Epic Chef Reviews

Epic Chef is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Nov 18, 2021

Epic Chef is heaped with charm and humour that will undoubtedly put a smile on your face as you start your life as Ambrosia's hottest chef. Unfortunately, while the cooking and farming mechanics are simple enough to grasp, the bloated nature of the game makes every task feel more arduous than it needs to be. Add to this the needlessly lengthy dialogue and bizarre limitations around the save function, and Epic Chef feels like a game that can't quite match up with the other life sims available on the Switch. It's not unenjoyable, just more Little Chef than MasterChef.

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8 / 10
Nov 11, 2021

Epic Chef got under my skin a fair amount, but it's so insanely funny that I can't help but forgive its shortcomings. I wish it was less grindy and had some of the tedium lessened, but this is an entertaining, lengthy game with a ton of personality. You hear me?!

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7 / 10
Nov 11, 2021

It does take a little while for the game to really warm up; the opening hours aim to establish quite a lot quite quickly, but once you're past all that, there's a pretty solid adventure to enjoy. Some aspects may leave a funny aftertaste; loading interrupts the game between areas, which makes getting around feel a bit clunky. The presentation is a little rough too, with several fiddly menus and blocky characters that don't quite hit the mark. However, the witty writing and crazy story, paired with simple but effective gameplay, makes for an enjoyable adventure for your inner foodie.

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Nov 11, 2021

For being as strange and bloated as it is, Epic Chef is a very engaging experience. While there are an almost frightening number of different mechanics involved, they all work together in interesting ways to create a very cohesive experience. Some people will like specific aspects of Epic Chef over others, but the way in which they work together means that very few are going to have trouble engaging with the whole, at least on some level.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2021

‎If among your aspirations is to become an expert in the kitchen, I think you have come to the right place. After all, Epic Chef does its homework well by mixing the key ingredients to make it ‎‎a work full of entertainment;‎‎ pouring a glass full of vocation and five tablespoons of an intense sense of humor. These elements are very well mixed and that is why you get a good base on which to pour the rest of the ingredients, among which the 50 grams of dynamism and the oil of understanding to taste stand out.‎

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2021

Epic Chef should appeal to fans of games like Story of Seasons or Stardew Valley. It takes a bit to get going and some of its systems are poorly designed but I still grew quite fond of growing my crops, helping out the townsfolk, and conquering battles to become to top chef around. It’s not the best game in this farming/life simulator genre but it’s certainly worth a look.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2021

For fans of life and farming sim games, there’s a lot to like about Epic Chef. Yes, it’s a bit scrappy at times, but once you get hooked on its gameplay loop of farming, crafting and cooking, it hardly matters. Funny dialogue, quirky characters and a bizarre but enjoyable story set Epic Chef apart, and although it’s not going to set anyone’s world on fire, it’s plenty of fun while it lasts.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2021

Team 17 invites us to another unique adventure with cooking in the lead role. This time, however, you have to arm yourself with a lot of patience for the cranky customers of your restaurant. If you are turned on by such atmospheres, be sure to let yourself be carried away, and you will not regret it!

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7 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2021

Although it's genuinely rewarding and unique, Epic Chef can sometimes be an annoying game to play for various reasons. With that said, the core gameplay loop is handled so well that I'm looking forward to a sequel which will hopefully address its issues.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2021

I’ll freely admit to having a bit of a weakness for weird and quirky games, so I’d keep that in mind with my thoughts on Epic Chef...

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0 / 10
Mar 14, 2022

Epic Chef leaves much to be desired when encountering a game breaking bug that stops progression completely so early on. It has potential with unique cooking experiences, but don’t expect to be the next Gordon Ramsay anytime soon if you hit a game ending glitch.

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7 / 10
Nov 17, 2021

Epic Chef is a strange game really. It sits somewhere between a cooking game and land management sim and has a wealth of activities for many hours of entertainment. At times it can feel a little too slow-paced but I feel it is an ambitious effort to do something a little different with a tested formula and in the most part it does work well. It is not a game for everyone but if you like this type of game and you can overlook its shortfalls, you will be able to have a lot of fun with Epic Chef.

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Dec 30, 2021

Epic Chef’s writing is quite funny, and because of that and its fun cooking gameplay, I’m willing to wave off any serious issues I have with it. Does it mean it’s a perfect experience though, no. But I enjoyed my time with it and think it’s a great game to hop into, especially if you’re into the crafting, farming, or cooking genres.

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3.5 / 5.0
Dec 7, 2021

Epic Chef has a lot to offer players who want to inject a charmingly humorous adventure narrative into their farming simulator. With crops to harvest, structures to craft, and cooking battles to win, Epic Chef attempts a diverse range of gameplay, and, to its credit, largely succeeds. If you’re looking for something that isn’t afraid to mix and match mechanics and is unapologetically fun, Epic Chef thinks you should don your metaphorical chef hat and get cookin’.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2021

An entertaining world with parodies of sword and magic fantasy with funny dialogues, a very strategic cooking mini-game and a well thought out resource manager. It can be a title that can serve as a rest, but not if you are looking for household planning, farming and farming.

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Nov 17, 2021

For anyone who played the demo like I did, they may be worried about bugs. Thankfully, all the bugs that seemed to be present in the demo haven’t appeared for me in the full game. It’s a much better experience now than it was before. This game is fun, funky, and a fresh look at simple cooking and farming sims.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2021

By putting a crazy cooking component inside a Harvest Moon-like gameplay and telling its funny story in an interesting world full crazy characters, Epic Chef Manages to become a great choice for those players that love some culinary arts in their games.

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75 / 100
Nov 11, 2021

Epic Chef is a fun adventure where we will have to measure ourselves against great masters of the kitchen to become the best chef of all ambrosia while we help the locals and grow our own ingredients.

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