Tachyon Project Reviews

Tachyon Project is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.5 / 5.0
Jan 21, 2016

Describing Tachyon Project as derivative is not intended to be dismissive.

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7 / 10
May 18, 2016

On one level Tachyon Project is quite a cruel game, making old writers with slowing reflexes question their gaming abilities. More importantly, though, it's enjoyable and represents the work of a development team committed to producing a quality download title. From solid mechanics and smart gameplay to online leaderboards and neat touches like stat tracking, it immediately sets its stall as a game worth investing in.Though there are a few flaws and the difficulty level makes it a game for those with fast thumbs, Tachyon Project is well worth consideration on Wii U. For fast-paced twin-stick shooting action there aren't many better options on the eShop.

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6 / 10
Jan 25, 2018

While fun on its own merits, it's hard not to compare Tachyon Project with its obvious inspiration. The addition of a level-based story mode and customizable loadouts is worth applauding, but when the main game doesn't feel inspired it's hard to muster the excitement for it. It has its moments, but it's not memorable enough to withstand the test of time.

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Jan 25, 2016

These flaws are representative of where Eclipse Games went wrong with Tachyon Project—mostly every new twist they've made to the Geometry Wars formula they have aped is poorly executed. Considering you can buy Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved on PS4 and that the stellar alternative Super Stardust Ultra is also available on the platform, there's no real reason to opt to play this inferior take on the twin-stick shmup genre if you're already acquainted with its more successful predecessors. While it's passable in terms of quality, it's wholly derivative of its source of inspiration, and the attempts made by Eclipse Games to carve out its own identity mostly fall flat.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 5, 2016

Tachyon Project isn't a remarkable shooter, but it's well-designed on several levels. There's no multiplayer to speak here, but with a decent campaign, lots of customization, and New Game+/Endless modes, you'll be perfectly fine going at it solo.

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Jul 17, 2015

With ID@Xbox implementing new titles into the Xbox One library, Tachyon Project may be in over its head, but it is a fun title that provides some hours of entertainment. It won't keep you playing for hours on end, but what you will play will be fun and exciting. Its colourful, flashy gameplay along with the catchy beats that play in the background makes for a well crafted game, but the co-op and challenge modes lack slightly in comparison so once you've completed the story, it won't be long before you move on. It stands at a reasonable price for what it is so it's certainly worth a look if you're a fan of dual stick shooters or quick and easy games. The occasional difficulty spike feels a bit off-putting at times, but nonetheless, this is a title that helps to bolster the quality of ID@Xbox as it continues to provide us with new games.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 24, 2025

PROJECT TACHYON is an example of a colorful blend of several genres, and the roguelike elements make the gameplay a little more interesting than a linear game.

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Justin Celani
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2015

Tachyon Project seems to take a lot of inspiration from Geometry Wars but puts its own spin on things. Taking cues from one of the best twin stick shooters ever made, isn't a bad thing in the slightest.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 21, 2016

Tachyon Project does enough to get noticed in the sea of modern twin-stick shooters thanks to its inventive setup, but there's still something missing that means it never hits the heights of the very best in the genre. For what it is, and what it costs, you'll get more than enough out of it.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Feb 1, 2016

[H]aving played many dual-stick shooters in the past, there is nothing really here that stands out as excellent. Just average.

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70 / 100
Jul 20, 2015

Tachyon Project does enough things to make itself stand out against the bigger names in the genre and be competent, but falls short on doing much else to really rise above and beyond the kings of the category.

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5 / 10
Jan 27, 2016

Tachyon Project is fine, but it doesn't have enough meat on its bones and it treads far too much familiar ground. As such, it's relatively difficult to recommend even at its low price point – especially when you consider that the game it mimics is superior. Although Tachyon Project may hold appeal to those that have played the likes of the Geometry Wars to death and are looking for a little bit more, everyone else will be better off seeking their shooty thrills elsewhere.

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5 / 10
Feb 21, 2018

Tachyon Project features an enjoyable, fluid gameplay that despite not bringing anything new, will still please 2D twin-stick shoot'em up fans. Not all is glorious, though, and Tachyon Project has a very frustrating difficulty level - too frustrating for its own good - and its levels end up looking a lot like each other, which ends up harming this game more than it should.

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Jul 17, 2015

Tachyon Project presents some interesting ideas, and certainly has its moments, but is ultimately marred by its own design choices.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2018

Tachyon Project brings up a decent challenge with its classic action-packed arcade set-up, but its story-driven concept and overall package leaves more to be desired.

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Jul 13, 2015

A fine twin-stick shooter, Tachyon Project is good, solid entertainment that's worth whiling away a few hours with. Pew pew, and so forth.

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Jul 12, 2015

Tachyon Project is a great arcade twin-stick shooter that feels like a natural evolution of the genre. The game handles well and features some nicely varied enemy types, but it's also far from flawless.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Jul 25, 2015

A lot of the time, you can't afford to take a single hit as you'll either die instantly, or be left with so little time that you can't possibly finish the level anyway

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7 / 10.0
Apr 23, 2016

This is why the implementation of the short mission waves and story could have been handled with more grace. If you can stick with it though, there is always a reason to turn back. Playing a few rounds never gets old!.

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Apr 13, 2018

If you're looking for a fast-paced twin-stick action release on Nintendo Switch, then you should check out Tachyon Project. [OpenCritic note: Tracey separately reviewed the Switch (75%) and Wii-U (80%) versions. Their scores have been averaged.]

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