Inside Reviews

Inside is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9.5 / 10.0
Jul 5, 16

There are some games that when you finish them, you think about them for a long time. Inside falls into the same category.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jul 14, 2016

Inside is a unique arcade that re-registers among the highest quality titles in this style. A great combination of playability, dynamics and atmosphere of the special world will offer an impressive experience.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 8, 2016

Those who were lucky enough to play LIMBO at its debut will find in INSIDE a worthy heir to that fantastic adventure that in July 2010 managed to surprise even the most skeptical and, in some ways, also brought that change in the way of labeling independent productions from simple "games" to titles with all the credentials to become real masterpieces.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2016

Masterpiece. A grim and very moving game that works on the imagination of the audience. If you're looking for more than shooting in games, you definitely can't miss Inside.

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9.3 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2016

Inside is original, meticulous, aesthetically flawless with its chiaroscuro, depth, photography, sound design, and gameplay. I would have loved for its mechanics to be fully developed. However, he earned a deserved place in the best of the year thanks to all his virtues. It is strange to discover enjoyment in what terrifies us and generates anxiety, but this game manages to generate emotions through not only its dark context, but with its mechanics. Few titles manage to do it. Inside succeeds in producing a fascination for the unspeakable. It is almost like the irresistible attraction to observe the forbidden, the obscene or the sacred.

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10 / 10
Jul 8, 2016

Inside is, in many ways, a spiritual successor to Limbo. It reiterates on the formula and design established by Limbo and polishes it to perfection. The game is full of thought provoking puzzles and a narrative structure that requires you to think, while also highlighting the negative side of the human society.

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88 / 100
Jul 15, 2016

Inside is dark, deep and deliciously bleak. Its ominous world speaks continually - even if it's never entirely clear what is being said. Its puzzles aren't mindbending, but they're duly affecting - extending the mechanical and thematic nuance nudged at by Limbo.

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Aug 31, 2016

A mature, dark and deeply immersive adventure dripping with atmosphere. Inside is a classic full of surprises and memorable moments.

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10 / 10
Jul 23, 2016

INSIDE pulls you in and makes you forget everything that was going on in your real life. A new benchmark for puzzle-platformers, a must-have for every gamer and easily one of the best games ever.

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Gamers Heroes
JJ David
Top Critic
7 / 10
Jul 15, 2016

All told if you do everything possible in this game you still fall well short of 10 hours, but at $20 it’s a novel puzzle platformer that definitely scratches the indie itch. Following up Limbo should have been an arduous task but it seems that developer Playdead has the ability of blurring the lines between art and video games inside its DNA. I for one feel like games like this need to exist in an industry bursting with more and more mundane AAA titles. Now if only it can take less than 6 years between games. Inside was definitely a very good game, even at times great but it was by no means a perfect platformer and was at best a pretty good puzzle game. What makes Inside good is the overall experience i.e. the tone, setting, pace and soundtrack. Definitely a must play.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2018

With a rich atmosphere, solid puzzles, good platforming, and a story that unravels in your mind as you play Inside is one of indie gaming's best titles. It's short and sweet, and it should be experienced by everyone who loves atmospheric and dystopian narratives.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Jul 3, 2018

It always feels like Playdead could have done a bit more with the gameplay by making it longer and having more complexity to some of the puzzles. Most people will feel completely bewildered when it is all over.

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Jul 6, 2018

Inside is a good game bordering on great.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2018

There are secrets to be found throughout the journey in order to unlock an alternate ending, so don't be afraid to fight the constant urge to move right toward the end. Sometimes, it's wise to try going left. Every so often you come across a game worthy of adding to the endless argument, “Are video games art?” INSIDE is one such game.

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4 / 5
Jul 2, 2016

Inside is bizarre, beautiful, dark, and one of a kind. If you look at it from the outside, you're looking at a simple, beautifully drawn puzzle game. But you need time and attention to notice how deep the game is. I finished the game, and found myself drawn to replay it, and that's a sign of how good the game was. if you own an Xbox One (soon to be released on PC) then this is a game you should never ignore.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2016

بی شک "اینساید" یکی از بهترین بازی های عرضه شده در نسل هشتم است. تک تک مراحل بازی و چینش مراحل معنا خاصی را دنبال می کند و اوج هنر سازندگان در این است که داستان بازی کاملا از طریق محیط و اتمسفر منتقل شده و تمامی معماها و چالش های محیطی نیز بخشی از بدنه داستان و فلسفه بازی محسوب می شوند. برای دارندگان PC و Xbox One تجربه اینساید می تواند مهمترین گزینه ممکن در فصل تابستان باشد.

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Top Critic
Jan 24, 2017

Inside is great. It does everything a good puzzle game should do. It is top shelf material and really should be played by anyone who calls themselves gamers. You can beat it in 4 hours, and feel like you accomplished something amazing. It can get incredibly weird at times, and actually intense and frightening.

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Aug 30, 2016

No missteps, no mistakes. Any way you look at it, Inside knows what it wants to be, while succeeding on nearly every level.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Jul 1, 2016

Puzzles vary from simple to gob-smackingly brilliant with equal frequency and often simultaneously

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9 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2016

Inside shows that Playdead has a knack for the short but powerful puzzle-platformer. The puzzles are logical and challenging, while the story is told well without a reliance on the usual things like dialogue and cut scenes. The balance between both creates a game that has a ton of memorable moments, and the flow is smooth enough that you're compelled to keep playing until you reach the thought-provoking ending. With a presentation that adds greatly to the narrative, Inside is well worth your time.

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