Outlast II Reviews
Outlast II creates a level of tension that has been very uncommon to see in a recent videogame. With great gameplay, amazing sound quality and outstanding setting, it becomes one of the best titles of 2017.
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Segments from Outlast 2 are forever burned into my memories, acting as much as a traumatic experience as it was an exhilarating one. The thematic elements present throughout make the game even more high-stakes, taking a toll on you as a moral human being. God doesn't love Outlast 2 – not like I do.
One of the scariest video games ever made, or at least it is for the first few hours – before it succumbs to wearying repetition and frustratingly unfair set pieces.
What, that doesn't sound fun to you? Me neither
Outlast 2 can't compete with its own legacy, and while it's still a decent horror game with plenty of scares to offer, there is nothing I can point to here that I could claim as an improvement over the last one.
Outlast 2 is an intense adventure that will keep you up for many sleepless nights. Red Barrels knows how to keep players on their toes. The game's heavily-scripted scenarios can annoy if you don't get the mechanic at play immediately, and are thus forced to repeat a section multiple times, but generally the formula continues to work in Outlast 2. This is survival horror at its most base level, where you are a mostly defenseless layperson caught up in a horrifying ordeal, who would feel lucky just to escape with your life. The wait was indeed worth it, and Outlast 2 should be on the must-play list of horror fans everywhere.
Controversially written and unflinchingly scary, Outlast 2 is a remarkable game that solidifies itself and its franchise as one of the greats in the genre. Although it gets slowed down by infrequent issues with AI and sequences that will feel familiar to series veterans, the end result is an atmospheric, dread-inducing, and contentiously biting narrative horror. Even more, above all of those attributes it needed to be terrifying, and holy hell is it terrifying.
The Switch version of Outlast 2 is not too different from the PC and console versions released last year, and that's surely something, even if some compromises have been made. Content wise, the game offers a new Story mode and not much else. At the end of the day, Outlast 2 is still a must-have for every survival horror fan out there.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Outlast 2 features audio that is constantly slithering up your spine and teasing you with a fright that may or may not pop out at any moment.
Without redefining the foundations of the original, Outlast 2 weaves an intriguing tale- paced expertly through environments that breed a sense of tension and paranoia only the best in the genre can muster.
I've never played a game that made me cringe and squirm as much as Outlast 2. Outlast 2 builds the type of tension and fear that I haven't experienced in a game for a very long time. If you enjoy horror, Outlast 2 will definitely leave an impression on you. Outlast 2 doesn't necessarily change the formula established in the first game but improves on the formula as best it can.
Everything, in Outlast II, is better than the previous chapter: the story is more deep and articulate, the levels are bigger, the enemies smarter... Well, most of all, it's even scarier. Strap in, it will be one hell of a ride.
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In comparison with the first game, Outlast 2 is a huge leap forward with a lot of advantages, such as the deep atmosphere, great graphics, sound, violence and an intuitive plot development.
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Dripping with Christian lore and barrels worth of red blood, Outlast II is a gruesome horror experience that never lets up.
Outlast II significantly ups the ante in the production values stakes, but its biggest sin is relying a little too heavily on trial and error in the gameplay department. There's an unsettling story here that wanders into some quite shocking territory, but the writing doesn't always sing from the same hymn sheet, and some murderous moments are delivered a little too frantically for the fiction to fully marinate. Despite that, there's more than enough good on offer here to tempt you back to church. Pull up a pew and prepare for a psychological onslaught.
Outlast 2 is visually beautiful, tense and boasts a grotesque but intriguing story. Unfortunately, the overabundance of atrocious chase sequences completely destroy any and all tension and fun the game has going for it.
Outlast 2 brings another horror-themed game to the Nintendo Switch catalog and while its ambiance, soundscape and plot are definitely worth checking out, the game doesn't quite rise above its predecessor in terms of overall quality. This is not to say Outlast 2 is not worthy of consideration, as its contribution to the Nintendo Switch is most definitely welcome but it's inevitable to compare it to the original and to think that it doesn't quite achieve its level.
Review in Portuguese |
I would consider it a must play if you're a fan of horror games.
Outlast 2 is more of an ordeal than the first, in terms of content but also gameplay. The story provides some momentum, but trial and error sequences will see many succumb to frustration (and many large pick axes).