Mafia 3 Reviews
franchise from the hands of its original developer and then gave it to a rookie studio with only 22 months to complete, is The result of wrong policies and not listening to the complaints of the fans is something like Mafia 3, an unpleasant and incomplete game with the only purpose of filling its creators pockets with money and wasting our precious tim
Review in Persian |
'Mafia III' put a high priority on its backstory, immersion, and presentation. That work shows in the quality of the narrative and the tragic characters, but unfortunately left little to flesh out the city of New Bordeaux. It's worth playing for the campaign, but perhaps there isn't a need to rush.
Though Mafia III has a strong story, great setting and some satisfying mechanics, the mind-numbing repetition and technical issues make it a letdown compared to its predecessors.
With its rich characterisation, documentary style focus and its unrelenting scrutiny of the darkness within American culture, Mafia 3 provides a thoughtful and at times confrontational experience which since now has been missing from the open world genre.
Even if the enemy A.Is are not smart as I thought they would be, the story and great supporting characters has kept me pushing forward towards the end. Mafia III is still a good starter for newcomers into the franchise but that's until Hangar 13 fixes those annoying bugs and visual hiccups.
Overall I did really enjoy the game bugs aside, it won't happen to everyone. The game has some beautiful cut-scenes, dialog from the time, and a great voice over cast. I really enjoyed characters Lincoln and Donovan, the way they set this up will leave you wondering why one guy would help a man go on such a crazy killing spree, against the mob no less. The ending connects all the dots and leaves you happy with the time you invested. There are several different endings depending on who you kill and who you don't as well as how you dish out the territory. Mafia 3 blends this with a killer soundtrack and replayability. The game isn't perfect but it's fun, and I can totally recommend you play it.
Mafia 3 bietet eine der besten Geschichten eines Open World Games der letzten Jahre und liefert zusätzlich einen passenden Schauplatz der eigentlich nur durch starke technische Probleme heruntergespielt wird. Fans von einer gut durchdachten Story und gelungenen Haupt-Quests, werden mit Mafia 3 auf jeden Fall ihren Spaß haben.
Review in German | Read full review
Despite being upfront about racism and dealing with it in a thoughtful manner and having an enthralling story, to experience it, Mafia 3 asks the player to go through one of the most repetitive missions designs in the decade.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Mafia III radiates an attention to detail and love for the work; even the game's mission variety void feels intentionally designed to channel Lincoln's singular goal of vengeance. This can have a damaging effect on pacing in the long run, yet Mafia III's setting remains an exquisite piece of open world design.
Mafia 3 has good intentions, and a patch should be able to fix the graphical issues, but the boring missions needs a whole new direction. It's a sin that a game with decent mechanics finds itself knee-deep in the mud of a mediocre structure. Perhaps you should just paint it black.
Mafia II made me feel like I'm a part of a mobster story, but somewhere along the way, Mafia III has lost the series identity. Sadly, this is an offer you can refuse.
Mafia III is the type of game that fuels arguments about the lack of artistry and innovation found in today's AAA titles. It's plenty competent, with lots of content and functional game mechanics, but it's safe and repetitive and often feels like it's just going through the motions.
Mafia III had great potential, but the devs almost killed the game by artificial repeating quests. At least story is still interesting and if you can look past the repetition, it might still be worth playing. But you still might want to wait for patches.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
I had high hopes for Mafia 3. It was one of my most anticipated games for the rest of 2016, and I'd by lying to you if I said I wasn't slightly disappointed. Certain aspects of the game are still rather enjoyable, especially the storytelling and the way the game is presented to the player. But I'm not sure if that's enough.
A feast for the eyes, ears and emotions, Mafia III lives in a vibrant, but brutal and blood-soaked world
Mafia 3 stands out on the story front, and if you stick to its powerful story and main missions, you might find something here to like. Unfortunately, its barren game world, trivial side missions and mindless AI make it a tough game to recommend.
Mafia III hat es nicht leicht. Es muss sich nicht nur mit dem durchschnittlichen, aber unglaublich umfangreichen Mafia II vergleichen lassen, sondern vor allem auch mit dem Platzhirsch urbaner Open-World-Spiele - GTA V - und gerade wenn es um Abwechslung geht, verliert der dritte Teil der Mafia-Reihe beide Duelle. Während GTA V eine riesige Vielfalt an Missionen bietet, erwartet euch bei Mafia III immer wieder dasselbe Muster. Auch was Komplexität der Spielwelt und die Liebe zum Detail betrifft, hatte sogar der direkte Vorgänger die Nase meilenweit vorne. Betankung des Autos und Reparatur des Motors gibt es nicht mehr, ebenso wenig Polizeiermittlungen an einem Tatort. Oft wirkt die Spielwelt wie eine Fassade oder ein Bühnenbild. Dafür macht der Trip nach New Bordeaux andere Dinge richtig, allen voran das Storytelling. Selten hat mich ein Spiel so sehr gefesselt und selten war ich so sehr betroffen und wurde an Missstände erinnert, die leider noch bis heute existent sind. Wer also ein solides Spiel mit Tiefgang sucht, eine gewisse Resistenz gegenüber Monotonie besitzt und darauf verzichten kann, dass sich Charakter und Auto nicht nach Belieben anpassen lassen, der kann mit dem Erwerb von Mafia III nicht viel falsch machen. Andernfalls empfiehlt es sich, ein paar Monate zu warten - denn Hangar 13 hat bereits versprochen, die fehlenden Inhalte nachzureichen und als Teil der drei im Season Pass enthaltenen Episoden die Stadt New Bordeaux und ihre Möglichkeiten weiter auszubauen.
Review in German | Read full review
Mafia III provides an adequate excuse to reenact the chaos found in your standard sandbox game, but with purpose.
Repetitive, bland, broken, and disappointing. It's so difficult to recommend this game to anybody, even to fans of the previous games. The game feels more like a poor attempt at the first entry in a new open-world series rather than the third main entry in a series that has now been around for 14 years.