SteamWorld Heist Reviews

SteamWorld Heist is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
Dec 10, 2015

What more can I say? I loved SteamWorld Heist and I think everyone should play it. Even if you don't normally like tactics games, Heist might be able to change your mind. It might not make a lot of Game of the Year lists, but I can assure you that it is one of 2015's best.

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5 / 5.0
Dec 21, 2015

Imagine & Form proved themselves to be formidable developers with the release of SteamWorld Dig, but SteamWorld Heist just takes it to another level in so many ways. It's simple yet ambitious with a presentation as charming as its execution.

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Dec 9, 2015

SteamWorld Heist is the best Nintendo 3DS game released in 2015, and its multiple difficulties ensure that both new and veteran tactical gamers can have fun in its wonderful world of robot pirates.

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Jul 9, 2016

SteamWorld Heist takes elements of tactical strategy and blends it with skill-based combat. The resulting combination is (like the robots it features) more than the sum of its parts. On top of that, Steamworld Heist is polished to a gleaming shine. Do yourself a favor and play this game.

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Jun 13, 2016

SteamWorld Heist's excellence permeates through every aspect of the game, and the translation from 3DS to PC and PlayStation 4 is nothing short of exemplary. The aiming mechanic for ricochets or headshots is so satisfying. SteamWorld Heist is a masterclass in turn-based strategy with RPG stylings making it a standout on platforms to display this at higher resolutions. Whether you're looking for a casual introduction to the genre or a crushing challenge for veterans, SteamWorld Heist offers both in truly stellar ways.

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4.9 / 5.0
Dec 14, 2015

SteamWorld Heist is another huge leap forward for Image & Form. It's more than just a worthy successor: it's a magnificent showcase for an entire genre.

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9.8 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2015

Heist is easy to pick up and play, yet tough to master. Any fan of tactical strategy games is going to feel right at home. Image & Form has created a great addition to the SteamWorld universe.

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9.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2016

You might have already guessed by reading the above, but everything works so well together it's shocking. This is one of the most polished products I have played in the last 5 years, standing out as a real labor of love.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2016

Image and Form has been on their game with the SteamWorld series for years, and this is the definitive version of their best game to date. SteamWorld Heist is one of the best things any download service has to offer.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 25, 2018

With multiple skill levels available SteamWorld Heist is a game that anyone, from a tactical strategy newbie to a grizzled veteran, should be able to enjoy. Well-designed, looking fabulous on Switch, and thoroughly engaging it offers a rewarding combination of careful planning and then execution in aiming that I can’t get enough of. Pulling off a tricky ricochet shot from across the room is such a rush, just remember that when you inadvertently end up blowing up a crewmate a little later because you didn’t plan it out well. While battles can be aggravating at times the great news is that every time you try placements and layouts will tend to vary either a little or a lot so you may have just had a bad break. If you haven’t yet checked out SteamWorld Heist you owe it to yourself to give it a shot, it is unquestionably one of the best games on the Switch.

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9.1 / 10.0
Aug 17, 2016

Quirky, easy to dive into, and great fun to play around with, SteamWorld Heist is a modern classic and one of our favorite turn-based titles of recent years. Easily recommended.

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9 / 10
Dec 9, 2015

SteamWorld Heist is an entirely different proposition to its predecessor, and that's no bad thing. Its quirky blend of a 2D perspective, allied with turn-based strategy and skill-based attacks, is a surprisingly addictive combination. There's impressive depth to the overall mechanics, and it's all topped off with a level of presentation that's both charming and accomplished. Whether seeking challenging strategy or an entertaining story, this title delivers both in its own unique way and has certainly stolen plenty of our time; we haven't even got all the hats yet.

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9 / 10
Oct 3, 2016

SteamWorld Heist on Wii U is exactly what we expected - a high quality Wii U iteration of a game that was already fantastic on 3DS. The wider field of view and sharper graphics are certainly appealing, and this remains a game that can easily keep players engaged for hour after hour. Image & Form struck gold with its blend of turn-based strategy and skill-based combat, and it's stolen our affections all over again now that it's arrived on Nintendo's home console.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 21, 2016

While I still don't think the game is as successful or accessible as SteamWorld Dig, I applaud Image & Form for flipping the series entirely on its head while still being able to provide an amazing game. If you are new to the series or genre and want to try it out, SteamWorld Heist should be a no-brainer to pick up. Meanwhile, more hardcore turn-based strategy fans should be able to enjoy the interesting setting, light-hearted humor and graduated difficulty modes.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2015

SteamWorld Heist is another gem. The universe and its inhabitants are joyful to play with and kept me coming back for more. Image & Form took a bold step by not opting for the easy route, instead choosing to expand on an already interesting theme. Heist is as good as any full priced 3DS game out there; and in most cases, even better. With hours and hours of gameplay, it's a steal at just $16.99.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jun 30, 2016

All in all, Image & Form have once again knocked it out of the park with Steamworld Heist. Fun, addictive and comical, it has everything in needs to become another success for the Icelandic studio.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2015

Because it's so different from the past games, the fact that it comes under the Steamworld umbrella is a bit jarring, but the whole Western cowboy theme fits in nicely with the game. The already great storyline is complimented very well by the dark-and-gritty atmosphere, and the beautiful visuals. Just like Dig, Heist can prove to be very addicting, primarily because it's so frustrating. But that is the beauty of it all; it forces you to learn right from wrong on your own, and it makes you better for it. Image & Form has done a great job with their hybrid title. Nothing really seems out of place, and it's something that I would love to see them continue in the near future.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 5, 2016

SteamWorld Heist is a delight right from the very beginning. A beautiful stripped-back strategy game that ditches many of the genres bells and whistles in order to focus on the action, it offers an appealingly new perspective on one of the oldest genres in video games.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 28, 2015

SteamWorld Heist is a fantastic strategy game that you will not want to miss, featuring amazing combat will keep you coming back.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 11, 2016

SteamWorld Heist's mash-up of action and turn-based strategy makes for a deeply satisfying experience that feels like it's over a touch too soon.

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