inFamous: Second Son Reviews

inFamous: Second Son is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Game Rant
Top Critic
Mar 20, 2014

'inFAMOUS: Second Son' is a gorgeous open-world super-powered adventure but one that doesn't innovate on the story or gameplay front.

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Top Critic
8.7 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2014

Second Son is a departure in tone for the Infamous series, but its superpowered action lives up to expectations.

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Mar 20, 2014

A beautiful game with a handful of interesting ideas that simply doesn't give you enough to do with its tools. Second Son is a great example of the PS4's power, and works as a decent stop-gap until bigger and better exclusives appear.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2014

For the third time, Sucker Punch has crafted a game that is worth playing through twice

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Mar 19, 2014

The gorgeous world of Infamous: Second Son is brimming with delights, setting you loose in Seattle to partake in fast-paced, inventive combat that's an absolute blast.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 19, 2014

Second Son is more of the Infamous you already know

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Mar 19, 2014

Second Son is a focused open-world game that offers terrific graphics and enjoyable abilities, but it would definitely benefit from a little more variety.

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Top Critic
Mar 23, 2014

Second Son provides a great example of how to transition a sereies to a new generation of dedicated hardware with a tangible sense of evolution in almost every aspect.

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Mar 20, 2014

Buy it if you have a PlayStation 4. If you don't, maybe it's time to consider getting one.

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4 / 5.0
Mar 24, 2014

inFamous: Second Son is the first next-gen game that signals we're in a new generation of gaming.  It isn't just the amazing visuals that make inFamous: Second Son feel so good, but also the varied gameplay and rich open-world of Seattle.

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Mar 27, 2014

'Second Son' is a blast of an open-world game with beautiful graphics and exciting superpowers, even if the moral choices are too simplistic.

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94 / 100
Mar 19, 2014

Infamous: Second Son is a phenomenal game, and a must-play for any PlayStation 4 owner. If you don't own a PS4, it's worth buying one just to play Second Son — that's how good it is. If you're looking for an open-world game with lots of side quests, a satisfying story told through groundbreaking animation, and an arsenal of one-of-a-kind superpowers, Infamous: Second Son has it all.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2014

Infamous proves that if you look good, sometimes you can get away with things other's cannot. It's not the best game in the world, and it'll frustrate you at times, but the visual splendour is such that you need to see it for yourself to believe it.

7 / 10
Mar 19, 2014

Second Son rations the good stuff, giving too little too late.

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Paul Tassi
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Mar 22, 2014

Infamous is a good game. I don't know about great, but "good" is enough to be the best in the series, and the best exclusive PS4 has to offer right now. With 100% completion and new missions to come there are plenty of worthwhile hours to be spent with the game, and it's definitely worth picking up if you're a fan of the series or the genre. The powers are innovative and a lot of fun, I just wish there was a bit more to do with them, and a more compelling story that perhaps took itself just a little more seriously.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2014

inFAMOUS: Second Son is easily the best game I've played on the PlayStation 4 and the best example out there of how amazing the current gen can and will be.

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7 / 10
Mar 20, 2014

Infamous: Second Son takes the series to the new console generation, but the ambitious power-stealing concept hews too close to previous games.

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6 / 10
Mar 19, 2014

The graphics are a great advert for the power of the PlayStation 4, but in terms of gameplay and story this hasn't moved on at all from the previous generation.

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Mar 26, 2014

Infamous: Second Son builds on the best of the previous games in the series, even while mired in repetition.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2014

Second Son is by far the best inFamous yet. If you're a fan of the series, then checking this one out is a no-brainer, and if you're not, consider jumping in with Delsin. You don't need any prior knowledge of the franchise to do so, and if you have any appreciation of open-world superhero games, you'll enjoy it.

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