Runbow Reviews

Runbow is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2015

There's some zany good times to be had with the multiplayer as well, and I'm sure Runbow will soon find its way into the rotation as a go-to party game in my household.

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7 / 10
Aug 2, 2018

Runbow is bringing its qualities again to a Nintendo console. Thanks to its simple gameplay and multiplayer mode, as well as to its online capabilities and availability of characters from other indie games, Runbow is a fun and addictive game that could be longer when it comes to its single player mode but it's certainly a welcome addition to the Nintendo Switch catalogue.

Review in Portuguese |

9 / 10.0
Jul 3, 2018

If you're a fan of party games or unique platforming, Runbow is a must-have title in your game library.

60 / 100
Sep 9, 2015

Ultimately, Runbow disappoints. Bowhemoth is a fun distraction. Single-player is a pretty traditional and unimaginative series of levels that only major platforming fans will maybe enjoy. And online is a hit or miss (mostly miss) collection of modes that is fun for a little while, but falls under the shadow of the Wii U's insufficient online multiplayer ecosystem.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 6, 2018

Runbow is such an awesome game to play on the Nintendo Switch. It's absolutely, 100 percent, worth another purchase if you already own the game on Wii U or Nintendo 3DS. It's a blast mostly with friends on the same couch, but if you intend to fly solo, know there is something there for you too.

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7.4 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2015

A great 2D platforming party game best played locally, Runbow is a good buy for your multiplayer playlist.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2018

Runbow is a multiplayer party game by its nature, but singleplayer mode doesn't offer as much fun.

Review in Polish |

Evan Norris
Top Critic
Sep 1, 2015

On a console known for its platformers and local multiplayer options, it's genuinely impressive how Runbow manages to stand out among the crowd.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2018

Runbow's unique concept combined with it's stylish execution make for a frantic, fun and beautifully intuitive party game that features a surprising amount for a solo player to enjoy too.

Top Critic
8 / 10
Sep 10, 2015

Runbow is simply a pleasant and enjoyable game. Between the colourful and pleasing levels, good balance in difficulty, and solid multiplayer, it's a joy to play, and is outright beautiful in its simplicity.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2015

Runbow is a top-shelf Wii U eShop game, bringing a wide selection of modes and options that can all be played with a stupid amount of players at once. It's frantic and insane, but in the best way possible. It works best as a party game, but even those just looking for a fun, difficult platformer should get ready to Runbow.

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5 / 10.0
Feb 8, 2019

Runbow works against itself by creating needless tedium throughout the game. The controls, shaky and particular platforming, and waiting for the background colors to flip in order to progress are all damning in a platforming game, and the frustrating background music makes the title feel so much longer. This isn't the only takeaway because the game's aesthetics and premise are pretty good: racing to the end of the level with cool '60s aesthetics and deft maneuvering through visual gameplay cues! 13AM had a really cool idea that mostly works but unfortunately gets lost within a slew of issues. Runbow could be a great game for the dedicated speedster, but for most others, it comes off as pretty, but lackluster.

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8 / 10
Nov 25, 2016

Runbow combines simple gameplay elements with a complex structure and provides an unforgettable co-op experience that you can enjoy with friends and family.

Review in Persian | Read full review

8.7 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2015

Runbow is a fantastic experience whether you're adventuring alone or running amuck with some mates. There's a huge amount of content to try out and enjoy from the various different modes, the huge amount of content and staggering number of playable scenarios. The whole colour switching mechanic makes for some interesting, varied and frighteningly addictive gameplay that'll eat up great quantities of your time.

3.9 / 5.0
Aug 26, 2015

Runbow on the Wii U eShop is a vibrant and zany 2D platformer that, while missing a few marks, still offers a unique color-changing mechanic that I found engaging.

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70 / 100
Jul 9, 2018

With plenty of focus on the competitive and an interesting color system in the stages, Runbow offers fun whenever played with other friends by the local multiplayer, but playing alone or trying to venture into the online modes can be frustrating and discouraging.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Aug 3, 2018

Runbow manages to stand out by virtue of its unique color-changing hook, fun presentation, and sound gameplay.

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Jul 12, 2018

Runbow is a very fun and colorful game that you should definitely check out on Nintendo Switch. There's a ton of content to enjoy in this one, with a balanced challenge that will have you always trying to get even better at the game. The frantically hectic multiplayer action is where the game shines the most, but you'll also get a kick out of playing on your own as you try to beat all the Adventure stages while getting three medals, or by taking on the Bowhemoth as you try to lower your overall time and death count total.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 5, 2018

Runbow is a fantastic, colorful, energetic platformer with great style and plenty of content for both solo and group players. At the very least, it is definitely worthy of a spot in your "great multiplayer games" folder.

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9 / 10
Jul 9, 2018

As you can tell from our review, we're both big fans of platforming games like the beloved Rayman series, so playing Runbow for our review was a blast! The single and multiplayer experiences are quite fun and lengthy, so even if you're a fan of only one or the other, you'll find more than enough in this game to have fun. And if you happen to like playing solo and multiplayer, you've hit the jackpot with this game since its only $15!

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