Assassin's Creed Origins Reviews

Assassin's Creed Origins is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2017

A delightful game, full of things today that are very much an Assassin's Creed game. However it's still far removed from what an Assassin's Creed game used to be - for some this is good; for others, less so.

Top Critic
8.8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2017

A revamped design breathes new life into the franchise. Origins is the start of something great.

9 / 10.0
Nov 7, 2017

One of the year's better action games and well worth some time in its scorching sun.

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4.7 / 5.0
Nov 6, 2017

In conclusion, Origins successfully adds to the franchise of Assassin's Creed by delivering something fresh yet similar. It plays like a treat on the Xbox One X and thanks to the 4K graphics is easily one of the most immersive titles as you explore Ancient Egypt and its connecting lands.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2017

Origins absolutely achieves Ubisoft's goal of bringing back their flagship franchise with a bang.

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Nov 1, 2017

Assassin's Creed: Origins provides a solid foundation for the future, but a year off hasn't changed the series as much as you might've hoped.

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4.5 / 5.0
Oct 27, 2017

Assassin's Creed is one the greatest action-adventure franchises out there, though its hidden blades have been dulled of late from overexposure. After its brief sabbatical, Assassin's Creed: Origins enters the arena glistening in the Egyptian sun with quality and quantity. Whether you're a devout member of the Creed, someone who's fallen off the hay wagon, or even a prospective new member of the Brotherhood, this is the time to dig your blade deep into a succulent new Assassin's Creed.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2017

Assassin's Creed: Origins is truly unique compared to its predecessors, though as an Action RPG, it replicates many of the same mechanics you will find in its contemporaries. Regardless, it is a lovingly crafted world worth exploring.

Ray Carsillo
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2017

Assassin's Creed: Origins delivers a robust experience that mixes up the traditional Assassin's Creed formula in a way that's fresh and fun to play—but which also harkens back to the series' roots in some welcome ways, too. It marks an evolution fans might not have even known they were waiting for, delivering one of the best overall experiences we've seen yet from the series.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2017

Assassin's Creed Origins is a beautiful open world action-adventure game, a real reborn for the Ubisoft saga made possible by a fresh new combat and quest system. The story is passionate and the character of Aya is very cool. Perhaps the game is not perfect and had some trouble of game desing, but we can surely say that is very good and a perfect way to follow for the next chapter.

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Top Critic
9.7 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2017

Assassin's Creed Origins is a breathtaking sensorial odyssey. It is the MMO I have been waiting for without the MMO part and boy would my heart skip a beat if it were massively multiplayer online. Ubisoft has won a new superfan.

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Nov 8, 2017

After a year's absence, Assassin's Creed is back and it has been reborn. And I'll happily admit that I've got egg on my face, because it's better than ever.

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Top Critic
Oct 30, 2017

Assassin's Creed: Origins takes all the best elements of the action-RPG genre, and gives you a complete freedom to use them all in the gorgeous setting of the Ancient Egypt.

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8.9 / 10.0
Nov 12, 2017

This is one of the most realized open worlds ever created in a game and Origins is easily a Game of the Year contender. If someone told me that at the beginning of 2017, I would’ve laughed in their faces and gone to play Black Flag again. Oh yeah…and players can pet cats.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2017

I could wax on about Assassin's Creed Origins for a long time. For all its foibles it's a staggering achievement, and most certainly the best the series has ever offered alongside Black Flag. Those who prefer the dense city networks of the original games may bounce off it a little, but for anyone even remotely interested in the prospect of The Witcher and Assassin's Creed crossing paths, this comes highly recommended.

8 / 10
Oct 26, 2017

All in all, there's more than enough to give Assassin's Creed Origins a go. Revamped combat, a fantastic representation of ancient Egypt, and a world crammed with things to do, Assassin's Creed Origins is a return to form of the franchise that has us optimistic on what to expect next.

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9 / 10
Jun 7, 2022

Assassin's Creed Odyssey may have went bigger in terms of sheer size, and Valhalla has gone on to further improve and enhance the flow of combat - but there's no doubting that Origins' majestic setting, its characters, iconic locations and sense of mystery, have yet to be topped. With some absolutely belting DLC to get your hands on once you've wrapped up the beefy main campaign here, this is one game that we absolutely urge to you pick up on Xbox Game Pass. If you've already played it, it's worth jumping back in here for the 60fps upgrade, and if you're coming to this one new, well, prepare for an almighty Egyptian adventure.

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Oct 31, 2017

Ubisoft takes a few pointers from the open-world brothers with clear inspiration taking from The Witcher 3, Destiny and Far Cry. Robbing ideas which limit Bayek from having a signature experience, but in today's climate, I can take that because the 30+ adventure was a great one!

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2018

Assassin's Creed Origins takes the series in a new direction with more RPG elements and it's better for it. The game has a huge map with an incredible density of things to do which will keep you busy for well over 100 hours. It looks amazing and especially those playing on an Xbox One X hooked up to a 4K/HDR TV will not believe their eyes at how simply gorgeous it is. The production quality here is off the charts and I can't help but look forward to where the series might be headed next. But for now? I'll gladly dive back in for a NewGame+

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8 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2017

Assassin's Creed: Origins is not something that makes you fall in love with it and change the game for the AC franchise but it certainly is the beginning of good changes.

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