Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 Reviews

Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2018

The gameplay seems real football, but online modes and contents in general are too stuck with the past.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2018

While there are some areas where the game sadly hasn't changed since the last game, there's enough minute improvements that really bring this football simulator to an entirely new level. Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 is the definitive soccer game for gamers wanting that extra oomph in their kick, quite literally.

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7 / 10
Sep 3, 2018

That said, there are aspects of the game that don't need that kind of money to be made better – be it gameplay that's stuck in a weird balance of realism and arcade-y fun, the nonsensical transfers or the lacklustre presentation – but it's starting to feel like PES might have conceded one too many.

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Shayan Karami
Top Critic
84 / 100
Sep 1, 2018

PES 2019 might be the best football game already but the huge ad campaigns and exclusive deals of Electronic Arts with the well-known leagues will probabaly cause FIFA to be the winner, again.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Nov 21, 2018

Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 is solid enough in its footballing fundamentals, but it seems to have regressed in terms of its polish and immersion. Picking up nine more minor league licences is a consolation, but now that football games have reached a point of extreme high fidelity, with lifelike player models and animations, the fickle issues of its lack of aesthetic consistency is more jarring than ever. With the loss of the Champions League licence, it might have been expected that Konami would nurture the neglected elements of the series, such as the Master League, and the sloppy presentation and online connectivity issues. That doesn't seem to have happened, though. Consequently, it's difficult to sing the praises of the core gameplay as much as last year. That's especially the case as the AI isn't as sensible as it was previously, with too many reckless challenges and questionable keeper decisions. PES 2019 underperforms, despite its quality.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 2, 2019

The most important thing about PES 2019 is that the game has the "Football Soul" in it. if you are more attracted to "deep and real Football experience simulating" or "players individuality" than "team names" or "some license issues", then PES 19 is one the best football simulator games that has ever made. PES 19 is a game that every football fan in the world must experience it.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2018

While I can say, with certainty, that Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 is the best one in the series, I can also say that it’s still not as good as it should be. In theory, all of the problems for PES 2020 would be fixed by not releasing the game next year. Ideally, the next game should be PES 2021.

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Sep 12, 2018

If you are a fan of PES series, then you shouldn't miss it.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Sep 22, 2018

PES is always such a hard game to review and a frustrating one to score. Pro Evolution Soccer 2019, despite the issues mentioned previously, is by no means a bad game. In fact, this is a very good game. It is probably the single best representation of the sport of football that someone has created in the videogame medium. It represents the beautiful flowing moves and the tough as nails tackles. It represents the skill and movement of a variety of different types of players. It makes it a challenge to score great goals past strong AI defenders and rewards putting time and dedication into developing teams and tactics. All of this is wonderful and just what a football title should be. The issue is that whilst people can appreciate this for a few years, standing still is not acceptable when charging full price for a new version every year. There are some glaring flaws that need real focus and attention in order to elevate PES back to the glory days as the king of football.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2018

If you're looking for an online and varied experience with great servers that don't waste your time, I don't recommend PES 2019 to you. But if you're looking for playing with your friends and experiencing a highly realistic game, PES 2019 can be a fantastic choice for you.

Review in Persian |

Sep 25, 2018

'PES 2019' feels as though it continues to tread water for the series. The gameplay experience is brilliant and that alone makes it worthwhile for any soccer fan, but the lackluster feature set and missing licenses complicate its approachability.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 18, 2018

After some setbacks in this generation, PES 2019 represents the moment in which the series has resumed the path and is aligned correctly to compete directly. In PES 2019 no match is the same and each encounter will give you experiences full of emotion, difficulty and satisfaction. Despite the presence of some specific details, in general the new installment of the series is very well delivered regarding previous editions and it is definitely an option that you should consider, because the challenge and fun are guaranteed for the entire season. Yes, Pro Evolution Soccer has returned and that is great news for all of us who are fans of football games.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2018

A lot of game modes, great animations and tactics, but also poor AI of teammates and missing licence. Anyway still nice soccer.

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88 / 100
Sep 13, 2018

PES 2019 is a great soccer game, has excellent graphics and great gameplay, but it is still evolving and needs improving in some ways to be considered THE soccer game. The lack of licenses and innovations weighs on the purchase decision for those who have the previous version. Playing PES 2019 can be a lot of fun, especially for online and local multiplayer, but for the lonely player there are some modes missing and the challenges end quickly.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2018

Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 offers a great gameplay, which is full of unpredictable and magical moments. but despite this, lack of content and problems like bad commentators stop this game from reaching its full potential.

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7 / 10
Sep 7, 2018

Every year I see a major evolution From PES Production Team, but in return the continued loss of the real life football licenses "Teams Kit, Logo, Tournaments Etc" by the competition and the continued weakness of the game's Online servers makes this year Launch of PES 2019 Not So Impressive , but still does not diminish the fun of the gameplay and the realism that is developed in every part of the Pro Evolution Soccer Experience

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8 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2018

Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 is the most real football simulator currently available on the market, and it offers a great football experience to both hardcore and arcade players. Nevertheless, the same old problems and issues such as teams and players lisenses kick back in and prevent PES2019 from becoming the most complete football simulator too.

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Sep 1, 2018

I still recommend PES 2019 to anyone who is a fan of "The beautiful game" even if your favorite club is not licensed in the game this year.

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74 / 100
Aug 30, 2018

PES 2019 makes minor tweaks to the formula, mostly for the better, and still strives to offer its own take on soccer simulation. However, that alone is not enough to overcome the obvious weak spots that seem to grow more noticeable year after year.

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Tom Chattaway
68 / 100
Oct 11, 2018

The work that Konami have put into MyClub over the last few years is a clear indication of where they see PES going - we only have to hope that they appreciate what was once so compelling about PES was more than just spins and wins.

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