Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time Reviews
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time occasionally stumbles, but it often manages to be a strong showcase for the TV series.
If you’re a huge Samurai Jack fan who wants to spend some more time with the character, it’s worth a play. But if you have experience with the likes of Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden, you will find its gameplay lacking.
While Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time could ultimately do with some more focus on its core elements rather than its extensive side system, there is enough here to be enjoyable. For fans of the series revisiting these classic locations and characters years later can help push through the rough spots. It may not win over any new converts, but longtime fans shouldn't have too much trouble looking past some faults purely for the joy of seeing Jack once again.
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is a weak adaptation of the series, but the action mechanics just aren't all there either, dragging it down even further. With a few tweaks it could be a fun little weekend mascot game, but as is, this adaption isn't going to appeal to just about anyone.
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is a mediocre trip down memory lane. Although interacting with beloved characters is amusing, its core gameplay is dull and repetitive. Fans may enjoy the new narrative that extends the epic conclusion of season 5 but be prepared to endure some blunt, boring combat.
With characters and a story so true to the source material, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is an excellently executed adaptation that Samurai Jack fans will adore.
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time goes back to the past-for better or worse, as a fun, but somewhat shallow experience.
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is a surprisingly fleshed-out action game that should please both the Toonami faithful and those who miss a simpler time in the action genre.
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is a love letter to the animated series and a throwback to classic platform action games of the PS2 era, in the best possible way.
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is a hack and slash adventure with a few platforming elements. If you like taking on punishingly difficult hordes of enemies and proving your fighting prowess, you'll enjoy this game.
Finally, after years of waiting, Samurai Jack fans finally have a game that captures the look, feel, and spirit of the cartoon series. It's not a perfect experience, mind you, but fans who've ever wanted to control the charming samurai now have an opportunity to do so.
Although Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time has the occasional frame rate drop, and it doesn't pose that high a challenge, Soleil's game direction has proved worthwhile. Having all the tools to shape your experience provides a thoroughly enjoyable experience for the player, and it'll keep long-time fans of the series happy seeing Jack's old allies in action once more. However, with such a short time-to-complete and weak story, it will have you yearn for more.
Ultimately, this isn't the Samurai Jack game of your dreams. But despite its flaws, this is a good action game that will please fans, and its simplistic nature may even introduce the property to a younger audience.
A relic of another time, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time feels dated by today's standards of character action games but still represents a mighty fine way to replay as one of Adult Swim's most notable heroes.
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time feels like it's stuck in the past. As a game in 2020, it feels like a relic of a bygone era; Jack lost the battle through time ten years ago.
GOOD - If you’re a fan of the legendary animated series then you’ll no doubt find enjoyment here cutting up Aku’s robotic army as Samurai Jack. Just don’t expect much more than that out of this title.
Watch out: Battle Through Time might go down as one of 2020's surprise hits.
When all is said and done, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is perfectly mediocre if a tad disappointing for fans of the series expecting more.
When all is said and done, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is a wonderful game. It’s humorous, nostalgic, and something I would recommend to both existing fans and new ones alike. While there is a lot to be gained when you already know the story, prior knowledge isn’t necessary and I can easily see this title making new Jack fans out of many players. By nailing nearly every element, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is just the game I was looking for.