inFamous: Second Son Reviews
If you're a fan of the inFamous series then there's really nothing to lose in playing this. For those new to it, inFamous: Second Son marks a fantastic entry point, and without prior knowledge of the games before it will in all likelihood be amazed.
Infamous: Second Son is yet another technical tour de force for the PlayStation 4, but one that's lacking in other areas.
Depending on your perspective, the biggest strength or flaw of 'Infamous: Second Son' is that Sucker Punch doesn't evolve the series significantly. If you simply want more of the same, 'Infamous: Second Son' is definitely on par with the first two games in the series and is a solid adventure. If you were hoping that Sucker Punch built significantly on the sandbox world and offered up a bevy of new options like an advanced morality system or a number of branching story paths, you are going to be sorely disappointed. But overall, it's a fun ride and definitely a welcome addition for anyone transitioning from the PlayStation 3 to the PlayStation 4.
InFamous: Second Son is good but unmemorable — essentially the diner food of video games. It's well made, enjoyable, safe, and it has a likeable cast of characters. However, it doesn't do anything beyond the expected, it lacks variety and reach, and there are a few problems, such as the lackluster morality system. In the end, it's a very beautiful but extremely textbook sequel.
Sucker Punch has struck gold once again with Second Son, putting the PlayStation 4's power to good use and providing gamers with a rich, satisfying experience. Slow start and samey missions aside, the spectacle of the main character's arsenal alone is reason enough for new PS4 owners to put this at the top of their shopping list.
inFamous: Second Son shows what the PS4 is capable of, and nothing more
In many ways, inFamous: Second Son is a lot like its sales rival Titanfall -- it doesn't do much that's new, but rather refines and polishes and balances everything that came before in expert fashion, providing new little twists and expanding in areas that had the scope for it to deliver a blockbuster experience that rarely lets you down.
I've only played through the good karma story of Delsin, but I'm definitely replaying Second Son again on the evil side to see how different the evil powers affect gameplay. As an added bonus, I won't have to worry about accidentally killing civilians to negatively impact my karma and I can attack all protesters and street musicians with zero guilt. And I'll get to dive back into those side quests once again to clear out the DUP out of every district. Forget working on my backlog this next month or so; I'm going to soak in as much inFAMOUS as I can.
inFamous: Second Son is a blast. It shoots from the hip and revels in its spontaneous, visceral display of power vs. power.
InFamous: Second Son is a spectacularly good time, and a great reason to pick up a PS4.
Infamous: Second Son is a great-looking game that definitely takes advantage of the PS4's new power and abilities. Unfortunately, its combat needs a bit of tweaking and the boss battles need shortening. Even so, you'll go through quite a lot of great moments in the new title from Sucker Punch.
All we know is that from Gameplay to Graphics, inFamous: Second Son is simply outstanding. The only thing for the series to improve on would be a little better writing for it’s next entry, and Sucker Punch are more than capable.
inFamous: Second Son still carries a lot of the weight of a last-gen release, but with the pretty coat it's wearing it's easy to overlook the few issues it has. Even those crappy graffiti mini-games...
inFamous: Second Son is a big improvement on many aspects of the previous games in a technical and mechanical sense, though it still falters in some of the same ways that they did.
Sucker Punch and Sony promised the world with this PS4 exclusive, but will there are foundations to all the hype and expectations or will this be super powered game that falls short of greatness?
Second Son is a fantastic game that improves upon its predecessor in almost every way but a weak story, repetitive side missions, and an even weaker cast of side characters keep it from being something truly amazing.
When you start the game you are welcomed with Delsin Rowe a graffiti artist causing mischief, Delsin is seen travelling along a warehouse roof towards a billboard. Here you are given your first taste to what the ps4 is capable of, you are given an on-screen hint to turn your controller sideways to replicate the action of holding a spray paint can, you are then able to move your controller around and paint on the stencil Delsin has placed on the billboard.
Infamous: Second Son is the first real reason to jump completely into the next-generation of consoles. If you wanted to show someone what next-gen can do, this is the game to show them, with great image quality and amazing lighting/particle effects on display. A magnificently-realized Seattle is your playground and players have a host of abilities to run, fly, and fight across it. Delsin Rowe is a charismatic protagonist and the Sucker Punch has pulled out all the stops on PlayStation 4 to make his first adventure a fun one. It's not perfect, but hopefully we see him again.