Peppa Pig: World Adventures Reviews

Peppa Pig: World Adventures is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Mar 25, 2023

Finn was pretty excited when I told him we had a Peppa Pig game to play, and then even more so as it was loading for the first time. When he asked me why we had it, I told him it was so we could play it to figure out if other children might like it too. He then informed me, before even pressing a button, that it was a good game. Having now actually played the game, I can confirm his opinion hasn't changed and it will definitely be something we continue to play together moving forward, especially since we still have a few more locations to check off Peppa's list.

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5 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2023

On the face of it, Peppa Pig: World Adventures looks the part, immersing your little one in their beloved world from the TV show with loads of countries to visit. But then the black screens appear. And the aural scrapings. Oh the scrapings. And the inexplicable loading times. And the curious audio mix which buries the dialogue. And the strange appearing and disappearing characters. So on the flip-side of the face of it, it's time to bring home the bacon and NOT Peppa Pig: World Adventures.

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77 / 100
Mar 26, 2023

However, they are also a vehicle for the transmission of knowledge, as well as values. And if not, just ask Peppa Pig: A World of Adventures, because from the beginning it incorporates what the little ones use in their lives, seeking to establish a common thread so that they can get involved and participate in the design of their own learning.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Apr 7, 2023

Peppa Pig World Adventures on the Xbox Series is a fun game for younger gamers and is the perfect match if they love the TV series Peppa Pig. All in all, it successfully creates an interactive Peppa Pig experience with basic gaming mechanics.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2023

Is Peppa Pig: World Adventures better than Peppa’s first game? Yes and no. Its young fan base will undoubtedly lap up another opportunity to star alongside Peppa in their very own episode, and its character creator is better than ever by letting kids create their own families this time, too. There’s also way more content, and the worldwide locations are bound to delight and inspire. If your little one is a Peppa Pig fan, they will love it. But as adults, we simply wish there was more educational value here.

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80 / 100
Mar 23, 2023

Peppa Pig: World Adventures is the perfect introduction to videogames for kids. It’s a point & pig adventure with simple controls and instructions, set in a world they already love. It stays true to the source material and feels like actual playable episodes. The kids love it.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2023

Peppa Goes Global

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75 / 100
Mar 30, 2023

If a game like this had existed on PlayStation 4 in 2015, when I was 6, I would have begged my father to buy it, so I could truly play with Peppa and her family instead of just dreaming about it. Despite its simplicity, Peppa Pig: World Adventures is perfect for fans of the funny pig and her friends, who can live this new global adventure as true protagonists. Now you know what to gift children.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7.8 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2023

Technically and in terms of gameplay you can say that this game could be developed within a week. It could have been a school project because there is not much depth to be found in this game, but that is not necessary. This is the first real game that my offspring could digest well and easily at a still quite young age when even holding a controller will be difficult enough. Moving the stick and clicking the cross is almost enough and already provides a lot of enjoyment. It was therefore a fight when I had to grab the controller to experience the gameplay myself.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2023

Peppa Pig: World Adventures is an easy recommendation for parents that have kids into this popular series. Its wonderful presentation will have your young ones thinking they're playing an interactive TV show featuring their favourite loveable pig family.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2023

Peppa Pig: World Adventures once again absolutely nails the look, feel and sound of the cartoon show. It definitely is an experience primarily aimed at 3 to 5-year-olds, with simplistic gameplay and a short gaming experience. I was happy to see educational moments throughout and that developer Petoons had improved upon My Friend Peppa Pig by including more activities that use different button prompts and allowing you to skip dialogue scenes. My daughter hopes that there will be additional places to travel to through DLC, much like the Pirate Adventures DLC that came to My Friend Peppa Pig, as she wishes to set sail again and go on more world adventures with her friend Peppa Pig.

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7 / 10
Mar 19, 2023

It can’t quite match up to ‘My Friend Peppa Pig’, but ‘Peppa Pig: World Adventures’ is another approachable and accessible title designed specifically for its target audience. Replicating the art style and vibe of the TV show, this game is a must play for fans of titular character. With a patch to iron out a few issues, it could be even better.

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