Luigi's Mansion 3 Reviews

Luigi's Mansion 3 is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2019

Luigi's Mansion 3 is highly enjoyable and one of the best adventure games available on the Nintendo Switch. It is full of intricate level design, diverse boss fights, and a co-op mode that is the perfect gift for parents looking to spend some time with their kids.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Top Critic
8 / 10
Nov 4, 2019

While it's about as scary as a Disney Halloween movie, Luigi's Mansion 3 is still a joy to play. First-timers and veterans alike will find their time well spent here.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2019

Luigi's Mansion 3 is a charming, delightful and enjoyable game. It doesn't break any molds or do anything particularly new, but it executes the gameplay with almost perfect precision. The only really flaw is the lackluster combat, which is at odds with the rest of the excellent experience. If you enjoyed the original Luigi's Mansion or are looking for a fun adventure with a certain green plumber, this is the game for you.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2019

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a game that will satisfy those who have enjoyed the past 2 adventures of this coward plumber. Next Level Games took what worked in Dark Moon, combined it with the best of the first installment and let their creativity flow in other branches to deliver what I think is the best Luigi’s Mansion to day.It is a shame that its pacing is not ideal for a game of its kind, but that does not prevent it from being a high quality product.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2019

Luigi's Mansion 3 offers the best gameplay in the series, a lot of content, and fun puzzles.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Oct 28, 2019

Luigi's Mansion 3 delivers up to its expectations, and builds on the first two entries in the series. It has the right level of challenge, varied locales, brilliant animation and comedy. The downfalls are that the base game is relatively short and the free multiplayer can get boring after a while. Nonetheless this looks superb right down to the charming characterisation of Luigi's face, or the stunning environments, and it is well worth a buy.

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80 / 100
Oct 28, 2019

Luigi's Mansion 3 brings the franchise back from slumber without skipping a beat, offering tightly designed gameplay mechanics, enticing exploration, and the typical Nintendo charm.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2019

The ScareScraper is a lovely time as well, though with content being strapped back for a singular, clean game mode. Players who want to continuously enjoy the game might be better off trying to 100% the Story Mode. The collectibles are nicer to deal with now, which makes exceeding those initial ten hours not even a problem. Oh, and that Slam attack is pretty incredible as well.

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Oct 29, 2019

Boiled down it's a fairly simple riff on GhostBusters, but Luigi's Mansion has been produced with such a sense of humour and eye for detail that it has a personality and uniquely Nintendo quality all of its own.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2019

An enjoyable adventure full of great ideas, unique locations and amazing atmosphere. It's really difficult to stop playing until you find all of the secrets and suck up all the junk into your multifunctional Poltergust.

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8.7 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2019

Games don't get much more enjoyable and funnier than Luigi's Mansion 3.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2025

Luigi’s Mansion 3 una experiencia divertida y sin igual, que vale la pena jugar en Nintendo Switch. Cada uno de los sitios del hotel, ofrece algo que descubrir y hace que la exploración, se vuelva algo apasionante.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2019

Luigi's Mansion 3 treats the player to a meaty singleplayer adventure, with beautiful environments, a plethora of different enemies and cool puzzles. Afterwards you can even play the game with friends. The fun does get spoiled a bit by a less than ideal camera and clunky controls however. Still, it's a game that can be enjoyed by young and old alike!

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Oct 28, 2019

Luigi's Mansion 3 is a magical return to the franchise which newcomers and old-school fans will delight in. Filled with adventure and spooks, the sequel brings back what fans loved about the series' first game. Luigi has never felt more loved in a game before, even when he's been put through seven layers of ghostly hell, and fans will enjoy the game even in its most frustrating moments.

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4 / 10
Nov 21, 2021
Luigi's Mansion 3 Review video thumbnail
8 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2019

Luigi's Mansion 3 is a painstaking production and not just in the renewal of gameplay elements. What matters more is that not only some new mechanisms are added, but they are used in such a way that they contribute to the creation of a complete experience.

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90 / 100
Nov 5, 2019

For veterans of Luigi’s “horror” escapade, Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a huge breath of fresh air thanks to its Gooigi mechanic and hotel level layout filled with innovative surprises and secrets. For newbies, you’re in for one heckuva G-rated spooky adventure that’s basically a Ghostbusters game you’ve always craved for since that one game from Activision back in 2009.

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Nov 14, 2019

In the end, I did still have a great time with Luigi’s Mansion 3, despite the quirks I ran into. Sure it’s not perfect, but fans of the series should be happy, and you still get a lot of game for $59.99. I’m happy this is a Switch exclusive, since it has that trademark Nintendo magic. While I would like it if the overall experience was a bit more polished, I still had a lot of fun exploring the Last Resort. Also, Polterpup and E. Gadd are now some of my favorite Nintendo characters. The puppy is easily the MVP of the entire game, an adorable rescue animal to help the constantly flustered plumber. And E. Gadd is delightfully strange and just twisted enough that I kind of want him to become a villain in the next game. Overall, I’d say this one is worth the price of admission. Here’s hoping it’s not the last haunted adventure of Luigi and company.

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Oct 29, 2019

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is arguably the best entry for the series.

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Geeks Under Grace
Adam Mueller
8.5 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2019

While not perfect, Luigi's Mansion 3 is a great introduction into the series, and a game any Mario fan may enjoy.

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