The Last Worker Reviews

The Last Worker is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Lee Mehr
Top Critic
5.5 / 10.0
May 6, 2023

Although The Last Worker's novel work-gameplay template & tangible proximity to its critiques earns some credit, it often fumbles with the delivery.

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2.5 / 5.0
Mar 30, 2023

What could've been a comical, perhaps novel, approach to tackling themes of corporatism, consumerism, activism and comfort in the familiar alike, The Last Worker instead can only muster up a mediocre clutter of half-baked ideas that rarely feel properly fleshed out.

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Mar 30, 2023

Even the game’s most effectively bleak ending, in which Jüngle’s founder, Josef Jüngle, is revealed to have been dead and automated for quite some time, is undercut by him still being very much alive in the other two endings. The Last Worker’s conclusions should feel earned—that is, a consequence of the protagonist’s decisions. Instead, they’re as easy and largely frivolous as just adding something to an online shopping cart.

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Top Critic
Apr 5, 2023

Set in an Amazon-like fulfilment centre, this satirical adventure has interesting ideas but fails to adequately explore them

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4 / 10
Mar 30, 2023

With a story that's as empty and meandering as its gameplay, The Last Worker is an ugly, tedious slog that I'm glad to be done with.

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Mar 30, 2023

The Last Worker's comically exaggerated vision of the future of work is highly relevant. Yet its story focuses on showcasing the talents of its stellar voice cast at the expense of offering meaningful things to do, and its satirical punches rarely leave lasting bruises.

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Apr 2, 2023
The Last Worker | Review in 3 Minutes - YouTube video thumbnail
Jul 19, 2023

The Last Worker has a fantastic message regarding Capitalism and how big companies rainbowash or exploit its workers for their own gain. As a kind of adaptation of a VR game to console, the experience suffers a bit due to some mechanics feeling better in the peripheric instead the controller.

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