Luigi's Mansion 3 Reviews
I for one cannot wait to take my next vacation back to the mansion, and dive deep into every nook-and-cranny, to the title’s absolute completion. It certainly is one that deserves the time, just as much time and effort as Nintendo have put into making this title, and serving it to it’s fans like five star, hotel room service should. Luigi’s Mansion 3 is one of the best video game experiences of 2019, and should undoubtedly be in the same conversation for Game of the Year.
Luigi's Mansion 3 is another Nintendo game that brings an incredible amount of charm and ideas with it, which lets the tried and tested game principle shine out of puzzles, exploration and fighting. Every floor is full of loving details and secrets, in which ambitious players are occupied for a long time. The title has to endure small deductions in the B-note at the controls, because I had the problem from time to time to turn in the right direction with Luigi when things got hectic. Still a 'must have' for Christmas.
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Luigi's Mansion 3 is the best game of the series and another excellent addition to Nintendo Switch's vast roster of exclusive titles.
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Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a perfect example of a “Nintendo Game.” It’s simple, yet complex. Engaging, fun and perfectly paced. It’s an absolutely riotous good time and once again, shines the light on Luigi, Nintendo’s most interesting and well-developed Mario brother.
If you can tolerate your puzzle boxes beautifully rendered and charming rather than merciless, or just want to have a pleasant experience playing alongside a spectator, I suppose you could do worse than Luigi's Mansion 3.
Looks and sounds like an animated movie, that happens to be interactive and hella fun to play.
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"Paradise hotel."
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Luigi's Mansion 3 is an outstanding game that is a joy to play. The newly added gameplay mechanics makes the game feel fresh and new. By no means is Luigi's Mansion 3 "Boo-ring"!
uigi's Mansion 3 is the perfect mix between spooky and fun gameplay, suitable for fans of any age. The mass amount of variation continuously keeps the game feeling fresh as you play. The option for co-operative play also adds another layer to the game, increasing the replayability further. From the gorgeous graphics to the fantastic music, Luigi’s Mansion 3 is nothing but an enjoyable experience.
In his third appearance as a ghost hunter Luigi experiences his biggest, most beautiful and best adventure so far! Next Level Games stage an incredibly loving horror holiday with the charm of an animated film and an impressive attention to detail from beginning to end. For me, Luigi's Mansion 3 is one of the switch highlights of 2019.
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Luigi’s Mansion 3 is an absolute treat, even if it’s fairly basic.
A refreshingly fun and pure experience that constantly surprises and amuses the player.
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If you can overcome (or somehow master) the imperfect controls of Luigi’s Mansion 3, you will be presented with the best Luigi’s Mansion experience available. The entire game is brimming with charisma, through the soundtrack, set pieces, and cinematic moments of grandeur. I have felt comfortable combing through each floor at a leisurely pace, my four-year-old excitedly watching over my shoulder every step of the way. Fans of the series shouldn’t be dismayed by the sixty dollar price tag, either. This game is both lengthier and meatier than either of its counterparts, and there is plenty to do and see for casual players and completionists alike.
While imperfect and still missing some of what made the original game a total masterpiece, it is both a worthy successor and a game worth waiting 18 years to finally have.
Luigi’s Mansion is another testament to Luigi, thus proving that you don’t need Mario to make a great game. Luigi proves that he can be the hero and even save Mario from time to time. The game like any other will have some quirks that some may not enjoy, but it still stands as an enjoyable experience overall. Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a fun, beautifully designed, and charming game that will be a must-have this holiday season.
The game serves as a genre that stands alone. Horror-Comedy-Platform-Puzzler just about does it justice. The developer does a truly wonderful job of establishing a learning curve that will attract players of all ages, albeit the puzzles may be a little challenging for a younger audience. There is a local Co-Op available for a 2nd player to assume the role of Gooigi. After all two brains are better than one, and my eight-year-old son absolutely loved it!
Luigi's Mansion 3 has a completely solid setup for another ghost hunt. The hotel environment makes every floor stand out, the bosses and basic enemies feel like a great mix of the last two games, and Luigi himself really shines. It's a ghastly great time.
As you progress through the game, the story is about luigi trying to rescue his friends, who have all been put into picture frames. So armed with his handy Polterguster 3-00, the third of its kind, handy as this is the third game in the series. Luigi progresses through the hotel, one floor at a time, gaining access to the next floor of the hotel once the previous "boss" ghost of each floor has been sucked up and dropped the floor button for the lift. Each floor has its own theme to do with the hotel, but personally I believe that Nintendo run out of hotel themed floors, or didn't want people to just keep inspecting random hotel rooms filled with beds for the whole game. So when you reach floor 4 and higher, the rooms becomes different each time with some ranging from museums, film studios, to even a full on pyramid. This makes the game so intriguing to find out what awaits you on each floor.
GREAT - Luigi’s Mansion 3 features stellar graphics and amazing music, creating a charmingly spooky experience that’s dying to be explored. Each floor features unique environments and stylish ghosts that are fun to interact with. Awkward controls that may take some getting used to and weak rewards for solving puzzles (money that serves little purpose) drag down what is otherwise an excellent candidate for Switch game of the year.