Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind Reviews
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind is an honest and simple beat 'em up that follows the formula of classic arcade games brought to modern gaming.
As a fan of Power Rangers, I especially enjoyed Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind. It’s a faithful and nostalgia-filled adventure full of colorful visual design, amazing voice acting, and challenging arcade action. While I do feel it’s not as well-tuned for single-player experiences, this is a wonderful game to play with friends. If you’re a longtime fan of the iconic characters, you’ll find something to adore in this love letter from Digital Eclipse.
The popularity of “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” was at a fever pitch in the early 90s. Playing through this game evoked so much nostalgia and I really enjoyed the twists on the genre. The music is a wonderful compliment here that pulls in familiar themes, but has a whole lot of new to be heard. There’s a whole lot of sequel potential here, and I hope they come to fruition, because I’m eager for more of this. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is the game Power Rangers fans have been waiting for.
Overall, I'd say Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind is worth your time if you're a fan of the genre and especially if you're a Power Rangers fan. The presentation is excellent, from the character select screen to the in-game speech scenes, everything feels like the Power Rangers TV show. I particularly loved the little nods Digital Eclipse included to other classics in the genre
The game is beautiful and extremely fun, the different mechanics that alternate between the phases make the game even more attractive and less repetitive, a problem that happens in a good part of the games of the genre, the exciting music, the enemies, characters and scenarios extremely well constructed, and the fun fights in the Megazord cockpits, all of this is an invitation for hours and hours of fun.
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