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804 games reviewed
71.6 average score
70 median score
51.7% of games recommended

TrueAchievements's Reviews

Jan 27, 2017

While the novelty is good for a few laughs, once that wears off, I Am Bread is a loaf of sourdough that's nine parts frustrating and one part fun.

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Jan 27, 2017

While the game sorely lacks a decent story to match its competitors, METRICO+ is still a decent puzzle platformer at its core. Fans of Braid will feel at home with its complexity and innovation, often requiring a similar level of spatial awareness and movement conservation to get through a stage. It manages to balance on the fine line between being too simple and too difficult, only occasionally driving players to frustration due to a lack of contextual instructions.

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Sylvio is a lesson in not judging a game by its screenshots. While it looks like a low budget throwaway, the game's best features mostly come in how it sounds. The memorable music and legitimately unsettling EVP recordings go far to prove its legitimacy as a tool for scaring. If you've never played a horror game, don't start here as the game requires a few too many concessions from the player. If you're a genre veteran looking for something atmospheric, retro-inspired, and adding its own unique gameplay mechanics, Sylvio is worth the trip. It's a candlelit ghost story that leaves you not breathless or horrified, but disquieted, which is perhaps the most effective horror of all.

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Jan 26, 2017

Hunter's Legacy is an action-adventure game that offers a story that has been told over and over in many forms without offering much that is different. With different locations to explore and teleporters to help you get around, the game feels quite large. Ultimately, though, you'll end up annoyed, potentially lost and feeling defeated on a number of different occasions whilst playing it; this lets the game down. The appearance of the game is one of its strongest points, but while it is fun in parts and generally an enjoyable experience, Hunter's Legacy just isn't quite the cat's pyjamas.

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Despite the enjoyable characters, fast gameplay, and retro fun, you might want to let Friday Night Bullet Arena go on sale before you invest.

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Jan 24, 2017

Although it started out as a VR title, The Assembly feels right at home on Xbox, perhaps even better suited.

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Jan 24, 2017

RWBY: Grimm Eclipse is a game that's made with fans in mind. It allows you to play any of the characters from the show as we're swept away on one of their missions. With competent, if simple, hack and slash action, a short but varied story mode and a decent amount of outside content to encourage replaying, it's a game that fans of the show or the genre may find enjoyable.

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Jan 20, 2017

Dead Effect 2 is a game with big aspirations that simply doesn’t reach the heights for which it shoots.

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Jan 19, 2017

Siege Commander is enjoyable at first, and throwing towers, cows and TNT is fun. The game's medieval setting and cartoony art style adds a nice touch to the gameplay, both campaign and multiplayer. However, having a tower land where you want is very awkward and more trouble than it should be. Little annoyances then start to set in, such as lag that causes problems when you build too many towers. Unfortunately the game just gets annoying and repetitive after a while, ultimately falling short in keeping you engaged for any significant time.

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Jan 18, 2017

As a horror game, Nevermind is a bit mediocre. While there's a well-built uneasy atmosphere throughout the main levels, the lack of danger does remove a lot of the potential for being scared. Perhaps this could have been improved somehow with the bio-feedback but it looks like we'll never know on Xbox. An interesting premise mixed in with the aforementioned well-made atmosphere means that the game may well be worth playing for some, but we'd just recommend waiting for a sale considering the game's short length.

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Overall, the game is no more than average in any way.

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Jan 12, 2017

It only took three hours to get through Rise and Shine in its entirety but it was an enjoyable experience. With beautiful visuals and some exciting boss fights, there's plenty of flash to get your attention.

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To this day Halo Wars remains the most accessible RTS game to have ever been released on a console, and while it may lack the depth of some of its PC brethren, as an introduction to the genre it is still at the top of its class. The addition of playing it on PC is a welcome inclusion and something for which many people have been asking since the game was originally released in 2009.

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This poor excuse for a dungeon crawler doesn't even have enough entertainment value to fall into the "so bad it's good" category. It's a masterclass in lazy design, from the abominable graphics and abysmal soundtrack through to the gameplay that is laughably unbalanced in your favour. Bugs and frame-rate drops are the final nails in the coffin. Score hunters will find an easy 1000G here, but it'll be precious hours of your life that you can't get back. Do the decent thing and let this one slither back to the crypt from whence it came.

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Jan 7, 2017

If shoot 'em ups are your thing, you're probably going to like this game, but to love it, you're going to have to enjoy the variety of other genres thrown into the mix.

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Deathtrap is a masterpiece in the tower defense genre to which many developers should look for years to come.

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While fun for a little while, Bridge Constuctor Stunts ultimately falls short.

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Dec 23, 2016

While the game isn't perfect -- side activities can be dull and there are a few frustrating bugs -- Stardew Valley will no doubt remain a staple in my rotation for months to come. It's a game that fully succeeds in its premise and for that it is worthy of your time.

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Forza Horizon 3 was already the pinnacle of racing games; the stunning new environment, refreshingly challenging handling and difficult weather conditions just highlight that fact even further. It is an essential purchase for anyone looking to expand their Forza Horizon 3 experience.

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If "Ties That Bind" is any indication of the level of acting, pacing, and writing to be seen this season, fans can rest assured that The Walking Dead will remain high atop their must-play lists.

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