Assassin's Creed Origins Reviews
Assassin's Creed Origins is a pharaoh's tomb chock-full of shiny treasures for gamers, especially those fascinated with Ancient Egypt. The side quests may feel a little repetitive, but the credible, nuanced characters and diversity of the main plot make up for it. And with so much to explore and do in its jaw-dropping setting, Origins is exceptional.
If Assassin's Creed Origins is not perfect, it perfectly understood what it had to do to regain the hearts of the players and fans of the series. In addition to delivering the mysterious and fascinating ancient Egypt on a silver plate, in an absolutely gigantic open world, full of activities and secrets to discover, it succeeds in transforming its gameplay by brilliantly integrating RPG elements and completely renewing, with no less talent, its combat system. It will literally absorbs you for dozens and dozens of hours. Assassin's Creed Origins succeeds in taking care of its fans and its fundamentals, while starting its own revolution. We can only hope that the next episodes will keep this momentum.
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This is a big win for Assassin’s Creed. Just about every aspect of the game is better from combat, to hunting (thanks to Senu), to stealth play with a sense of consequence. Top it off with the memorable yet vulnerable duo of Aya and Bayek, and this sequel managed to go back in time while taking several steps forward.
Assassin's Creed: Origins is the best game in the series, but it's a mediocre action RPG at its core. In this sense, it both succeeds and fails at being a much-needed franchise shakeup.
Assassin's Creed Origins is exactly what the series needed. Changing up just enough elements to feel like a major difference in formula without ripping out the heart of the series, this is easily the best entry into the series in a long time.
Assassin's Creed: Origins is as much a departure as it is a homecoming. Revamped combat mechanics defibrillate the series with much-needed challenge. The guided open-world design encourages and rewards exploration unlike any Assassin's Creed game before it, and takes place in one of the series' most memorable settings. But at the end of the day, and despite some growing pains, Origins is a culmination of the best aspects of the series. And for that, some hiccups in the transition to full-fledged RPG are a fair trade.
Embracing a more RPG approach, Origins's engrossing open world experience is marred by persistent glitches and a narrative that suffers from poor pacing.
A welcome sea change for Assassin's Creed, Origins is not only a hugely ambitious open-world action RPG, but also a game that breathes new life into a series that was in danger of losing its way. Assassin's Creed Origins stands as a genuinely fantastic game and a remarkable achievement.
Assassin's Creed Origins changes genre to action RPG and that is exactly the direction in which it should follow. One of the best open world game on the market.
Review in Polish |
Assassin’s Creed Origins is the breath of fresh air that the franchise so desperately needed. It genuinely feels like Ubisoft took the time to really think about where the franchise was going and address the concerns that we’ve had over the last couple of versions. The combat is wonderful, the effort put into making Egypt feel authentic and interesting is everywhere you look and Bayek is a strong, emotional and sometimes flawed character that you truly root for.
The best in the series, by far.
Like real life, this game will overwhelm you. The key is to find your own way through it as best as you can, whether it's beelining straight to the next key milestone or taking the time to wander and discover both your neighbors and yourself. It's a familiar adventure, but not a forgettable one.
Despite some hard-to-miss flaws, Assassin’s Creed: Origins makes one hell of an impression. The game is such a big leap from AC Syndicate, the same way ACII was an improvement when compared to the first game. Fans of the Assassin universe simply need to play this game. Ubisoft proves that they still have something interesting to say in their biggest franchise.
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Assassin's Creed Origins brings Ancient Egypt back to life with the best sandbox world Ubisoft has made to date. However, a half-baked combat system and poor RPG mechanics sour parts of the experience.
Assassin's Creed Origins sets a new bar for the series. It brings a taste of tomb raider mixed in with the girth of a Horizon Zero Dawn and wrapped in a traditional Assassin's Creed structure. It will exceed gamer expectations and set a new standard for a series that needed life breathed into it.
I fell out of love with Assassin's Creed a long time ago, but Origins has recaptured the magic that made the series a powerhouse all those years ago. With its humble protagonist, whose outlook on life is clouded by relateable and crushing heartbreak, and a world so detail-rich, it's hard not to be floored by everything Origins manages to be. Assassin's Creed Origins is the definitive action-adventure game of the year. It's a wild power fantasy that satisfies not only a curious thirst for knowledge but both bloodlust and wanderlust to such lengths it's almost gluttonous.
Almost at the cusp of true greatness, but not quite there, Assassin's Creed Origins is nonetheless a rousing adventure that truly manages to reverse the franchise's momentum after the double whammy of Unity and Syndicate.
The best Assassin's Creed experience in years
After a year-long hiatus, Assassin's Creed returns with one of, if not, the best entries in the series thanks to its immersive Ancient Egyptian setting, engaging story and refined combat mechanics