Doom Eternal Reviews
As the credits rolled after a final boss fight to remember, all we had in our minds was “that was epic”. And that’s exactly what DOOM Eternal is: epic.
Doom Eternal absolutely delivers on all-fronts by blasting us with one of the most intense and satisfying single-player shooter campaigns in years.
DOOM Eternal is a game I've been looking forward to since before it was even announced. The cliffhanger ending of DOOM 2016 left me wanting more, I waited and hoped for story DLC which never materialised, and now in 2020... my patience has been rewarded. DOOM Eternal was everything I wanted and more. I can wholeheartedly recommend it, although that goes without saying. After all, it's DOOM - who can say no to that?
The annoying self-aware memes can be ignored, and if you don’t care for Doom guy depicted in third person cutscenes, they are easily skipped. Doom Eternal lives up to its name in proving that it is going to be here for a long time.
DOOM Eternal is an absolutely insane roller coaster ride of emotions, and is a truly fantastic game.
Doom Eternal not only will need you to dance in the environment and madness, but this time it will move the boundaries of madness for you, and well, if you're looking for the same thing, it's made for you!
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The premise of the Doom Eternal is simple. Demons start cropping up and it's your job to shoot them. The series' soft reboot Doom (2016) set the...
Doom Eternal's core shooting is strong thanks to grand weapons and enemy variety, but it buries the action under irksome resource management and stilted combat arenas. The bland multiplayer and silly platforming only hurt it more, driving this sequel below previous games in the series.
DOOM Eternal is one of the finest and most amazing first person shooter games of this generation. It's not just a good game, but a huge DOOM universe, full of demonic creatures, blood and metal tracks. Though sometimes it can be a little overcomplicated, but the final result is a fast, exciting and super fun experience that can both satisfy the old fans and attract the new ones.
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Ultimately, once you have completed the game, what’s going to stay with you is the wholesome experience of shredding through endless demons, and not a few ups here and downs there.
DOOM Eternal is the smartest FPS game in recent years and it is a fantastic technical achievement for id Software and the whole gaming industry
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DOOM Eternal offers a solid, challenging and addictive single-player campaign. The new mechanics for movement are good and make the gameplay even more frantic. The storyline can be a little confusing if you are unaware of the previous games, but fans will enjoy it. The multiplayer mode, however, leaves something to be desired - it is interesting in theory, but its execution is poor and appears to be quite unbalanced.
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Apart from the platform elements, it is a magnificent blood bath.
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DOOM Eternal is an adrenaline shot of pure, hyper-intense action that will constantly keep you on your toes.
DOOM Eternal is as satisfying to play as bewitching to admire and hypnotic to listen to, and in fact it is a candidate for arrogance to be one of the best first-person shooters available in this generation. DOOM is back, long live DOOM!
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Great experience no less than the previous entry, a combat system delivers high excitement that it'll make you play non-stop. Expected overall improvements but other things could've been better like complicated upgrading systems and controls, and some of the bosses fights.
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Doom Eternal is not only a superb shooter, but carries the DNA of some of the best works by Id Software, and takes the studio back to the good old days of the 90s.
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The joy accompanied me from the first grasp of the controller in the paw, because DOOM Eternal is a masterful combination of gameplay and dynamics with content, sound and setting.
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Supremely difficult, extremely rewarding and, above all else, absolutely unrelenting, id Software has once again set the bar for the hyper-violent twitch shooter genre with Doom Eternal.
DOOM Eternal takes the hugely solid foundations laid down in 2016's excellent franchise reboot and adds more of absolutely everything. This is a bigger, faster, funnier, more relentless and endlessly replayable game than its predecessor and it's one that gives you a ton more variety in how you go about dishing out death to the hordes of hell that await you across its meaty single player campaign. It looks stunning, plays beautifully and is quite simply one of the most strategic, intense and hugely satisfying first-person shooters we've ever played.