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4064 games reviewed
75.0 average score
78 median score
49.3% of games recommended

COGconnected's Reviews

Mar 10, 2015

Ori and the Blind Forest is a title that has set the bar high for modern day "Metroidvania" games.  From the original artwork and the enveloping soundtrack to the pixel perfect control and heartfelt narrative, anyone who plays this game will find themself hooked from the get-go. Do yourself a favour, don't pass on this game, especially for the price, as you'd be missing out on a really great gaming experience.

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62 / 100 - White Night
Mar 9, 2015

White Night isn't the most riveting survival horror game I have played in recent memory but it isn't the worst either. If not for the unique film noir storytelling combined with a stylized black and white look, White Night could have been one of the more forgettable survival horror games of 2015. Unfair enemies and camera issues dampens an experience which otherwise should have been much better than the sum of its parts.

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Mar 6, 2015

What it comes down to is if you're not a fan of DragonBall, this score will seem too high. If, like myself, you are a fan, this score will seem too low. It's a game with flaws but it plays very well to its intended audience which, in my books, is a job well done.

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80 / 100 - ScreamRide
Mar 4, 2015

I had a lot more fun playing ScreamRide than I thought I would have. For the asking price, you get a solid amount of fun, varied gameplay, and solid audio to top it off. The only thing that can drag this game down is the camera controls at times, and some issues with aiming in Demolition mode, but these issues could well be tweaked later on. So strap yourself in and hang on, because it's going to be a wild ride!

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50 / 100 - Cities XXL
Mar 4, 2015

Cities XXL is a reasonably good city building game in a vacuum. It offers a decent creative experience, with flexible building options, while looking quite nice. Unfortunately, it performs extremely poorly. Then there's the elephant in the room – the other Cities games. They look the same, they perform the same, and save minor changes they ARE the same. Cities XXL even appears in the taskbar as Cities XL. For that reason, I cannot recommend Cities XXL. Instead, consider picking up a previous entry in the series for far less money to feed your creative self with some city building goodness.

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A plus sign doesn't always mean better

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Mar 1, 2015

It certainly isn't awful, but what strengths it does have only really appeal to the Kirby faithful, or less serious gamers.

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67 / 100 - Decay - The Mare
Feb 26, 2015

If you were a fan of Myst back in the day and long to have that old school point and click adventure back, then you'll most likely enjoy The Mare, even if the horror genre isn't your thing.

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Feb 25, 2015

It is far from being considered the definitive fighting game on the planet and should quickly be overshadowed by Street Fighter V's pending release but if you are a fan of the franchise or someone looking for some mindless fast paced fun, Dead or Alive 5: Last Round should be right up your alley.

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75 / 100 - Harold
Feb 25, 2015

Most platformer fans will get a kick out Harold, and anybody with a spare controller laying about that wants to try something new should check it out

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Feb 20, 2015

When it comes down to it, this is a must-play game for those who enjoy adventure games of this style – but it definitely sticks to the tried-and-true point n' click genre. It is very well produced and shows a lot of care behind it.

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86 / 100 - The Order: 1886
Feb 19, 2015

The Order: 1886 is not a perfect game by any stretch but it certainly wasn't deserving of the early criticism it received. Now that the release is finally here and you can play through the whole game yourself you'll find that despite some very minor misses in gameplay, Ready at Dawn sets a very high bar in terms of both presentation and story offering up one of the best experiences to date on your PS4.

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Feb 18, 2015

I fear that a smaller, simpler game such as this might get overlooked in the blockbuster-world of console gaming. Being priced very reasonably for what you get, Unmechanical: Extended is definitely worth the investment. I had fun playing it, and hope for more to come. My only request for any future instalments that may be planned would be for somebody to please turn on the frickin' lights…

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Feb 17, 2015

In the end, I enjoyed my time with Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock. Anyone who has history playing these types of games will feel right at home – just don't expect anything really new. The old adage "if it's not broke, don't fix it" applies here – other than the voice acting.

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63 / 100 - Evolve
Feb 16, 2015

If you have a solid group of five you can count on to play with at all times, Evolve might be worth a look. With some balancing, I could even see Evolve becoming quite popular among the hardcore e-sports types. For the rest of us who just want to jump in and have some fun, I'd recommend looking elsewhere.

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Feb 16, 2015

[F]ans of the Total War series will certainly enjoy this one and there's enough here to wrangle in some new players even if it may be a little daunting at first.

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75 / 100 - Apotheon
Feb 15, 2015

One of the key factors to my enjoyment of the game remains that Apotheon was free [through PS+ free games]. If the crashes and bugs aren't fixed by the end of the month when this becomes purchase only, I'd be pretty disappointed as a paying customer.

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81 / 100 - Grow Home
Feb 15, 2015

Simply put, Grow Home is a fun little game. It's not such a big game that you would spend more than a couple days playing it, but even after you've finished the story there is plenty to do afterward.

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Feb 10, 2015

Unfortunately the gameplay aspects of Grim Fandango have not aged gracefully. Even saying poorly is being kind. Yet the world, the characters and stories it contains are still top shelf. Go for the adventure, stick around for the laughs.

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Feb 10, 2015

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is exactly what fans of the series will expect it to be. If you have played, and loved, other Monster Hunter games before this one, stop reading reviews and just go buy it. You will love it. If this is your first Monster Hunter game I definitely recommend picking it up. There are really no games to compare it to, as the Monster Hunter series is entirely its own creation.

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