Gears of War 4 Reviews

Gears of War 4 is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4.3 / 5.0
Oct 6, 2016

Gears of War 4 marks a welcome return of the franchise for fans of the series. The shooting and cover mechanics feel familiar in a good way and the retention of splitscreen will get a hallelujah from fans. Storytelling isn’t quite as dialed down as the original trilogy and feels more like an appetizer, especially given the lack of a memorable big baddie. At a time when many games are dropping full-fledged campaigns, however, Gears of War 4 provides the best of both worlds for folks who like their robust online modes to come with a meaty story component with co-op to boot. It’s a much awaited return homemuch-awaited return home for series fans.

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Oct 6, 2016

Gears of War 4 is a solid and enjoyable, if overly familiar, entry in the beloved cover-shooter franchise. Veterans will feel right at home, while newcomers will feel welcome.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2016

Gears of War 4 is a satisfying, if not overly familiar, return to some of the series’ best beats. A distinctly dark campaign dishes out welcome surprises and disappointing repeats in equal measure, while its refined Horde mode and thoroughly engaging multiplayer round off a package that any franchise fan should be happy to rev through.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2016

Gears of War 4 is a worthwhile successor that brings back all of the brutal combat, addictive multiplayer and waist-high walls you remember in a terrific return to form.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2016

Gears of War 4 is probably the best Gears campaign so far, but it's saddled with uninteresting robotic enemies, a multiplayer suite that makes no concessions to casual players, and a loot treadmill that pushes microtransactions too aggressively.

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95 / 100
Oct 6, 2016

Gears of War 4 is the Gears revival that fans have been waiting for, and proof that the franchise is in the right hands.

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Oct 6, 2016

Gears of War 4 is the best Gears yet. Don't expect a revolution, but a refinement of all of the aspects that make Gears great, including an over-the-top, almost cartoonish campaign, and a kick-ass upgrade of Horde mode. It's also a flawless representative of Microsoft's new "Play Anywhere" and Universal Windows Platform initiatives.

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Oct 6, 2016

A cracking first effort from The Coalition, Gears of War 4 might be the studio playing it safe for its first proper go around with Gears, but it successfully manages to retain everything that's special about the series while re-igniting mankind's struggle for survival on Sera. That means there will be sequels. Lots of sequels. Fortunately, Gears of War 4 is a superb game, so if they're anything like this, bring 'em on.

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9 / 10
Oct 5, 2016

Gears of War 4 represents the next level of classic Gears of War gameplay.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2016

All up, The Coalition’s multiplayer offerings make up for an inconsistent campaign in Gears of War 4. Even then, and as much as I hate to admit it, what’s been presented has me eager for more – even though I would have preferred some resolution in this title, thank you very much. Gears fans will love it and newcomers should find enough to get them geared up – pun intended – for more.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2016

But comfort breeds complacency, and I hope that as The Coalition gains confidence in their take on the franchise, they continue to push. Gears of War 4 reinvents my favorite game type, plays cheeky at the best times and gives me a cast I can get behind immediately, rather than gradually. This isn’t a grand departure, but it’s a start; for now, that’s enough to keep me coming back game after game, wave after wave for more of what only Gears can do.

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Oct 11, 2016

Thankfully all my fears were disproved with the release of Gears of War 4. And even though the game still plays things close to the hip, instead of going balls deep into a new territory, make no mistake that this is a Gears of War title that does exactly what it was meant to do - Get you excited and have you smiling from ear to ear.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2016

First party franchises may not hold the same importance from a pure sales standpoint as they did in the 1990s and early 2000s, but they still play a vital role in branding. In-house exclusives are vehicles for advertising and product recognition. From big conferences to little banner ads on mobile devices, creations like Gears of War become pivotal elements in which the elixir of lure is concocted. It's Delta Sqaud, it's wearing amror with a bandana instead of a helmet, it's lambasting your way through any and all problems and forgetting to ask questions later, it's the Crimson Omen. This level of iconography would not have a pronounced effect if it were not proliferated by games that people wanted to play again and again. Repeatedly, Gears has provided the Xbox with a trusty destination for players looking to feed their inane desire for unadulterated virtual violence. And very few have done this better over the past decade. Fortunately for us brutish meatheads, the fourth numbered installment carries the flag adeptly and waves it heartily for everyone to see. The Coalition has done a fabulous job taking the framework principles of Epic Games and applying them to a project for the new machine. All the familiar gameplay aspects return with a few new tricks to increase offensive agency. Campaign is worthy of its ancestors and will probably prompt more than one play through for hardcore fans. Versus and Horde 3.0 both add tons of replayability and the presentation package is the best in series history and is contemporaneously adroit. Gears of War 4 will be one of the pre-eminent shooting galleries this holiday.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2016

Gears of War 4 is more of the same but that's not a bad thing. The campaign is fun to get through with a decent story and characters while Horde 3.0 offers some excellent action with friends. However, it's all a bit too familiar at this point and we expect a bit more.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2016

Gears of War 4 is a return to form and easily the best game in the series thanks to new weapons and an all-new class-based Horde mode that will keep you coming back for more.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 13, 2016

Gears of War 4 on PC is a wonder and will really make everyone happy: from the owners of the best PC pieces currently available on the market, to those who are still reluctant to upgrade their hardware.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2016

Gears of War 4 aims to continue the series with stride after a change in developer from Epic Games to The Coalition. Other series have attempted to continue after a change in director or developer, but suffered as a result, so can Gears 4 live up to the standard of previous titles?

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9 / 10.0
Oct 7, 2016

Gears of War 4 does not disappoint expectations and indeed significantly improves a formula already tested and almost perfect. The campaign features a new generation of heroes and stages a handover between the past and the near future, while the classic and more competitive multiplayer modes are rock-solid, fun and very challenging, potentially able to keep you busy for as long as possible. we can really quantify.

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4.4 / 5.0
Oct 12, 2016

Gears of Wars is back and new developers The Coalition not only pay homage to what came before but enhance the experience. Sure, the mechanics are almost identical to the previous games but with new executions, vehicles, defense building plus new enemies/weapons and you have everything you need for a great Gears of War 4 experience!

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games™ Team
Top Critic
8 / 10
Nov 7, 2016

It gets good once the blood starts flowing