RiME Reviews

RiME is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
May 25, 2017

This lovely-looking indie adventure game exhibits a wonderful sense of imagination and artistry and makes up for any shortcomings with a satisfying journey full of heart

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8.5 / 10.0
May 26, 2017

By design the game portion comes first, providing an evocative experience where discovery feels earned and the pacing is spot on. The meaning comes later, at the very end in fact, but in a way that enhances everything that has comes before it. And in the process, leaves both a lasting impression and a cathartic sense of closure once you solve the biggest puzzle in the game -- its meaning.

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Evan Slead
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
May 25, 2017

Rime captures the essence of adventure through its mysterious locale's various paths, inviting visuals, and well-designed puzzles, but it also seeks to use its gameplay mechanics as a storytelling device. While variety isn't strong throughout its run, the world created offers an experience that—at least for one playthrough—is worth taking.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
May 25, 2017

Tequila Works' RiME is an audiovisual tour de force that wants to astonish you with its beauty, charm you with its loveable protagonist, and move you with its powerful emotions. And if you give it a chance, it'll succeed in all three.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Jun 4, 2017

Overall, RiME is ok. It's a rather simple game wrapped in a beautiful package, but that's about the most that I can really say about RiME. A more open world feel would've been a welcome addition, as well as some puzzles that actual involve a tad more thinking rather than "Oh just open this door by finding this thing and shouting at it".

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May 25, 2017

The Wind Waker-inspired island world of Rime is a beautiful puzzle worth solving

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Top Critic
85 / 100
Jul 14, 2017

Rime is a wonderful adventure; it feels good and it takes you to gorgeous places. its something that you shouldn't miss and something that will remain in your heart for a long time.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2017

Rime was a good experience after all. It could be a lot better if they'd done some improvements and added somethings to it. Tequila Software's Rime did have a lot of serious issues in different parts of it but it is still a game that you can enjoy playing. I recommend playing to all the action adventure lovers out there; Although you have to bear with some of it's problems. If you think that is too much maybe you should reconsider your decision.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2017

In the end, Rime is a solid adventure game that is an absolute stunner in the presentation department. The puzzles may not be that difficult, and they start to repeat in the latter half of the game, but they remain enjoyable. The game also has a very good length, so the journey is enjoyable as long as you don't mind the sudden flurry of exposition at the end. Itmay not have the kind of grand mystery that keeps players coming back, but Rime is certainly a game that's worth playing at least once.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2017

All in all, RiME took me about six hours to beat. Still, I feel there're corridors I should have ventured through, caves I left unexplored, details I missed. While there's definitely a replayability value for collectors and explorers, I do believe RiME's main attribute is that of its narrative significance. The one that will invite you in the future to come back for more.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 9, 2017

Rime tells an impactful story with an engaging and smart narrative. While the gameplay isn't as admirable as its other aspects, thanks to its fantastic art design and amazing music, Rime creates an experience that  you want to start it again after the credit roll.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Top Critic
7 / 10
Jun 17, 2017

If you're into puzzle-adventure games, RiME may very well be up your alley. However, those looking for a deep story or a fully explained world will be left disappointed. At $30, it's best to wait for a sale unless you are a diehard puzzle gamer.

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8 / 10
Jun 15, 2017

I liked playing through RiMe, and highly recommend this game to players looking for a single player campaign full of puzzles and mysteries! The world is gorgeous, and the soundtrack is great at conveying that “on an island with no idea of what is going on” feeling. The art direction is stellar as you'll like discover while you travel in this world. I thought that the game was a little short for a $30 release, but your mileage might vary… but even so I still recommend it!

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Jun 7, 2017

It's an interactive metaphor for grief, and all those strange, complex emotions that all seem get balled into one when you're grieving. RiME is a beautiful game in so many ways, but this is what makes truly special.

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7 / 10
May 28, 2017

RiME is a piece of art, its great change from AAA games. With the beautiful visuals and amazing music that ends a long day with relaxing experience. RiME length is ideal comparing to similar games, if you fell in love with Abzu and Journey you will defiantly enjoy every moment of RiME and you may even find stuff that was inspired by them.

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Jun 5, 2017

A beautiful and relaxing experience that's marred by fairly simplistic, shallow gameplay and pacing issues.

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7 / 10
Jun 2, 2017

Rime is not an original title by any means as it hires a lot of its elements from other action titles on the market, and it even fails to add any innovation to those elements. That said, Rime still provides a very relaxing experience on a beautiful island.

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Jun 2, 2017

RiME's very enjoyable, but a soon forgotten game – something with superb eye candy, but one that delivers short of gameplay and originality.

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62 / 100
Jun 1, 2017

If visual quality is what Tequila Works had in mind, three years have been well spent on fabricating a stylish, truly wondrous environment, despite drawing obviously from previous adventure accolades. It'll likely underwhelm if approached explicitly as a puzzler, but Rime's brief tale manages moments of genuine poignancy. The PC port is in dire need of patching, however, if such charm is to survive.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 2, 2017

Fans of ICO and Journey, rejoice! RiME, as expected, is a great addition to the list of amazing story-driven platformers. But if you want full experience, avoid spoilers on the Internet at all costs.

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