Diablo Immortal Reviews

Diablo Immortal is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jun 1, 2022

I’ve had a great time levelling and fighting with my Necromancer so far, and am super excited to be able to play the game with friends when the game is released for everyone very soon. As long as the monetisation strategy doesn’t get in the way of the game being fun to play, I think this could be a game I get hooked on for a while.

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Jun 24, 2022

Diablo Immortal tries to catch the attention of Diablo lovers and newcomers alike. It is true that its microtransactions are way more than they should, but you can still ignore them. We will update our review with our verdict in the coming weeks.

Review in Italian | Read full review

6 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2022

Though it has to be said, the somewhat janky real-time cinematics, not to mention seeing so many others running around as you're trying to trigger an important event, hinder the dramatic impact of the story being told.

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Top Critic
Jun 4, 2022
Diablo Immortal - Before You Buy - YouTube video thumbnail
8.8 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2022

‎Diablo Immortal is not a game for everyone, but it is an excellent option for RPG lovers who will have hours of fun and vice anywhere and anywhere.‎

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7 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2022

Unfortunately, it fell victim to greed when he could have been much better.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2022

Diablo Immortal is the perfect game for smartphones. This cannot be said for the PC version, which is underdeveloped and still needs a lot of fixes.

Review in Polish | Read full review

4.5 / 10.0
Jun 24, 2022

Diablo Immortal seems like a project created with the sole purpose of using the good name of Diablo to rub the players of their money. Definitely one of the worst games ever came out of Blizzard.

Review in Persian | Read full review

5 / 10.0
Jun 11, 2022

Diablo Immortal is a fine timekiller, but it fails to be something more.

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5 / 10.0
Jun 5, 2022

For most of my time with Diablo Immortal, I was pleasantly surprised. But when I reached the endgame content it became clear that all of that was to trap me in an exploitative revenue scheme. I would have been more than willing to buy a battle pass here and there or even some cosmetics or expansions to support Diablo Immortal into the future, but its bold and scummy approach to manipulating vulnerable players not only soured my entire experience with the game but marks a dangerous cornerstone in the monetization of similar products in the future.

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Jun 1, 2022

Diablo Immortal, a game I spent hours playing and want to see more of both in terms of its events, story, and roles beyond my Monk, has broken that trend. It does not at all play like a game to be booed on stage, and the planned PC version should make it even more accommodating for those who prefer that platform. Whether you're playing it to stay occupied until Diablo IV comes out or playing it out of excitement, Diablo Immortal is simply worth playing.

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5 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2022

Diablo Immortal is an excellently designed title with a lot of fun gameplay and plenty of excellent activities that under different conditions could keep you for many hours on your PC/smartphone

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50 / 100
Jun 25, 2022

Diablo Immortal is a pleasant surprise for the most part. The franchise spirit inspired me to keep pushing forward until I got to the endgame material, where it became apparent that the whole thing had been a ploy to lure me into a cruel business scheme. Aside from the few flaws with the PC version, an overabundance of microtransactions and user interface distract the game's overall impression. This ordeal has been a roller coaster ride for me, and I'm glad to be out of it.

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Terry Burdak
Jun 15, 2022

Diablo Immortal introduces a slew of new ideas to the action RPG, creating something that's equal parts impressive, baffling, and concerning.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 9, 2022

The game runs just as well on the PC as it does on the mobile, and the ease of putting down the mobile and jumping straight back where I left off on the PC was a massive thumbs up from me. The game felt like I was playing any other Diablo game, which we have had to pay for in the past.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jun 8, 2022

The game succeed Diablo franchise's core mechanics such as grinding, the pleasure of looting items. The build structure using legendary equipment in the early to mid-game also immersive. However, the fun of growing your character is halved as soon as the way to strengthen it becomes to upgrading legendary gems. Moreover, the in-game payment system seems to failed to provide sufficient satisfaction compared to what have been invested.

Review in Korean | Read full review

4 / 10.0
Jun 8, 2022

Diablo Immortal has taken the core of the game, the loot hunting and the adrenaline rush of the drop, and put a price tag on it.

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Jesse Norris
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2022

The now par foThe good news is that you can enjoy the hell out of this game without spending a penny, but if you’re either prone to MTX-it is or really care about PVP it wildly throws off the endgame balance. For me, though this is a title I will be playing for a very long time while I wait for the next mainline entry in the series to hit. It is a great game, and with some love, care, and lack of greed it could become the best mobile title ever made.

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82 / 100
Jun 2, 2022

The old hack and slash series is here again. Against the fanatics who want to bring Diablo back, we need to prevent Worldstone from reuniting. The game, which acts as a bridge between Diablo 2 and 3, should be given a chance.

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