Crown Trick Reviews

Crown Trick is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Sep 12, 2021

Crown Trick has all the elements to succeed as a roguelite dungeon crawler: addictive gameplay, randomized dungeons and enemies, and a huge variety of monsters and weapons. However, with a market getting saturated by an endless number of similar titles, it does little to make itself stand out with its generic story and presentation.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2020

With challenging combat and witty history, Crown Trick impresses mainly for its diversity, being highly recommendable to all subjects. The journey lasts for hours, with an intriguing narrative and inventive combat mechanics, even combining several different elements. With that, a mature, consistent and very demanding game is developed, formed by curious unions.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

8.3 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2020

Crown Trick is a charming roguelike that oozes personality. The gameplay is challenging but fair, It’s a rewarding experience for those who stick with it. Fans of the genre will want to give Crown Trick a play.

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Nov 10, 2020

Crown Trick is a solid roguelike that stands out from the rest of the crowd, but is a bit sparse in the terms of content.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

Oct 31, 2020

So where's that leave us? I mean, overall, I had a really good time with Crown Trick! It's a classic style roguelike with some solid modernizations. I love the art style, and while its permanent upgrades are all pretty standard stuff (go in with more healing elixirs! Keep some of your currency across runs!), they do a lot to make the genre feel more... achievable by mere mortal man.

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Oct 27, 2020

It’s only Roguelike but I like it!. Fun visuals and addictive gameplay await people who want to don the crown

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 20, 2020

Crown Trick uses turn-based movement and roguelike elements to create an exciting dungeon crawler. The highly tactical combat is its biggest highlight: simple concept mechanics and a wide range of skills allow you to build different strategies, and it is very rewarding to create devastating elemental combos. The challenge is intense and fair most of the time, but peaks of difficulty and unbalanced aspects are a little uncomfortable. In addition, an interesting world, great visuals and a clear interface make exploration enjoyable. In the end, the result is a remarkable, intense and engaging experience - I keep trying to escape the Nightmare World even after countless defeats.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Oct 20, 2020

Crown Trick is a melting pot full of great ideas and is a solid performance, but never quite rises above the sea to fully shine.

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Oct 16, 2020

You can see the love the developers have put into the game while your playing it. Yes, some areas do become repetitive as most games do at some stage. However, Crown Trick has all the right elements to make it a fantastic dungeon crawler. A good indicator for me of how much I like or love a game when I’m writing a review is that by the time I get to the conclusion to have my last say, I’m busting to finish it off so I can go and play. And that is how I feel about Crown Trick, it has ticked all the right dungeon crawler boxes for me! It’s a wonderful game, with its turn-based combat, where each move is full of possibilities and each battle is a challenge.

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Oct 15, 2020

Do you remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books when you were a kid? Probably not, most people reading this are a lot younger than me and were probably on Snapchat or something instead. They were books that at the end of certain points in the story, you chose what to do and turned to the appropriate page to see what happened. There are parts of Crown Trick that are like that but the only difference is that Crown Trick repeatedly kills you and I cant then turn back to the other page to rectify my mistake as I could in the books I once adored.

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80 / 100
Oct 15, 2020

Crown Trick will go unnoticed by many, since it is not the best roguelike this year and has a very cartoon-like appearance. But underneath that layer, there is a complex game, with a variety of situations, weapons, enemies and much more. For fans of the genre, I recommend it, since it is different from other titles.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2020

Crown Trick is a roguelike that isn’t afraid to make you feel overpowered through its systems. However, it’s also not afraid to test your skills by introducing powerful enemies and traps. No matter what, though, there are plenty of ways for the player to take on the challenge. It’s this design that makes Crown Trick a must-play for both dungeon-crawler and roguelike fans.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2020

Crown Trick is slow to start and can't always get out of its own way, but patience is rewarded by a brain-twisting action RPG with a killer look.

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Oct 15, 2020

Crown Trick is replayable, fun, tactical, and full of meaningful variety. If you like rogue type games at all, it's a must-have and sets a high bar for the genre. If it doesn't end up as a game of the year contender, it dang well should be.

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