Resident Evil 2 Reviews

Resident Evil 2 is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9.5 / 10.0
Feb 3, 2019

All told, Resident Evil 2 is an utterly fantastic remake, reimagining a 90's classic for a modern audience with modern sensibilities.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2019

In an age of jumpscares, loud stings, and a lack of genuine unease, the Resident Evil 2 remake stands out in a way that few other games have. Now we just have to wait for the announcement of a Resident Evil 3 remake. Please, Capcom?

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10 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2019

As I mentioned at the top, every now and then there comes a game that defines a genre, a game that people remember fondly many years later. I feel that RE 2019 is one such game. To me, it belongs on the prestigious list of "perfect remakes", just like Resident Evil: REmake did before it, replacing the original as the definitive experience. If you're in two minds about the game, don't be - it's a return to form for the series and a shining example of what survival horror is supposed to be.

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Jan 22, 2019

If 2017’s Resident Evil 7 was a return to form for the long-in-the-tooth horror brand, the Resident Evil 2 remake is proof that Capcom never really lost its touch—it only lost its way.

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10 / 10
Jan 22, 2019

It's this combination of exploration, puzzle solving, and action that makes Resident Evil 2 a treat to play. All of these distinct gameplay elements come together in a natural, organic fashion that works well.

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9 / 10
Mar 23, 2020

Resident Evil 2 is a stellar remake of an all-time classic. It manages to perfectly combine old and new, taking the very best aspects of Hideki Kamiya's original vision and transplanting them into this comprehensive and thoroughly modern reworking. A staggeringly beautiful recreation of the RPD brings one of gaming's most iconic settings kicking and screaming into the 21st century, and a new control scheme and plethora of quality-of-life improvements combine to make this one of the most satisfying and hugely replayable Resi games in the entire franchise.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Feb 5, 2019

Capcom has undoubtedly succeeded in the arduous task of renewing one of the most beloved chapters of its brand, so much so as to give hope in the same reconstruction work for the other episodes: on the other hand, with such a remake, it is easy to win the approval of the general public, whether they are long-time fans or people who try Resident Evil 2 for the first time.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

A fantastic remake of one of the best survival horror movies ever. Resident Evil 2 is a love letter to old school fans and a great suggestion for new ones in the topic.

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Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2019

The remake of Resident Evil 2 is an infinitely frightening experience that flows in an extraordinary atmosphere and benefits so much from valuable gameplay that we can repeat over and over again in the form of its two main characters.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Apr 5, 2020

Two decades after the release of the original trip into the biohazardous universe of Resident Evil, Capcom delivers the best instalment yet. The world you'll be thrown in is a dangerous one, and it doesn't just look the part, but also makes you feel the thrill of being a survivor like never before, as each bullet shot, each item found, and each decision taken, can make the difference between life and death. Simply put, remake or not, this is survival horror at its best.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
9 / 10
Feb 5, 2020

Not for the faint of heart, but a survival horror masterpiece nonetheless, Resident Evil 2 sets a standard for good horror, good action, and damn good game design.

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ThisGenGaming Reviews
Top Critic
10 / 10.0
Jul 17, 2019

Yes, Resident Evil 2 Remake is stacked with content, and so highly replayable that I completed both Leon and Claire’s 1st/2nd runs along with 2 other playthroughs because this game is that good! I’ll be shocked if this game DOESN’T end up as my Game Of The Year 2019.

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Top Critic
95 / 100
Feb 6, 2019

Looking for a great Resident Evil game or just a scary masterpiece? In that case Resident Evil 2 is all you need.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2019

Resident Evil 2 is a wonderful recreation of a believed original that, not only recaptures the glory of that game, but also improves upon it from a visual and gameplay standpoint. All in all, don't miss out on this one.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 30, 2019

This should be taken as example by any company that wants to develop remakes. We again remembered why we love Resident Evil 2 so much and this surely raises the bar for genre. Looking forward to see more RE remakes.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 7, 2019

The remake of Resident Evil 2 is the ultimate survival horror experience that takes Mikami’s successful formula and shapes it to greatness. Resident Evil 2 remake is so good that I personally hope that Capcom focuses more on remakes instead of making new RE titles.

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Pardis Game
Erfan Haeri
Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Feb 8, 2019

Resident Evil 2 Remake presents exactly what has been lost in this franchise and now Capcom made the "going back to the roots" a reality. Thanks to its deeper story and characterization, innovation in zombie destructibility, intense and scary atmosphere and flawless gameplay, Resident Evil 2 goes beyond a remake and becomes a game that can exist and live alongside the classic version for years

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10 / 10
Feb 1, 2019

While the game lacks in more open environments with several sections coming out as just hallways, it still nails it with its bleak tone, fantastic enemies, and groundbreaking characters. In short, Resident Evil 2 is a “must have” for any survival horror fan.

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Top Critic
10 / 10
Jan 31, 2019

Resident Evil 2 on PlayStation in 1998 was one of the most enjoyable survival-horror games ever released. The remake continues that tradition and improves on all the aspects that made it great and the result is what could be the best Resident Evil ever made. It may even be the best horror title ever made just going by the sheer level of craftsmanship and detail. Is it the scariest? It is scarier than the 1998 original, but on current platforms such as PlayStation 4 one would be hard-pressed to find anything that's even half of its calibre. This is one that keeps on giving; highly repayable and full of interesting ways to keep playing, even after completing two campaign variations.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 1, 2019

Nothing negative can be said regarding the game, except for the difficulty and sense of dread and helplessness you get sometimes, but then again, that is the recipe for a good survival-horror title!

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