Ratchet & Clank Reviews

Ratchet & Clank is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2016

This new, reimagined Ratchet and Clank is the superb return of the esteemed series. It's not a simple case of style over substance. Ratchet and Clank plays as good as it looks making it an absolutely easy recommendation.

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Apr 29, 2016

Neither evolutionary nor revolutionary, Ratchet and Clank is gorgeous trip back down memory lane that reinvigorates a passion for a genre which never really should have gone away. Hopefully it paves the way for the future of the series on PS4, even if the film proves not to be successful.

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Top Critic
Apr 11, 2016
Ratchet and Clank Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?" video thumbnail
9 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2016

The Lombax and his trusty robotic companion make their PlayStation 4 debut in style with an entertaining story, great gameplay, and a beautiful galaxy to explore. This is one of the PlayStation 4's best exclusives by a mile.

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75 / 100
Apr 11, 2016

There is a lot to love in Ratchet and Clank, but it also comes with its fair share of headaches. Levels are short and linear, and leave little desire to stay on them any longer than you have to. While weapons are interesting and unique, they often come with the added weight of being hard to aim. It's beautiful, funny and fun, but also, short and stale.

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Apr 12, 2016

Ratchet and Clank does exactly what is was meant to: retcon the series to include all of the expanded lore and present a good jumping on point for recent and new fans in preparation for the upcoming big screen debut. That's not meant to sound diminutive, either. It's a great game, and, in a generation lacking in good 3D platformers, comes as a godsend. Clearly, Insomniac put a lot of work into making the definitive origin story for the duo. That being said, it still feels like a missed opportunity to add something that fans haven't already seen.

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9.6 / 10.0
Apr 13, 2016

Ratchet & Clank on the PS4 might not be an entirely new game given that it's based on the 2002 version, but Insomniac has done such a masterful job modernizing an already classic game that I would consider it one of the best releases of this console generation.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 12, 2016

Insomniac Games have crafted a beautiful reimagining of the original game that must be experienced by every fan of the series. It may not impress old fans of the series due to it being largely similar to previous entries but it will certainly impress new comers.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2016

Whether you're a season Ratchet & Clank player or if you're new to the series, this one is well worth the budget asking price.

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9 / 10
Apr 10, 2016

The 2016 iteration Ratchet and Clank is the absolute pinnacle of the franchise. It takes the best elements from the original Ratchet and Clank game, tightens the narrative and adds in some newer mechanics from more recent games in the series

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Ian Howarth
Top Critic
8 / 10
May 7, 2016

It's a great reboot/re-release. Maybe one of the best, but with a new story that doesn't focus on our heroes and the solidifying of their bond as partners I'm sure that newcomers to the series will only be staying for the fantastic gameplay, but quickly forgetting about the franchise once they put it down.

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games™ Team
Top Critic
9 / 10
May 20, 2016

A visual overhaul gives new life to old mechanics

4.3 / 5.0
Apr 12, 2016

Ratchet & Clank is an upgraded version of the classic. It doesn't need to be much more than that, and what it does it does well.

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4.4 / 5.0
Jun 2, 2016

Ratchet and Clank packs a sentiment and graphically stunning punch, but remains imperfect beneath the surface.

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8.8 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2016

While I was left a little underwhelmed by certain elements of the story and the diminishing of Chairman Drek, Ratchet & Clank is every inch the game I hoped it would be. That the game is such an audiovisual feast is almost enough on its own to recommend this game to any Playstation 4 owner. Adding action-packed and compelling gameplay systems that reward at every turn simply tips the scale for what is an incredible package. This is a game that transported me back to my childhood and kicked up a storm of nostalgia. It is also proof positive that Insomniac have lost none of their sharpness, even after fourteen years of intergalactic travel.

Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2016

Ratchet & Clank is a return to form for the series, but anyone looking for something more than that may be disappointed. The game tugs on many of the original's addictive strings, but is also bogged down by a few slower, more passive segments.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 20, 2016

Ratchet & Clank for the PS4 is a great reboot that's worthy of your time.

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Apr 14, 2016

You won't be disappointed if you're looking for the tight controls the series is known to have: Ratchet & Clank controls like a dream.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2016

This might not be the best Ratchet & Clank title ever, but it still lives up to the series' reputation for tight platforming, enjoyable action, and peerless presentation.

Eric Zander
Top Critic
8.6 / 10.0
Apr 19, 2016

At the end of the day, it's hard not to fall in love with the new Ratchet & Clank. Leave it to Insomniac to maintain what made the original game so amazing 14 years ago, while still adding a modern twist to attract a new generation of gamers.

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