King Oddball Reviews
King Oddball joins the increasing number of mobile titles making their way onto Switch; it is a competent, quirky yet basic puzzle game. It highlights the type of titles that the Switch can attract, for better or worse, and as cheap, whimsical fun, it will probably consume more time than you'd care to admit.It's not a bad game, but the hard to ignore mobile origins - and seeing what else is available and what the Switch can do - makes King Oddball a fun little distraction and nothing more. It's worth picking up if you have a yearning for a quick, simple palate cleanser, and whether you've previously become addicted to the projectile flinging / destruction puzzle genre, avian or not, there is nothing here that will change your mind either way.
Like many mobile rooted games, King Oddball features a very simple premise that is easy to pick up, but a real lack of level variety holds it back from being a really good game.
For some, the gameplay might get a little too repetitive too quickly, and the amount of luck that comes into it means that this game probably will make you angry along the way. If you can get past the need for trial and error, and just take this game as a bit of fun, then no doubt your journey with the King will be an enjoyable one.
The layout is different on each level, but you’ll mostly be relying on luck rather than skill. Still, this has a weird moreish appeal to it, and it’s got our claws into us again. Obviously, this type of title is best suited to smartphones or handhelds, but it’s so easy to zone out with it that we can see ourselves returning to it a lot over the coming weeks. Odd, indeed.
Sounding great in practice, the game is a lot more about throwing rocks at infantry than it is about blowing them up, which is exponentially less exciting.
For $7, King Oddball is not necessarily a bad choice. It's a decent simple game that can be played for a few minutes and then returned to later. There's a good amount of content, but most of it can get repetitive if players are not careful. It should be played in small bursts. But for fans of Angry Birds and other Crush the Castle type games will get some fun out of King Oddball.
King Oddball is an incredibly competent puzzler. While it's certainly not going to blow your mind, it will provide you with a couple of hours of rock solid, if slightly uninteresting, physics-based gameplay. Comparisons to its high-flying contemporary are inevitable, but a gleefully absurd premise combined with equally bizarre presentation go a long way in differentiating it from the competition. Hail to the king, baby.
A stand-out physics puzzler very much in the Angry Birds mould, King Oddball has enough tweaks and accessibility of play to make it a worthwhile proposition for most, though folks adverse to the charms of Rovio's avian slinger will find little here to change their minds.
King Oddball is a quietly charming, explosive puzzler.
King Oddball is fun, it really is. I could see myself playing this on my phone, or even my Vita, even though there are much better things to play on Vita. But as far as I can see, there is absolutely no reason to buy this on Ps4, and if this appeals to you, I would recommend buying it on a mobile platform.
King Oddball stands apart from its counterparts and that's an asset in a genre where there are too many games featuring unoriginal content. Thanks to its different modes and balanced difficulty curve, King Oddball is certain to be a good recommendation for short gaming sessions on the Nintendo Switch, even if it will not convince those who don't like the genre to open up.
Review in Portuguese |
While it will take some time to fully master, this physics-based puzzle title has quite a bit to enjoy with its many levels and varying degrees of challenge and extra modes.
King Oddball is a game that loses its luster really quickly.
Now with that out of the way, it's time to go see what all this fuss is about these "Wills" and "Kate" characters, whoever they might be.
If you're up for a good, addictive puzzler, King Oddball is a great value at $6.99, considering it's cross buy with the PS Vita version.
At first King Oddball seems to be quite simple, and you assume that there isn't that much to it, but oh, how wrong you can be!
If you can look past the missed opportunity that is the lack of motion controls, and the fairly simplistic gameplay, you'll probably find a title that is entertaining in short bursts. Don't expect it to light your world on fire, though.
The question will be whether you'll want to stick out the ride long enough to enjoy it all. That will ultimately come down to tastes, what you're looking for, and how you're planning to play the game. Using it to fill gaps in your day 15 minutes at a time would probably be great, playing for hours at a time probably not so much.
King Oddball is a fun arcade release that is easy to pick that is worth your time on Nintendo Switch. There is more than enough content to justify its price point, with well over a 100 levels to complete and a good challenge that increases at a steady pace.
King Oddball is a silly game that's fun for the short amount of time that it lasts.