Spheroids Reviews

Spheroids is ranked in the 4th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
2 / 10
Jul 25, 2018

Overall, Spheroids can be best described as a game that's uninspired and unimportant at its best and a back alley dumpster fire at its worst.

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6 / 10
Jan 18, 2017

Spheroids is definitely rough around the edges and has a distinct lack of polish when compared to more well-known franchises within this genre. In saying this, the title still manages to provide a competent adventure platform experience that is sure to entertain players for at least a few hours. It is tough to suggest this over the range of quality platformers on Wii U, but if you're in the mood to eliminate some aliens this is nevertheless one to consider.

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3 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2017

At the end of the day, Spheroids feels like the video game equivalent fast food. And while there are plenty of great games with shallow experiences, Spheroids is pure junk. Like the Arby’s of video games, the game is a mix of ingredients that deserve to taste way better than they do, and should ultimately cost much less than Eclipse Games is charging.

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3 / 10
Jan 12, 2017

While Spheroids is relatively fun in its early stages and does the basics well, it ruins itself by adding in too much complexity too quickly without thought. The levels are formulaic, frustrating, and suffer from quite a few glitches and bugs, while the story is almost non-existent, the cutscenes awkward, and the ending abrupt.

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65 / 100
Feb 18, 2017

You’ll definitely be transported back in time if you used to play any iteration of Pang so many years ago.

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Feb 27, 2017

Spheroids is the latest riff in the history of bubble-popping platformers that started with Pang in the late eighties. The central concept is as mindlessly addictive as ever, while the audiovisual update is pleasing to the eyes and ears. Unfortunately the game is let down by being too short and too easy, while some unnecessary platforming gimmicks frustrate more often than they entertain.

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3 / 5.0
Jan 29, 2017

Towerfall Ascension is a very fun game to play by your own, but created to be enjoyed in the company of other players. The multiplayer experience is local, it is crazy and very addictive.

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8 / 10
Jan 23, 2017

I had a lot of fun with Spheroids. I was certainly interested in playing this one for our review since its art style and premise had definitely grabbed my attention, and I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that the game was even more entertaining that I expected! If you need a fun little 2D platformer for your Sony hardware, then be sure to give Spheroids a try!

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Nov 21, 2018

Spheroids is only a few hours long, but it's a fun experience that is a blast to play.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Jan 20, 2017

The most frustrating thing about playing an indie release like Spheroids is the feeling that the developers were not even attempting to create something fresh or novel.

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2 / 10
Feb 5, 2017

Unbearable technical problems, awful gameplay direction, complete lack of challenge, besides many others flaws, are more than enough to overcome the momentary good platforming sections that Spheroids can offer, leaving nothing but a frown expression on the players who tolerate the game until its boring end.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 18, 2017

For the most part, Spheroids is a fun platformer and Pang hybrid that older and younger gamers will enjoy. Keep in mind that all 8 chapters can be completed in a couple hours, at a cost of $7.99. This game is worth it for gamerscore fans, but I don't see many players coming back after earning all achievements. If you are looking for a unique game that doesn't overstay its welcome, Spheroids might be for you.

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7.1 / 10.0
Jan 7, 2017

Spheroids is one of the most impressive platformers that I played in recent memory.

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70 / 100
Jul 23, 2018

Spheroids is a title that dares to reinvent one of the great classics of the eighties like Pang! It's fun and combines quite well its mechanics. You can blame it for its arguable difficulty and for being so short, but if you're looking for an arcade experience, it's a good choice to keep in mind.

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4 / 10.0
Jan 14, 2019

Spheroids is a platformer that has an interesting idea, but blending two types of games together just doesn’t work well here, since the blend barely feels like a mix and rather just two formats stacked on top of each other. From boring level design, mildly interesting gimmicks and annoying music, this was a game that I ended up quitting out of sheer boredom alone, something that doesn’t really happen often, unfortunately.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2018

For the most part that’s Spheroids biggest problem, it faithfully takes some ideas from a variety of influences (including foreground/background action that specifically feels straight out of Mutant Mudds) but it really doesn’t do anything new with them. The platforming never really feels satisfying or inspired, it just breaks up the arcade Pang! action. Unfortunately, the majority of play inspired by that arcade classic also stays safely within the lines, never really breaking out and doing anything of note to stand out in that area either. While Spheroids offers up a reasonably good experience it never does anything to get out from the shadow of the games that inspired it.

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5.5 / 10.0
Feb 26, 2017

Spheroids seems to be done quickly, cheaply and 20 years too late. Yet, it's an enjoyable and relaxing experience. I'd recommend getting it, but only when it's on sale as it costs too much for 6-8 hours of gameplay and poor quality.

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Feb 14, 2017

At the core, Spheroids is a fun game that everyone can play and I really believe that developer Eclipse has the talent to make something great but Spheroids only shows fragments of that talent. Too many things break the fun part of the game, resulting in a fun experience albeit some rough mediocre parts.

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Jan 30, 2017

Whilst an entire playthrough of Spheroids will only take you four or five hours tops, and nothing put in front of you is likely to test any of your gaming skills, you’ll probably still enjoy the mindless ball popping mayhem that it brings – whether or not that statement says more about me and my gaming ambitions though is another matter. There are issues – most notably with the ‘shop’ which is fairly pointless, but should you be looking for a fairly cheap, simple playthrough and a whole ton of achievement gathering in the process, then you could do worse.

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