Pentiment Reviews

Pentiment is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
84 / 100
Nov 14, 2022

Pentiment is mature in a way few games are. It exudes passion for the time period and subject matter, treating every character and issue with respect and reverence. If you want an adventure game that responds to your choices and trusts you to discover its narrative on your own terms, Pentiment is a must play.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2022

Pentiment is a game that will stick with you for a long time after you play it. Its unique blend of thought-provoking discussion, historical accuracy, and challenging a player’s morals all work to push players to consider everything going on in the game and weigh the pros and cons of heavy decisions that must be made with limited information…It takes a very special work of art to make an observer feel as much as Pentiment does, and the game manages to do so consistently throughout its entire runtime.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2024

Pentiment was developed by only 16 members of the Obsidian Entertainment team, which is truly mind-blowing, especially when considering the incredible amount of depth found within its world and cast of characters. Pentiment’s main selling point is its story, and, in this regard, it absolutely delivers. This is a fantastic story with brilliant twists, historically relevant themes, and great writing across the entire 15-hour journey. Pentiment is also very pleasing on the eyes, with a truly gorgeous hand-painted 2D style. However, Pentiment lacks in many other areas, with a lack of gameplay features and a mostly silent audio experience.

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70 / 100
Dec 2, 2022

Father, forgive me for I have sinned, but I didn't understand this game, or rather, I understood it too well. The point seems to be that History, with a capital H, is unreliable by nature, told by the victors (or those determined enough to push their version), and that regardless of events, the future is always inevitable, giving us only the illusion of choice. Immersing in a community that changes over time, albeit imperceptibly, also due to our influence. But in my opinion, Obsidian erred in pride, focusing too much on excellent storytelling (which becomes heavy towards the end) behind a visually novel-like setup with a sprinkle of RPG elements, giving us the reins of a blinkered horse that refuses to turn when we command.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Mar 7, 2024

Pentiment is indeed a unique game. Obsidian Entertainment has once again delivered an engaging story. The title intrigues and invites you to spend hours solving the mystery of a secretive murder. While the gameplay itself might be simple, it more than makes up for it with an excellent script that unfolds like the best television series.

Review in Polish | Read full review

Nov 16, 2022

Pentiment intertwines art, European history and the social elements of the 16th century and funnels them into a mystery plot with us as the only winners.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Mar 9, 2024

Obsidian's Pentiment is not for everyone, but this RPG does offer a fascinating look at the religious and political unrest of the early sixteenth century. A variety of backgrounds and a time limit that doesn't allow you to pursue every plot thread in one playthrough, it also offers good replayability. Unfortunately, it also somewhat overstays its welcome when the last hours repeat a lot of what you already know. The Switch port isn't flawless, but will suit you just fine if this is your platform of choice.

Review in Dutch | Read full review

10 / 10.0
Mar 9, 2024

Pentiment is an extraordinary narrative adventure that puts us in the role of two complex protagonists in a context filled with believable characters. It's impossible to go through this journey and not empathize with at least some individuals, making each choice have weight not only for those fictional people but to the player themself. In sum, it's a marvelous experience that will never leave my mind.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

8.5 / 10.0
Jan 30, 2023

Pentiment delivers a thoughtful, intriguing story with a wonderfully compelling cast of characters.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2023

Contrary to what it seems, the longevity is quite long for a title of this genre: you will need 15 to 20 hours to complete the main story, if you want to discover all the secrets of the title you could even reach over 30 hours. There is no "shooting," no killing anyone, Pentiment is peculiar and should be played for its artistic and narrative inspiration, the intent in this review is precisely to make the reader understand what kind of work he is going to play: but is it worth it? Absolutely yes!

Review in Italian | Read full review
8.5 / 10.0
Aug 13, 2023

Pentiment is an excellent "artistic" game, although it suffers from overly simple puzzles and poor replayability. The excellent narrative section, combined with a very successful technical presentation, creates a title that is as playful as it is educational.

Review in Italian | Read full review

9 / 10
Dec 13, 2022

Pentiment is an unconventional take on a colorful and intertwined story that knows what it is doing very well. The free hand in decision-making creates a significant butterfly effect and can mess with the search for the killer. The period artwork enhances the entire experience wonderfully, and the solid historical foundations give the story even more depth.

Review in Czech | Read full review

10 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2022

Pentiment’s incredibly compelling characters, immersive ambience and impactful choice and consequence make it a masterfully crafted RPG. Josh Sawyer and the team at Obsidian have created a truly special game.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 23, 2023

Pentiment was more than just a story, it is a masterpiece of narrative storytelling and one of the best stories in gaming in the year 2022, Its storytelling was distinguished by an elegant artistic style that simulates the beauty of that era, and choosing the background of the character added other dimensions to the dialogues and choices, which makes the gameplay experience greatly diverse and different between One person and another, as well as add excellent replay value to the game

Review in Arabic | Read full review

9 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2022

Ostensibly Pentiment is a murder mystery narrative driven point and click video game. But, it’s so much more. It’s a commentary on the nature of perception, how time is an utterly critical factor in our lives, about how relationships evolve over that time: growing and withering equally. It was a truly magical fifteen hours and I was genuinely emotional when I finished the game. It’s not often I use the word but it’s a masterpiece, a lovingly crafted piece of gaming art.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2022

Pentiment is a true masterpiece. Essential from beginning to end for all those who love role-playing, narrative, history or art.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

9 / 10.0
Dec 29, 2022

Though this is not a game I’d recommend binging due to its lengthy dialogue sequences, Pentiment is still a title that can pull you in for hours before you realize what has happened.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2022

I found myself wanting to keep coming back to it for the next step in the story, eager to find out who I would meet next. I do wish there was more of a voice-over side of the game, as it would’ve made it easier for me to advance the story, but all in all, it was a fairly good title to play, and it is clear that Obsidian Entertainment did their research when it comes to portraying the 16th century.

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Worth your time
Nov 29, 2022

PENTIMENT is the sort of game that I don't expect is going to appeal to everyone, the point and click narrative game from Obsidian Entertainment (THE OUTER WORLDS, PILLARS OF ETERNITY) is very dense and it takes its time unfolding. Fans of history and the evolution of culture are in for something pretty special as you walk the labyrinth in contemplation of God, each decision weighing heavily on you, each decision determining what survives and what gets painted over. A masterclass in meticulous storytelling and design

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8 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2022

While this game is unlikely to appeal to people who prefer a fast-paced plot with more interactive elements, those who enjoy a narrative-driven story with a truly tangled mystery at its heart will find so much to love.

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