Disgaea 5 Complete Reviews

Disgaea 5 Complete is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.2 / 10.0
May 16, 2017

There are only a few RPGs on the Switch so far, but Disgaea 5 is nothing short of one of the best. If you’re at all a fan of JRPGs or tactics games, this is a must buy. Even if you had it on the PS4, its inclusion on the Switch and portable greatness make it one of the system’s must owns early in its life.

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Top Critic
Dec 31, 2017

Overall, Disgaea 5 provides many hours of entertainment and a great on-the-go experience. If you like JRPG's and want a game that will last a while, I would recommend Disgaea 5. The great gameplay, plot, and character development will bring you great enjoyment for a long time.

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Alfredo Tovar
Top Critic
8.8 / 10.0
Jun 15, 2017

It's not a vastly different game but I certainly didn't expect it to be, nor did I want it to be. Disgaea 5: Complete is the pick up and go kind of experience I live for in strategy gaming and I couldnt be happier to have it on Switch now.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 20, 2019

Disgaea 5 is one of the best Tactical RPGs which has been ever made. This game, like its predecessors, offers a very good story with humorous elements. It also has a very deep combat mechanics and Item upgrade system which makes it a very good choice in this genre. However, like previous installments in the franchise, it is still a very complex game that may frighten newcomers. If you’re a fan of the series, then this is a must-buy, but even if you’re not familiar with the series, Disgaea 5 Complete is the best option to start playing this great franchise.

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Rice Digital
Top Critic
May 21, 2017

Disgaea 5 Complete offers the best of both worlds. The convenience of playing it both at the comfort of a large HDTV and bringing it on the go mean that this is one adventure you won't ever have to put down. If you already played the hell out of Disgaea 5 on the PlayStation 4 and bought the accompanying DLC missions, there isn't much new here to keep you entertained, but if you want to dip your feet for the first time in this rich and crazy series, Disgaea 5 Complete will keep you glued to the screen for a very long time.

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Jun 15, 2017

If you are looking for a massive SRPG for the Nintendo Switch, then you have to pick up Disgaea 5 Complete. NIS America is definitely going all in with Nintendo's latest console, and they have more games for it in 2017 and beyond, and I very much look forward to playing them.

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8 / 10.0
May 22, 2017

Plenty of competition for the strategy RPG dollar is out there – Disgaea 5 Complete hits Switch days after a new Fire Emblem on 3DS, after all - but Disgaea 5 is one of a kind on the Switch right now. It's worth picking up if you have any interest in playing on the big screen. Just don't download Nisa.

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May 17, 2017

This is one of the best tactics JRPGs you can play. It'll last you a long time, become more rewarding the more time that you put into it, and runs just perfectly on the Switch's hardware. You could not ask for a better portable game than this.

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9 / 10
May 22, 2017

Disgaea 5 Complete is a great port that not only bundles all the DLC in one package, it also manages to utilize the potential of the Nintendo Switch hardware to improve the experience from the original release of the game.

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9 / 10
May 17, 2017

Disgaea 5 Complete is a natural fit for the Switch, as the features that make it more accessible than older titles in the series are highlighted through the portability of the platform. While already an excellent SRPG in its own right, the DLC added into the core game both provides a definitive experience for series veterans, while also offering several slight handicaps to newer players. Disgaea 5 Complete's strategic depth and genre-savvy charms feel perfect at home or on the go, making it an excellent addition to any growing Switch library.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2017

Disgaea 5 Complete is the first full edition of these games on a Nintendo platform. With its fun gameplay and goofy storylines, I sometimes played the game for six hours straight. The various systems offer depth as well as accessibility for anyone who dares to touch it.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2017

Disgaea 5 Complete is a fantastic addition to the Nintendo Switch library since Nintendo's own flagship Fire Emblem series is noticeably absent on the system so far. You can see from my review of the PlayStation 4 version of the game that I love my time with it and found it even more enjoyable this time round, given the adaptability the Switch offers. If you're a Disgaea fan and own a Switch, then you should definitely pick up Disgaea 5 Complete even if you have played it already!

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May 22, 2017

I admit that it was a bit daunting to review a game like Disgaea after such a long hiatus. That said, Disgaea 5 Complete does a pretty good job of streamlining things and explaining new mechanics at a good clip. While not every little thing was explained to my satisfaction, I shoulder some of the blame, as I’m sure many aspects of the game would be far more familiar had I played any of the recent entries. While there were some frustrating aspects of the game, there is far more to love. The characters and plot were especially enjoyable, though I found myself more invested in Void Dark’s Generals as villains than the big bad himself. If you enjoy tactics games and own a Nintendo Switch, you get endless hours of fun for only $59.99. That’s not even taking into account all the DLC, which I didn’t even touch for the purposes of this review. I spent some 60+ hours and barely scratched the surface of all the content. NIS America has outdone themselves once more, and I’m happy to finally see Nintendo getting a little Disgaea love. I just hope this trend of 3rd party support from fantastic publishers continues. Now if you doods will excuse me, I have plenty more game to tackle!

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9 / 10.0
May 16, 2017

Still, for RPG fans looking for a fun strategy game with LOTS of content, or just someone wanting a long Switch game after having enough of Zelda, Disgaea 5 Complete is a must own, especially if you’re new to the series, since the story doesn’t connect with any of the prior games and you won’t need to worry about getting lost if you start here, or jump from an earlier installment like I did!

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Oct 18, 2018

Disgaea 5 Complete is the type of game that can easily provide hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of playtime, so there’s no reason to rush it. There is a near infinite amount of freedom in customization and gameplay tweaks that should satisfy RPG fans of any caliber. While I still prefer the thematical grittiness that Final Fantasy Tactics offers, there is simply no comparison to Disgaea 5 from a mechanics perspective. Seriously, if you find yourself enjoying the first few hours of the game, don’t be surprised when those single digit playtimes roll into double and triple digits before you know it.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 21, 2018
Disgaea 5 Complete (ACTUAL Game Review) [PC] video thumbnail
4.1 / 5.0
Jun 25, 2017

Disgaea 5: Complete was like finding a hidden gem for me personally and even if you’re not normally a fan of tactical RPG’s, I highly recommend that you give it a try. Beautifully simple yet complex over time, Complete is a game worth owning.

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Jun 10, 2017

While I have some minor gripes with the voice acting and graphics, Disgaea 5 Complete is an excellent turn based strategy RPG filled with humour and unique mechanics.

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3.5 / 5.0
Dec 6, 2018

This is the most recent and largest Disgaea game released. This game takes SRPG to its limit and produces an amazing experience. There is a ton of content and players can easily hit one hundred hours played.

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9 / 10
Sep 2, 2017

Disgaea 5 Complete keeps all the fun and charm of the series while making it somewhat easier for newcomers to jump in, which is never a bad thing to do. Just try and take the time to learn the fundamentals. If you already have the game and all of the DLC for PS4 then I would question whether you should jump in again purely for the convenience of portability, but that is a question you have to ask yourself. I genuinely hope that NIS bring more Disgaea games over as I feel the series can find a new home on the Nintendo Switch, it is absolutely perfect for this system.

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