Embers of Mirrim Reviews

Embers of Mirrim is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2017

A fun platformer that offers five to six hours of unique platforming, and a pace that rarely slows

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7 / 10
Jan 10, 2018

All told, Embers Of Mirrim is a delightful fantasy adventure with only a few notable flaws. It may be a bit on the short side and have some jarring bottlenecks that pull you out of your enjoyment, but it's a beautiful game to experience from an artistic standpoint. We would recommend it to anyone who has an appreciation for art in gaming form. Although the gameplay sometimes misses that mark, Mirrim nonetheless stands as a worthy experience for those that are looking to try something a little more thoughtful.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 20, 2017

Like the main character, I'm of two minds about it. Thinking back on it there were pieces I really enjoyed. But it was also the kind of game I couldn't play for more than a half hour at a time. Even when I was enjoying it, I could feel it overstaying its welcome. It's decent in short bursts, but marathoning it would just expose its warts even further.

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Jun 23, 2017

Embers of Mirrin delivers the best of platforming games and puzzle games in a single fun package. With brain teasing puzzles, platform jumping action, and gorgeous graphics, this game is great for anyone who wants a platformer built for current consoles.

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May 25, 2017

Embers of Mirrin employs a unique approach to the puzzle platformer, a two-stick mechanic that is both innovative and challenging.

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84 / 100
Dec 20, 2017

Mirrim's puzzles stumped me, left me scratching my head, and then made me feel like an idiot when I figured them out.

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70 / 100
Jun 1, 2017

When the puzzles and chase sequences are pulled off smoothly, they feel incredibly rewarding.

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70 / 100
Jun 1, 2017

When the puzzles and chase sequences are pulled off smoothly, they feel incredibly rewarding.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 17, 2018

Embers of Mirrim has a fantastic core concept: controlling two characters simultaneously in a 2.5D platformer. Developer Creative Bytes have leveraged this concept against a deep variety of puzzles and challenges, and wrapped the whole thing in a majestic, understated graphical style.

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7.4 / 10.0
Jun 22, 2017

Embers of Mirrim is an ambitious game. It combines visual storytelling with mechanics that make the player think about how to get through obstacles, and also has a touch of fast-paced escape fights that, while aiming to fill the moment with tension, ultimately falls flat

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8 / 10
Jan 6, 2018

Embers of Mirrim is a platformer of its own kind with puzzle elements and which makes a very original use of the two analog sticks that are part of the Nintendo Switch control scheme. It may have its frustrating elements but the game's benefits largely outweigh its shortcomings and is a very recommended game for fans of platform games who also enjoy a puzzle component.

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Jun 4, 2017

If you’re looking for something that combines both the platforming and puzzling world, whilst trying something a little different, Embers of Mirrim is for you.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
9 / 10
Dec 19, 2017

Abstract and downright mesmerising, Embers Of Mirrim is one of the most impressive platformers this generation.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Jan 17, 2018

Although Embers of Mirrim doesn't last long, it has some unique ideas and stays entertaining throughout.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2018

Embers of Mirrim is a solid puzzle-platformer with atmospheric visuals and storytelling woven into interesting puzzle segments. It's rather short and can sometimes be frustrating due to a few shortcomings, but the overall package is quite fun and engaging to play through once.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2017

Though it was hard to distinguish myself on the screen at certain times, I was able to prevail and truck on. With the top-notch visual design, I really enjoyed experiencing the atmosphere that the developers created. So whether you are jumping over chasms, pouncing on weakened bosses, or scratching your head on a hard to solve puzzle, you are sure to have a great time playing through this beautiful and challenging title.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2017

Embers of Mirrim is a solid puzzle platformer. The parts that involve individual thumbstick coordination can be tricky and frustrating at times, but the platforming and twin-stick puzzles provide just the right amount of challenge. It's also forgiving enough for all skill levels, so everyone can enjoy it without getting too hung up on certain parts. Platforming fans, Embers of Mirrim deserves your attention.

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Jun 13, 2017

I greatly enjoyed my time with the game for my Embers of Mirrim review. It's a solid platformer with a slight learning curve due to how you need to control both embers at the same time, but once you get the hang of things, it's a very fun experience. There's plenty to do, a Platinum trophy and lots of fun for less than $20. What's not to like?

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Top Critic
10 / 10
May 27, 2017

Embers of Mirrim came out of nowhere to be one of the best platformers in any console generation. It will give the player the sense they can do things they never thought possible, and the feeling of self-satisfaction upon beating that boss, finally crossing that tricky section, or reaching a new area is so profound here, it's stunning. Even if you aren't a fan of platformers, this one is a must-try.

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9 / 10
May 29, 2017

Embers of Mirrim is a fun puzzle platformer on PlayStation 4 with plenty to do and some clever puzzles to keep you busy until the end. It has a good trophy list and solid graphics and an excellent soundtrack, all for less than $20. You should definitely add this one to your collection!

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