FIFA 15 Reviews

FIFA 15 is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Sep 23, 2014

FIFA 15 managed to bounce back from last year's lackluster performance with subtle changes in the right places. Playing the game brought back the exciting, tense and rewarding experience of scoring a goal again. We're are looking at a step in the right direction towards the next-gen soccer game fans deserve.

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Oct 2, 2014

FIFA is built on a bedrock of design decisions that have become geologic in their permanence, and as unconsidered as the ground we walk on. I hope one day they get rid of all the shit underfoot.

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Oct 1, 2014

Not much new for veterans, but FIFA 15 remains a deep well of quality that continues to improve accessibility to its sweet sport.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2014

If you've enjoyed FIFA before, 15 is a strong year, and you'll likely get your money's worth.

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Sep 22, 2014

It's a baby step rather than a leap towards perfection. Fifa 15 is still not entirely flawless, but then who cares when it's already the new best football simulation ever?

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Sep 23, 2014

Despite the obvious technical improvements, FIFA 15 fails to greatly differentiate itself from its previous incarnations.

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5 / 10
Sep 29, 2014

While EA Sports luxuriate in Ultimate Team wealth and licensing heaven, they're doing the bare minimum to maintain the series' technical aspects. FIFA 15 still plays decent football, but with the same (increasingly inexcusable) bugs and instabilities of the past few seasons.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 23, 2014

FIFA 15 received upgrades in all the right places: Presentation and gameplay.  EA Sports outdid themselves and have shown that the beautiful game is just that on the next-gen:  Beautiful.

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87 / 100
Sep 23, 2014

FIFA 14 was an impressive launch game last fall for next generation consoles. With a little more time under their belt the development team have managed to up-the-ante with FIFA 15. While the changes may not be as robust as we have seen in previous installments in the franchise, there is no question FIFA 15 has firmly cemented itself as the best soccer game on the planet.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 3, 2014

It can feel desperately unfair at times – bordering on blatant cheating – but the fact that you'll unwaveringly persevere speaks volumes for FIFA 15's distinct appeal. A must for footballing fans.

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8 / 10
Oct 2, 2014

FIFA 15 boasts everything that we've come to expect from EA's annual footy sim. All of the teams, stadiums, and modes are here, packaged alongside numerous alterations that don't promise much individually, but affect the game in a largely positive way when combined. The franchise can still pride itself on being top of the league, but it seems content to hold onto its position with rather predictable 1-0 victories.

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Sep 22, 2014

FIFA 15 may not be brimming with new ideas and game modes, but it is the most polished and enjoyable version of the football sim yet.

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Sep 30, 2014

EA has added several small enhancements to FIFA 15 that improves the look and feel of the game, but some minor annoyances still linger.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 17, 2014

There is nothing wrong with FIFA 15 and it plays great, but so did FIFA 14 and for the first time in a long time I cannot find a reason to upgrade. If you have FIFA 14 then just stick with it, you're not missing out on anything.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2014

There are some old bugs in the game that have yet to be fixed (you can still force a fullback into a corner too easily, the game freezes sometimes in the Career Mode pause menu) and there are a few things that keep the game from being perfect (no Brazilian league this year, lack of CONCACAF/CONMEBOL love), but, overall, this game is too great to pass up if you're a FIFA fan.

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Sep 30, 2014

With plenty of features, beautiful graphics and gameplay that is so solid it can turn you into a fan of the sport, "FIFA 15" continues its run as the best EA series and is easily the best sports game of 2014. Regardless of your affinity for soccer, "FIFA 15" manages to create passion and drama on the pitch that never feels flat.

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Sep 24, 2014

FIFA 15 is a great soccer game, but it feels a bit sterile due to a lack of creative thinking.

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Sep 26, 2014

It's not perfect, but FIFA 15 is the most exciting FIFA for a couple of years. A drift away from realistic defence towards more aggressive forward play replaces stolid midfield battles with end-to-end drama, and we still get all the great modes – including a stronger career mode and Ultimate Team – that gave FIFA 14 strength in depth. Most of all we get exceptional graphics and presentation, which make FIFA 15 look even more like the real deal on TV. There are wrinkles to be ironed out here, but this is a promising base on which a new generation of FIFA can build.

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Sep 23, 2014

While not as an impressive leap forward as FIFA 14 on next-generation consoles, FIFA 15 is still a solid package. The gameplay might have taken a sideways or even slightly backwards step, but at the moment, this is the closest to the beautiful game we have in terms of presentation and delivery. For now.

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8.4 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2014

Slight changes to the visuals and overall presentation paired with slightly frustrating teammate AI yield roughly the same experience as FIFA 14. Of the new features, none are significantly impactful on the core gameplay experience. If you are a diehard FIFA fanatic, you will not be disappointed. And if you are new to the series, FIFA 15 is not a bad entry point.

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