simple enough to get into and not too difficult, but it's fairly bland at the same time. It's alright for a few hours of gaming, but at the time of writing, a game-breaking glitch prevents you from progressing past mission seven.
Although Star Horizon could really use some more levels to stretch out its short story, if you are generally OK with on-rail space shooters, this game is generally OK. I can't say it is great, but it is a good game and should keep your trigger finger happy for a few hours.
Overall, while Star Horizon isn’t high art, it’s an otherwise interesting little mindless space shooter that gives you enough things to do to be worth a couple hours of diversion.
While this is a semi-competent port for Switch, ultimately Star Horizon's core gameplay is uninteresting and tired, while its mechanics lack polish.
Levels are often large and expansive but without the enemy layout to fill them up. There are plenty of fun weapons at your disposal, but the targeting system makes them all less functional. While it runs well on Switch and certainly has its moments where everything lines up just right, overall it is at best a mediocre rail shooter. Even if you're desperate for this underrepresented genre, there are already better entries available on the eShop.
Star Horizon is a basic rail shooter that looks fantastic for a Switch indie so it's sure to provide some entertainment for genre fans.
Ever since the days of the classic Wing Commander series I've been a huge fan of space dogfighting mixed with a bit of operatic drama...
MEDIOCRE - Star Horizon is a pretty standard on-rails shooter set in space. Basic gameplay and an extremely lenient auto-targeting system make for a fairly dull experience. Visuals, voice overs, and graphics are pretty decent here, but overall there’s much to be desired.
As someone who tends to get a lot of enjoyment out of rail shooters, Star Horizon is a game I had high hopes for. And while I feel some features, like the storytelling and upgrade system, fall a bit flat, the core shooter experience can be pretty fun in short bursts. Sadly, in its current state, it’s impossible to recommend a game that is, as far as this reviewer can tell, entirely unbeatable at this time due to a game-breaking glitch.