MotoGP 18 Reviews

MotoGP 18 is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Jul 10, 2018

This isn't for racing novices; the aids take away the challenge but turning them off makes things brutally realistic.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 21, 2018

MotoGP 18 offers huge content through singleplayer and multiplayer with a new engine, better graphics, bikes and tracks that looks the most colorful, yet the style of gameplay can not combine realism and excitement at the same time and any player will have to make countless mistakes in each race before he can improve his skills slightly

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6.8 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2018

One step forward, two steps back. The MotoGP license have been developed with the Unreal Engine 4 for the first time with few notable improvements, but with the absence of previous modalities for a fairly limited offer.

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6 / 10
Jun 25, 2018

It's probably better to think of Milestone's latest release less in terms of a video game and more in terms of a product designed for MotoGP enthusiasts. It's stuffed to the brim with Moto Grand Prix-related details like racers, tracks, and commentary, and includes plenty of different options that riders can use to tweak their bikes and chase a podium finish. With that said, MotoGP 18 simply feels less thrilling than it should, mostly due to its underwhelming graphics, spartan presentation, and monotonous gameplay.

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5 / 10
Jun 18, 2018

The MotoGP series has long suffered from a lack of obvious progression from one release to the next. This time, Milestone has at least tried to do things differently and switch game engines, but right now that hasn't paid off. Last year's game was already supposed to be a transitional one, yet here we are with a game that is a regression for a series that was becoming a bit stale.

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Hobby Consolas
Top Critic
73 / 100
Jun 21, 2018

Milestone delivers great bike simulation, but it doesn´t show much improvement from previous entries, even with a new graphic engine. Despite of the official licenses (pilots, teams, bikes and tracks) we still miss some details and new game modes.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2018

After some years in the shadows, the official MotoGP game is back in pole position.

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4.5 / 10.0
Jun 11, 2018

Taking large strides forward in terms of accessibility, MotoGP 18 regrettably has a lot of issues and is undoubtedly a casualty of the annual format. Cinematic, customization and an enhanced career mode are all done to such a minimum that they barely make any impact. Fine tuning your bike has worthy detail with the tracks themselves being better recreated than ever before, yet this only goes so far. Extended loading times, washed out textures, and an unobtainable online infrastructure crucify what could have been a fresh start for the franchise. Worst of all, the personalities behind the sport have not transcended whatsoever – taking away one of its greatest assets. If released in 2014, MotoGP 18 may have held up (apart from the atrocious online) and even be considered innovative. Nonetheless, this is 2018 and with so many games on the market, one of this quality cannot be recommended.

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Jun 26, 2018

MotoGP 18 is a clear step forward from its predecessor with the previously used proprietary engine already looking dated.

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74 / 100
Jun 29, 2018

MotoGP 18 is impressive, as all of Milestone's games are, but that doesn't always translate to fun for general audiences. This title is a must have for serious Grand Prix fans, but lay people like me it comes off as overwhelming with a tedious learning curve.

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Chris Wray
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2018

It's an improvement on the previous iteration, even if only visually. Aside from that, it feels like the same game but ever so slightly improved. That's the real shame, the jump from Milestone's ageing engine to Unreal had a lot of potential. Considering everything, do I recommend MotoGP 18? If you want a motorbike racing game now, then go for it. If not, you may be better waiting for Ride 3.

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Jul 17, 2018

This racing simulator is good but not great. It’s a definite improvement over last years MotoGP17, but it isn’t all that it could be.

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8 / 10
Jun 8, 2018

Yes, MotoGP 2018 is only an update with some editing of its previous edition. But the job is well done on the important points that matters ; driving sensations, adjustable realism at all levels, and comprehensive content regarding the real MotoGP and its virtual transposition. This is as much at the level of the circuits as of the machines and the pilots. We can regret the lack of competition that has probably confined a bit to Milestone laziness. There is still a lot of room for improvements. But if you like the MotoGP, you will not be disappointed by this game that does the job correctly.

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7 / 10
Jul 4, 2018

Whilst MotoGP 18 represents a step in the right direction for Milestone and this series there's still work to be done for things to reach the next level.

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6.8 / 10.0
Jun 12, 2017

MotoGP 18 is the official game of the sport yet despite an extensive career mode and an overhauled engine, developer Milestone has only iterated rather than innovated.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2018

MotoGP 18 is a great racing game, powered by Unreal Engine 4, with all the bikes, teams and tracks of the official Championship. Milestone delivers an incredible racing experience.

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6 / 10
Jun 7, 2018

With Ride 3 just around the bend most casual fans might be better off waiting. Anyone returning to the perennial racer may not be able to help but have a sense of déjà vu.

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5 / 10
Jun 15, 2018

After releasing Monster Energy Supercross, it seemed that Milestone was destined for more and more success, but after the release of two incomplete titles, Gravel and now MotoGP 18, it seems that not only Milestone has lost its way, but also is destroying its reputation.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2018

There are some good things Milestone has done with MotoGP18. The controls are fun and realistic and I really enjoyed the career. But in whole, it doesn't feel much different from previous iterations. Still, it's a good choice for fans of MotoGP

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 16, 2018

This is a good first step for the series which is in the dire need of a reboot, but it still manages to falter with its essential gameplay mechanics and lacks in a presentation that is easy to see if you have played a lot of racing games. Nonetheless, this is still a fun racing game that should satisfy the fans of the series, but it is hard not to express disappointment over the potential even when the shift to Unreal Engine is a big one.

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