Endless Ocean Luminous Reviews
There are some positives to Endless Ocean Luminous. The game is very chill and has an enjoyable atmosphere. Every now and then, some background music will start up as you’re swimming along and I had fun and enjoyed myself more when it did. I didn’t hate the game and I do believe it performed as expected, I didn’t have any unexpected problems. Nevertheless, in the end, this game was extremely bare bones, quite shallow and not at all what I think old fans would want from a new Endless Ocean. It’s not a horrible game, but I expect better from this series and a $49.99 price tag. I’m disappointed in what they decided to release. You may find this to be an enjoyable enough carefree adventure should you find it on sale in the future. Still, I don’t know that I can honestly recommend picking it up if you’re an old fan of Endless Ocean from the series’ Wii days.
At the bottom of the sea we find a different experience, but one that quickly plays all its cards and is only recommended for fans of maritime exploration who are looking for as little challenge as possible.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
A practically non-existent story and some navigation problems are not enough to make this adventure go down the drain. With an immensity in the catalogue, the most sublime feeling of freedom and a realistic setting, this title is a great treat for marine enthusiasts and could even attract new explorers and perhaps go further, inspiring a new wave of scholars in the field.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Endless Ocean Luminous is a good option for those who love marine life and exploration with beautiful visuals, but its repetitive gameplay and poor in-game store can quickly become boring.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
Endless Ocean Luminous stands out because of the peace and quiet in which everything can be done. The speed at which goals and missions are achieved is entirely in your hands. The graphics, music and background sounds are all aimed at taking you away from everything and everyone. In summary, it is a wonderful game to play and relax!
Review in Dutch | Read full review
Endless Ocean Luminous isn’t the most active or engrossing game, but its soothing atmosphere and relaxing gameplay do make for a unique experience.
Endless Ocean Luminous is not for everyone, but does offer a very rich and soothing experience for those willing to take the plunge.
Endless Ocean: Luminous is a relatively acceptable game, but it falls short on almost every aspect of what fans of the series come to expect and enjoy from Endless Ocean.
Ultimately, Endless Ocean: Luminous is a chill, relaxed experience that doesn't offer much beyond the surface. The game is essentially a collectathon, with little to do outside of exploring and looking at things. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but Endless Ocean: Luminous is exactly what it aims to be—a title about exploring the ocean.
Endless Ocean Luminous offers a peaceful, relaxing and travel experience, which is difficult to find out there in titles of this kind.
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You need the proper mindset to enjoy it properly. If what you want is a relaxing, exploratory game, and if you’re into collectionism and task-completion, without having to actually resort to any complex mechanics or hardships, this will be a perfect fit. If not, you may find this game to be quite boring, possibly a bit pretentious. Thankfully, I sided with the former.
On a solo dive or in joint exploration, Endless Ocean Luminous renews the purposes of maritime exploration. It is a journey to the bottom of the oceans that can both inebriate and seduce lovers of corals and marine species, as well as leave them somewhat disappointed in the formation of a challenge that is not always consistent. Much of the interest in this exploration rests on a sense of discovery, the surprises of what is possible to find and the cataloguing of the hundreds of creatures that inhabit the salty waters. The environment and sense of isolation under the sea are really convincing, but after a handful of hours we continue to do the same thing from the beginning of the game, cataloguing one creature and moving on to the next.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
While writing my review, I kept going back and forth in my verdict on the game. I’m having a grand time playing Endless Ocean Luminous. Writing about it made me want to play it, which is always a good sign. The Story Mode, however, is a big letdown. It does an awful job as a tutorial, and it feels grindy to unlock the chapters. The treasures you can find and things you can do with your coins seem a bit meagre. I wonder if people will feel enough incentive to return once the novelty wears off. The game will have to prove itself with the upcoming Dive Festivals, as the Shared Dives are the star of the show. Looking at the price point, I feel it’s too high to warrant an I Like it a Lot. I’m enjoying Endless Ocean Luminous, but it needs some more oomph.
Endless Ocean Luminous promises a deep dive into a sea which ends up being shallow.
Apart from the poor story mode, Endless Ocean Luminous is a lot of fun for the first few hours of play. I am constantly rewarded with beautiful underwater worlds and exciting facts about various animal species. The game feels like a playable virtual aquarium. The more I discover of the underwater world, the more tedious the experience becomes. The gameplay loop of Endless Ocean Luminous reveals itself to be simple and superficial, the rewards trivial and unsatisfying. The initial intrinsic motivation to learn more about the animal species of the Veiled Sea gives way to a purely extrinsically driven appeal that revolves solely around increasing levels and scores. Even the largely well-done online mode doesn't help much. It's a shame, because the game's fundamentals show a lot of potential.
Review in German | Read full review
Endless Ocean Luminous is less a game than an experience. If you want to explore the diverse ocean life in a very relaxed manner, you might be strongly tied up to the atmosphere. But if you want to be challenged at least at a minimum level, this is nothing you need to play.
Review in German | Read full review
Endless Ocean Luminous is a deeply relaxing diving experience. The amount of research that went through the game is very impressive. However, the slow campaign progression and the lack of interactions with the creatures handicap the overall experience.
Review in French | Read full review
Endless Ocean Luminous will be a sleeper hit for the Nintendo Switch. It offers a relaxing but necessary break in this year's packed schedule as you explore an exciting underwater space filled with trinkets, sea life, and mysteries at your own pace.