Elden Ring Reviews

Elden Ring is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
10 / 10.0
Feb 24, 2022

Elden Ring is a masterclass in design and worldbuilding. The challenge certainly won’t be for everyone but it’s rich world and incredibly rewarding gameplay has me wanting to spend so many more hours discovering everything that’s on offer. The team at FromSoftware have combined and enhanced the systems that made their previous games loved so much and injected more to make this game feel large and fresh. Above all else I’m glad the collaboration with George R.R Martin hasn’t been wasted, as the story is some of the best that FromSoftware have put out thus far.

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Mar 16, 2022

It’s a rare thing for me that a game so completely sweeps me up in it that I still find that same hunger for more than a good 80 hours in. Elden Ring achieves that. I’m already envisioning future playthroughs with different builds. Sure there are small grievances. Co-op with friends could be a bit easier to instigate, a sturdier frame rate wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, and as expected, there are a few bullshit boss fights that end up more like manufactured obstacles than true tests of your skills. These really do end up as small fry issues though. There’s just too much dark wonder and bleak beauty to savor.

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10 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2022

Elden Ring will not only meet the fan’s expectations but surpass them in ways they didn’t expect. I believe that From Software will also obtain new fans as well and show the world what a well-designed open-world game can do. As previously stated, Elden Ring is a game that is begging to be explored and conquered at its full capacity. There is so much content here, and it is so good. The game is atmospheric, gorgeous in its way, full of badass lore, mystery, and secrets.

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10 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2022

The phrase "one of the greatest games of all time" was thrown around a lot at launch. I thought it might be an exaggeration, but I stand corrected. Elden Ring absolutely earns the badge of one of the best games ever made.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 24, 2022

From Software continues to impress, with an open world debut that immediately becomes an example for future games. Finally, a game that truly lets you explore, without giving you everything on a plate, and manages to do so in a natural and rewarding way. Elden Ring is the team's ultimate fantasy game.

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9.5 / 10.0
May 1, 2022

Elden Ring is perhaps the best Fram Software Game to date. By offering a large and mysterious world, challenging combat - as always - and a story that you have to navigate through to turn its question marks into dots, Fram Software has managed to create one of the best games of the last few years. 2022 has already known as its best game of the year, and it is not very likely that a title will be able to compete with Fram Software's masterpiece in the award season.

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10 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2022

I can't praise Elden Ring enough. However, beyond the praise, you should know that Elden Ring is probably the best game I've had the chance to play, nothing less. Yes I know, we will have to take a step back in order to weigh the words well in the coming months, even the next few years. What we can say with certainty is that Elden Ring and FromSoftware have just set the bar very high for games of the genre. We talk about Elden Ring as we have talked about Super Mario 64, Metal Gear Solid or Half-Life through the years. This is the apotheosis of “Souls-like” and who knows, maybe an “Elden-like” genre has just emerged. The game is just that good.

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10 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2022

The final question: does Elden Ring hold up after nearly half a year? Yes. Is it still the best game of 2022, after the barrage of titles we’ve seen from March to July? Absolutely. That initial buzz may have died out a bit, but I’d have to be insane not to call it one of the most impressive games I’ve played in years, and most importantly, FromSoftware’s greatest title of all time. It’s as special now as it was back when it dropped onto the world like a nuke.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 4, 2022

Elden Ring's very nature is a conflict of beauty and brutality. If you can face the nightmares that FromSoftware has conjured up, you'll find an engaging and riveting experience from the start to the end.

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Jul 1, 2022

It’s been thirteen years since the gaming world first encountered Demon Souls. This hard-core RPG from Armored Core developer FromSoftware was the unknowing precursor to the whole “Soulsborne” genre. Even with its relentless assault on its player base’s sanity, those who experienced the initial PlayStation 3 release were instantly hooked. Not only was this due to its punishing yet rewarding difficulty, but also the vast amount of lore and deep RPG elements that hid underneath.

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10 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2022

Elden Ring is a triumph. It's the best game FromSoftware has ever made, easily, and sets a new benchmark for the Soulslike genre. Everything about this game is perfectly polished and after 50 hours of logged game time I feel like I still have so much side content to explore. Not only is this the best Soulslike game ever, it's one of the best games of all time.

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Apr 10, 2022

Elden Ring handled the transition of the Soulsborne genre to the open-world with flying colors and even though it has some issues, it represents a monumental success for FromSoftware.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

Feb 25, 2022

Similarities to past games and references to Dark Souls 4 aside, it's difficult to directly compare Elden Ring to other FromSoftware games in the way that it's difficult to compare Demon's Souls to Bloodborne or Dark Souls to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It certainly feels like FromSoftware's most ambitious and thoughtful game to date, however, and with all the considerations to different audiences, it stands to be a familiar return and a welcome jumping-on point for any Tarnished who hope to become the Elden Lord.

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4.5 / 5.0
Apr 13, 2022

While clearly a continuation of the Dark Souls games, Elden Ring is a natural evolution of that style but delivered in a package that is bigger and more breathtaking than anything the company has done before.

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10 / 10.0
Apr 13, 2022

I think that there are many opportunities to feel something powerful in Elden Ring.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 25, 2022

Brilliant combination of open world and souls formula.

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9.4 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2022

Elden Ring is the point of arrival, and departure, of all Miyazaki's productions prior to Sekiro. Where Sekiro was that butterfly born from a chrysalis called Bloodborne, Elden Ring picks up the important gaming heritage of Demon's Souls, matured over the years, to transplant it in a context at the same time new and familiar to fans of the genre. Elden Ring is not the classic open world but a Soulsborne that violently bends the rules of open world games to its will, defining new standards for the genre that cannot be ignored in the years to come...neither by future open world titles nor by the next Souls-Like productions. You can undoubtedly question the choice to reuse assets already seen, and overdone, in the past, as well as it is obvious that the general performance of Elden Ring are not among the best currently in circulation, but in practice, when you immerse yourself in the vastness of the Interregno, the only truth that comes out is that From Software, as it did in 2009, has once again overturned the rules of the game.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 10, 2022

More options than ever before in an immense open world make Elden Ring the type of game nearly everyone should give a shot, even if its difficulty remains as tough as ever.

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10 / 10.0
Feb 24, 2022

An absolute master class in game design, storytelling, and world-building come together to make Elden Ring the game to beat in 2022. It can be daunting knowing the history of From Software producing difficult games, but if you have the patience to learn the rules of engagement in this tough but fair experience, you will achieve some of the most exhilarating achievements a video game can offer.

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10 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2022

Elden Ring takes the Souls-like franchise in a new direction, much in the same way Sekiro did. It provides you with a world that’s incredibly beautiful, better than any Souls game to come before it in my opinion, and exploring it is as rewarding as it is satisfying.

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