R-Type Final 2 Reviews
Let’s make no mistake here, though; what we have at the time of writing is good. It’s a great R-Type game with some well-designed stages, the series’ iconic brutal but fair sense of difficulty, lots of unlockables and customisation and an absolutely banging soundtrack. It’s an excellent investment for any shoot ’em up fan — particularly if you’re a longstanding fan of R-Type — and it’s worth your time. It will be interesting to see how it develops from hereon, for sure.
Objectively, R-Type Final 2 has a remarkably daft name and a rather slow play style that won’t endear it all that much to fans of more modern, bullet-hell style shoot-em-up titles. Subjectively, I rather like it despite the stupid name. If you’re a long term fan of the series the odds are pretty good that you will too.
I didn't understand what R-Type Final 2 was doing with its Practice difficulty-you'd think it'd be easy with unlimited continues. I mean, we're talking about PRACTICE. It took me several days to get the idea of what the game was doing, so I'm probably going to bounce off it. It's only really recommended for those with way better reflexes than me-which to be fair, is probably everyone reading this.
R-Type Final 2 is an excellent shmup and a worthwhile follow-up to one of the best shooters in the PS2's library. It could have gone a bit further to make it a more fulfilling experience but what's here is wonderful nonetheless.
With its classic gameplay, punishing difficulty, and enough content to keep you coming back for more, R-Type Final 2 is a modern shoot ’em up that successfully carries on the legacy of this iconic series. Fans of the genre will be elated to play R-Type Final 2, especially those who supported the Kickstarter and have been eagerly awaiting the release of the game. Though if you’re not a die-hard R-Type fan and instead just looking for an excellent shmup experience to play on the go, this should be at the top of your list. Be warned though, as this game is not for the faint of heart and may instead be a trial by fire for those unfamiliar with the genre.
R-Type Final 2 is a throwback of shooters from 20 years ago; for premium pricing, we expect more.
There's a real art and challenge to making new entries in classic arcade series...
R-Type Final 2 is fun in bursts, but makes too many tedious choices to live up to the franchise that came before it.
At the end of the day, though, R-Type Final 2 is a game for a particular crowd, and they will most likely love it. For others, this is something to avoid unless you are a masochist and want to see how long you can play before you pull your hair out.
If you’re looking for a tough as nails arcade shooter, R-Type Final 2 is the game of choice. The controls are tight and although not perfect, the environments are pretty enough to keep you entertained. R-Type Final 2 treads a fine line between too tough to enjoy and just hard enough to keep you coming back for more, and even on the easiest difficulty there is a steep challenge where casual players will struggle.
If anything, R-Type Final 2 was great motivation to really go back and dive into the series’ history and get a deeper understanding of where this game came from. A lot of shooters are just that, but R-Type always felt more fueled by ideas. And considering Final 2’s theme of going back to learn from the past, it feels appropriate.
Outside of the ship's hitbox being very large, I don't have any other problems with R-Type Final 2. It's been a long time without a new R-type game and they returned strong with this installment.
R-Type Final 2 is a return to the origins just like relieving an arcade experience. The old school difficulty is very present, so for players new to the genre, get ready to take a lot of beating! Still, we guarantee that you will love this space war, which offers, pretty much, the best experience of its' kind. A real ode to the old days of the arcade and an unmissable title for lovers of the genre.
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Even with ambiguity and brutal difficulty, R-Type Final 2 is an entertaining shoot ‘em up. Some levels and sections can be downright infuriating, but it’s also what’s expected from this series and genre. Switching up jets and applying various upgrades will totally change up your playstyle and have you thinking strategically throughout your entire playthrough. For space cadets looking for a masochistic and humbling experience, R-Type Final 2 is a voyage worthy of exploring.
Despite how slow it is, R-Type Final 2 is still an enjoyable experience, especially for fans of the franchise
R-Type Final 2 wears its classic shoot-‘em-up trappings on its sleeve. This was a game funded by fans of the series, and they should be happy with what’s here as R-Type Final 2 absolutely feels like a part of the venerable series. It may not be the most approachable game though, for those who don’t have nostalgic love for the series or sometimes find the genre inaccessible. There are different difficulty settings, but on any level – you will die a lot as it really does boil down to your persistence and your willingness to memorize the stages.
R-Type Final 2 is a satisfying shmup with many challenging, carefully crafted stages. Having so many different ships gives it a ton of replay value, and also gives you many strategic options for how you tackle a given area. I wish it had a more striking, clear visual style so I could appreciate the designs and stages more (and die less to dopey things).
R-Type Final 2 may be the starfighter’s last stand, but it exemplifies one of gaming’s greatest periods. The casual arcade gamer that loved to get their hit, but the hardcore devout that engrossed themselves in racking up their legendary stature in score placement.
R-TYPE FINAL 2 is a great shump and a worthy series revival, but definitively feels like a WIP in some points with balancing that still needs to be done. It’s incredibly accessible though with the multiple difficulties, and it offers tight controls and fun levels to play through, along with a bunch of ships to unlock and mess with, even if the irritating material grinding makes it nowhere near as impressive as the original Final in that regard.
After an entire generation without new R-Type games, it is nice to be able to play Final 2, which has kept the main traditions of the series. The visuals are only ok and it has crazy difficulty spikes in the middle of the campaign, but the creative level design of the final stages and that feeling of finishing a difficult game compensate the slow and boring start. R-Type Final 2 is not for everyone; it is explicitly aimed at hardcore shoot ‘em ups fans, but it’s an interesting addition to the library on current consoles that lack good representatives in this genre.
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